Genshin Impact: The Great Evil Dragon’s Death System

Chapter 52 Looking at someone who is not like a king

The dragon's nest looks like a palace on the outside. There are two huge stone dragons outside, holding lume crystals in their mouths, shining with blue-white light.

There is a magnificent porch at the main entrance of the palace. The porch is topped with tall pillars and carved with reliefs of dragons, showing the artistic aesthetics of the dragon tribe.

There is a balcony on the upper floor of the palace, with eight majestic rock dragon lizards guarding the surroundings, protecting the owner of the rock to watch the battle in the Colosseum.

On the Dragon Nest stand, there is a young emperor wearing white armor on the main seat, with a golden crown of the Dragon King on his head. There is a pair of small horns made of stone amber behind the dragon horns, and there is a branch-shaped tail on his hip. , the arms are inlaid with scale-shaped arm armor.

The young man was handsome and unrestrained, but full of gangster spirit. He stepped on the railing and shouted to Qiuqiuyan Helm King, "Come on." He wanted to jump down and get on by himself.

"Oh! Rock Helmet King can't do it! He has to lose money again. It seems that next time he will have to let Lao Gu do it."

Jing Fantian was a little worried. When doing business, she was afraid of meeting people like this who couldn't even check and balance the rules. Beidou got stronger as she fought. Giant slimes and giant rock dragon lizards were no match for her.

Everyone is not a fool. They know the intention of the Colosseum to control the field. Only at this time do they place crazy bets.

The elegant black and blue beauty sitting next to her smiled: "That ancient rock dragon lizard of yours has immortal-level combat power. Wouldn't it be a violation of the rules to let him end up?"

Jing Fantian looked sinister: "What's wrong with breaking the rules? I set the rules, but the outcome is still uncertain, so I have to fight hard. Sister Bao'er, did you put any medicine in Beidou's drink?"

Sister Bao'er stood aside with the paperwork. This former eldest sister of the treasure-thief group has now become Jing Fantian's secretary.

Sister Bao'er nodded, with a fierce look on her face: "What qualifications does a Liyue person have to claim to be the uncrowned Dragon King? This time I gave her a heavy dose of medicine to discredit her."

Jing Fantian gave an evil smile: "Hmph, I'm going to make those guys lose their pants and dig in the rock abyss until they die."

Ye Lan said helplessly: "What a complete evil dragon. I feel really sad for those guys."

Ye Lan took a sip of juice and continued to watch the battle in the Colosseum. She was entrusted by Qixing to monitor Jing Fantian, fearing that he would mess up. In addition, he also took a share of Jing Fantian's salary to help him investigate mysterious events that happened from time to time in the Strata Abyss.

The most important thing is that Yelan is also very concerned about the dusty past under the layer of rock abyss.

Five hundred years ago, Boyang, the ancestor of the Yelan family, disappeared here, which drove Rong Zhao crazy. Yelan wanted to investigate that mysterious history and find out what happened.

Ye Lan suddenly thought of something and said to Jing Fantian: "Hey! A group of those Qiuqiu people you captured for mining are missing. I have investigated and found that the person who took action was very powerful and solved the guarding rock in an instant. Dragon lizard.”

Listening to Ye Lan's words, Jing Fantian could easily analyze who it was.

He replied: "Those guys are also the remnants of Kyria. They were eroded by the abyss and became the Black Snake Knights. They are members of Kyria's palace guard. They must have regarded the Qiu Qiu people as Kyria's citizens and saved them." gone."

There are a lot of troubles under the giant rock abyss. Miners are missing, mysterious attacks are happening, and people will be affected by the power of the Sky Nail and become drowsy.

If Jing Fantian hadn't led a group of rock dragon lizards to clear out the area for a long time, the miners would not have dared to start work.

But even so, the layered rock abyss is full of dangers. The black mud pouring out of the silt mouth can harm people's bodies. The dangers that appear at all times threaten the lives of miners.

That's why Jing Fancai enslaved the Qiuqiu people to work as miners. Compared with monsters, humans have too many pressures, but wisdom is something that monsters cannot possess.

Ye Lan glanced at Jing Fantian and said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to know so much about the layered rock abyss!"

Jing Fantian was a little proud: "Of course, how can a lord not be familiar with his own territory?"

This is the benefit of being familiar with the plot, and Jing Fantian directly used it to enrich the character.

Ye Lan said speechlessly: "You either eat or sleep every day, and leave everything to Yu Hengxing. I don't see that you are somewhat motivated for your own territory, but you have a unique talent in squeezing the people of your territory. "


Jing Fantian was speechless, isn't that what an evil dragon is like? Are you still waiting for him to distribute gold bars to the miners?

A member of the treasure-stealing group rushed in and said hurriedly: "Your Majesty, it's bad, those unlucky fools are here to demand payment again."

Jing Fantian looked worried: "Why haven't they given up yet? Isn't it just that little money?"

Yelan and Sister Baoer were silent for a moment. That little money, up to trillions of dollars, was all swallowed up by Jing Fantian. The rich man was ready to bring the captain to the war.

"Hmph! It doesn't cost me any money, it only costs my life. I'm going to drive them away right now."

Jing Fantian walked out arrogantly and saw the polite debt handler.

A guy named Leo said: "Lord Dragon King, you have accepted Mora from our Fools. The Commander-in-Chief has asked you to go to the Ice God Palace, where you will become our Executive Officer. Of course, If you don’t want to join the crowd of fools, can you please take our Mora from the Winter Kingdom..."

Jing Fantian is not stupid. What's the point of becoming the executive officer of the Fools? It's annoying. He has an orthodox status. He will be the boss of Liyue when the old man burps. Wouldn't he be a dwarf to be the executive officer of Zhidong?

He just wanted to defraud the fools out of their money, so how could he go to the Ice God Palace and let others slaughter him?

If he can be appointed remotely, he can be paid every month and act as an executive without saying a word.

It's a pity that fools are not fools, so he must be allowed to report to the solstice.

Jing Fantian sneered in his heart and made up his mind to ignore anyone in the fool crowd, but his face was kind.

"I will definitely go, but doesn't it mean I still owe a lot of debt? I work hard every day, getting up earlier than a chicken and going to bed later than a dog. Working seriously is to repay the debt as soon as possible."

Jing Fantian turned around, secretly wiped his eyes with an onion, and said with sparkling eyes: "But even so, I can't pay off so many debts. Please tell the rich man and hand over the other half to Mora." Give it to me, and after I pay off the debt, I will go to the Ice God Palace to see Her Majesty the Queen."


The advance team of the Fools, look at me and I look at you. Not only does this person not pay back the money, but he also wants to continue to cheat and sneak attack on them.

It's not like they fools didn't arrange an undercover agent in the Rock Abyss. This guy spends the day eating, drinking and having fun, just like a bastard.

Leo suppressed the anger in his heart: "Lord Dragon King, we are all fools, but that doesn't mean everyone is stupid."

Jing Fantian touched his head: "Isn't that so? Aren't the Fools an organization of fools?"


Anton, the tall wind fist man, couldn't help it any longer. He frowned and yelled at Jing Fantian: "You are insulting our great Queen."

Jing Fantian spread his hands helplessly: "I originally wanted to have a good communication with you as an ordinary person, but I didn't expect that what I got in exchange was to get more and more. I'm showing off my cards, I won't pretend anymore, I don't want to join the fools, and I don't want to join the fools. I don’t want to pay back the money.”


"You signed the contract, don't you recognize it?"

Leo shouted.

Jing Fantian found the contract from the Eye of the God of Rock on his waist.

His Eye of God is fake. Its true purpose is a cave. It is the super talent that Jing Brahma has accumulated talent points to awaken over the past year - Rock Dragon Cave. It was faked by Jing Brahma to look like the Eye of God.

The contract with the Fools is that Jing Fantian negotiates with them and if he joins the Fools, the other party will pay off his debts.

Liyue is a country of contracts, and the fools have also learned a lesson.

Jing Fantian ate the contract in one gulp, chewed it in his mouth for a few times, swallowed it after a few times, and then pretended that his memory had been tampered with by the World Tree.

"Contract, what kind of contract, I don't know! And what are you doing here? I don't owe you fools any money!"

"The resentment from Leo, +20 talent points."

"The resentment from Anton..."

"From Timor..."

"you you you--"

Leo pointed at Jing Fantian. He had never seen such a shameless person. He had seen many people who owed money and refused to pay back. This was the first time he swallowed the contract in front of his face and pretended as if nothing happened.

They have always been fools and irritating, but this was the first time Jing Fantian noticed them.

Jing Fantian waved his hand: "Eight Tigers, come on!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the escort team around Jing Fantian, namely the eight large rock dragon lizards, rushed forward, covering the advance team of the fools.

Jing Fantian snorted coldly: "I haven't convicted you of the crime of breaking into a house? Wait for your commander to bring Mo La to redeem people, and you can dig hard during this time!"

Bahu dragged away the debt collector of Foolish People, who kept cursing Jing Fantian's mother, and learned a beautiful Liyue dialect.

Ye Lan said helplessly from the side: "You will cause diplomatic disputes."

Jing Fantian spread his hands: "Diplomacy, what kind of diplomacy, I don't understand. The fools stationed troops outside the layered rock abyss and I didn't settle the score with them."


Jing Fantian pointed at the crowd of spectators in the Colosseum and said: "There are at least several spies from the Foolish People here. Hey - that's the boy who has been looking here for three days. Xingqiu, hurry up and catch him. "

Xingqiu was watching the game next to the Colosseum. He was the leader of Dihuo, the security organization established by Jing Fantian, and was responsible for all security matters in the Layer Rock Abyss.

After hearing Jing Fantian's call, he led a group of people and rushed forward.

Ke Qing emerged from the corner. She thought that Jing Fantian would make up a new excuse to fend off the fools. Unexpectedly, this guy stopped acting and arrested the debt collectors of the fools for digging.

In this regard, Keqing only had one word in her mind: 6!

Jing Fantian saw Ke Qing, his eyes lit up, and he came closer: "Concubine Yu, you are here."

Ke Qing took a sip and said, "Who is your concubine? Stop talking nonsense!"

Jing Fantian took Ke Qing to the seat and said, "Don't say that! Isn't it just good for me if you stay in the Layer Rock Abyss to help me? Don't worry! I will leave a place in my heart for those who are good to me. You come to bed tonight."


Keqing pushed Jing Fantian away and sorted out the documents from Layeryan Juyuan and gave them to Jing Fantian.

"This is the financial revenue of the Layeryan Abyss for this quarter. According to the drawing ratio, you have paid off the debt you owe, and you will no longer be in debt. According to the agreement, you can also enter and exit the Layeryan Abyss and enter Liyue Port. ”

Jing Fantian took out the onion and used it again. His eyes filled with tears. He grabbed Keqing's hand excitedly and said, "I've finally paid it off. I've been thinking very hard about my debt these days. I don't even think about food and drinks. I just want to pay off what I owe you." The money is finally paid off now, let’s have a sleep and celebrate later, and Ye Lan will come with us.”


Keqing pushed Jing Fantian away and snorted: "Nothing is right. I see your performance every month. I will write a report and submit it to the emperor. The emperor has seen your performance." I will definitely not give Liyue to you."

Jing Fantian sneered: "The old man's life is not long. He will die in two years at most. He will have to give it to him if he doesn't give it."


Ke Qing was shocked, "What did you say? You are such a rebellious guy, are you planning to seek power and usurp the throne?"

Jing Fantian was stunned: "How can you say that? You are trying to sow discord between our father and son. Let's see how I teach you a lesson!"

Ye Lan was speechless watching the fight between Jing Fantian and Ke Qing. The two of them were like this, they would fight if they disagreed.

Jing Fantian is a foolish man who spends his days eating, drinking and having fun with women. If Keqing hadn't kept him under control, this guy would have been lingering in the custom shop run by Mrs. Dao.

But even so, I often take advantage of others and take advantage of them.

I hope you don’t look like a human being!

Ke Qing couldn't help but feel a grain of sand in her eyes, especially when she thought that Liyue would be ruled by this evil dragon in the future, it would be even more unpleasant.

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