AMICITAS Mission Three – Mission Day 338

ARES 3 solar day 333

"book report?"

Starlight's magic rolled up another small bundle of freshly harvested alfalfa that still exuded a sweet smell. "Yes, that's what I'm talking about." She held the bundle of alfalfa and flew to a sample box, preparing to transport it to Wandering. in the car. "When we read the Lord of the Rings story together before, I also read some other books sent by NASA. And I believe that any of you can do the same thing..."

"I did it." Tingting immediately took the initiative to speak, and Mark nodded in agreement.

"But that's not fair!" Berry protested. "Story time is special! It's something we can all share!"

"I have to catch up with you," said Tingting, "and besides that, you also said you don't want to read murder mystery novels."

"Anyway, we have to decide what the next book—or the next series—will be after Story Time," Starlight continued. "I've already talked to Mark about this, and his It means you want us to make the decision. So, each of you has a book to read. Dragonfly, the one for you is the hardest one: Foundation, by Isaac Asimov."

"Take care." Fireball suddenly said.

"Isaac Asimov is a human name," Starlight couldn't think of what to say to Fireball, "You should know that."

"Who wants to read a book written by a guy named I-Suck?"

Starlight raised her eyebrows slightly in surprise. This homophonic joke was just to cause trouble. Fireball's English proficiency has obviously improved a lot than he pretended. "The book I'm reading to you was written by a man named Stout," she continued. "He wrote a whole series of murder mysteries, and the book I'm giving you this time is called The Golden Spider. .”

Fireball shrugged nonchalantly, "Whatever."

"Berry, I'm reading you Larry Niven's Ringworld. No murder."


At this time, Starlight noticed that Spitfire looked a little embarrassed. "Splitfire, this one I'm giving you is a simple one," she said in as gentle a tone as possible. "It's fantasy-more magic. It's about witches. It's called Equal Rights. By Terry Pratchett.”

"Why are we still doing this?" Spitfire asked in a plaintive tone.

“Because we don’t know how much longer we’re going to be in this world,” Cherry Berry explained in that “I’ve told you so many times” tone, “we have to assume we’re going to have to travel a long way to get there. Earth, and it will be a long time before Twilight comes to rescue us. That means we need to learn the language."

"But I haven't gotten better at all!"

"That's not the case," Mark disagreed. "I've noticed that you hesitate less when you speak. And your grammar is improving too."

"I didn't feel it." Feihuo muttered at last.

"In short, read all these books, or as many as you can read, and we will discuss it after the potato harvest." This will have to wait until five days after the hay harvest. "After everyone has shared their reading experience, we will vote for a certain book, and then we will read the book together."

"What if everyone hates their own books?" Fireball asked.

"Definitely not." Mark interjected, "Maybe some of them don't like it, but don't like them all? Impossible."

"Okay," Fireball asked again, "then what are we going to do during story time now?"

"Well, you haven't told me stories about your world for a long time," Mark suggested, "Why don't you take this opportunity to tell a few more?"

"We have told you all the important stories." Cherryberry replied.

"All stories that are not secrets." Dragonfly added.

"It doesn't have to be a big story," Mark said. "Small stories can be fine too? Stories where the protagonists you know."

This time it was Feihuo who took the initiative to speak. "I have a story. We told you how Twilight Sparkle and her friends got their cutie marks on the same day? But they didn't know about it for years?"

"Yes, what is it about... a starlight? What do you call that thing?"

"Sonic rainbow boom," Starlight Glimmer replied, "Theoretically, a powerful enough Pegasus can break through the boundary point where magic cannot overcome air resistance. When this happens, a shock wave of magic energy will be generated, accompanied by What is left behind is a multi-colored image that looks like a rainbow. Rainbow Dash is the only Pegasus we have to accomplish this feat - and is also the only one other than Legend who has the ability to cause a sonic rainbow boom at any time at will. Pegasus.”

"She doesn't always do it," Spitfire continued. "You know how she did it the first time. Now let me tell you the second time. Listen."

Rainbow Dash comes from Pegasus City in the clouds. Made entirely of clouds. The name is...what's the name?

Cloud Valley.

real? All right. Only the English language calls a city two miles high in the sky a valley. In short, although she now lives in Ma Town, she was born and raised in Yungu. And every year we hold the Best Young Aviator... What's that word?


The Best Young Aviator competition, where we get to see a new generation of ponies just coming of age show off their talents. is our biggest air race. Shortly after Princess Luna returned, Rainbow Dash entered the competition. She planned a big routine, a big stunt, and finally a sonic rainbow boom. There's one problem - she can't do it. Oh, and she can do the rest of the routine - Rainbow Dash is the best Pegasus flyer in all of Equestria, even better than me. But she just didn't know how to do another sonic rainbow boom.

I didn't know Rainbow Dash at the time—I'd for about a year. That's what I heard from her later. The best young flyer gets to spend a day with... uh... our team... so we can see if she's, uh, uh...

See if she has the ability to become one of you.

Yes, that's true. So I was in the stands and I heard the rumors. Everyone in Yungu knows - everyone knows that there is a little girl who says she can make a sonic rainbow boom. And we all know a pony who has done it. So we were looking for that little girl during the game, and we waited and waited and waited.

Finally, the last two ponies came.


Say whatever you want. There was a unicorn with big butterfly wings. It looks beautiful, but it can't be a pilot. Shouldn't be allowed to participate in the competition.

That's Rarity. I wasn't there - I was too busy and obsessed with my...

Let me tell you!

I just wanted to mention that I heard this story much later from Twilight Sparkle.

Now you listen to me! good. After Rarity is...are you sure that is Rarity?

I'm sure.

I thought Rarity would be smarter.

Those wings made her a little dizzy with joy.

He must be dizzy. After Rarity came Rainbow Dash. I think my team and Rainbow Dash's friends and family were the only ones watching her. Everyone else went to see the butterfly wings in the sun. They just watched the stupid unicorn dance and let Rainbow Dash mess up her act. She's so nervous that she makes basic mistakes. I was thinking, poor kid, he should have waited, he wasn't ready yet.

Then the pair of butterfly wings disappeared with a pop. The spell is broken?

That spell requires morning dew and cobwebs as catalysts. Those wings are very fragile and sensitive to light. And it was still late summer.

The spell is broken. Without those wings, Rarity flies like a brick. We saw her fall straight across the stadium, very fast, and the three of us flew down to chase her. But Rarity was... was... too scared to think? Which word?

Panic. Panics. Panicked. Has panicked. Will panic. Panicking.

These are all, and many more. Waving hooves everywhere. One, two, and three times knocked us all unconscious. I woke up and saw that the ground was very close to me at a very fast speed, and then I was pulled up all of a sudden. I didn't fall any further. Rainbow Dash caught all four of us. Same time. And she even made a sonic rainbow boom for this. She lifted up and flew back to Cloud Valley, and I saw the ring of rainbow, and I saw the rainbow trail behind Rainbow Dash, and I knew she had done it.

Princess...what did you call her in that game?

I used the name of some goddess I saw in an adventure module... Celestia, that's what it said.

I like. Much more respect than Sun Butt.

But the princess obviously has nothing to do with Zhong Ling! (referring to Celesta)

So Princess Cela-Stilla said Rainbow Dash won, and I had no problem with it, because without her I would have just punched a hole in the ground. She stayed with us all day and she was totally, what's the word...what, can't think of a word?

I've never heard of this part of the story, so I can't guess what you're trying to say.

Talking non-stop. Not calm at all. She was so happy to see us that she lost her mind. We see this every time we fly, but the one like Rainbow Dash is really bad.

Fangirl? Fanatic is short for fanatic. Rainbow Dash sounds like a fan of yours, and she acts like a typical fan girl.

fan. Yes, fans, I know. Anyway, she is very obsessed with girls. Not mature enough, or so we feel. Talented, but not grown up yet. In the end, she did... but it took too long. But that’s another story. I say enough is enough.

"Wow," Mark exclaimed, "I'm even more surprised that the five of you survived such a sudden change in momentum. It's like Superman grabbing the falling Lois Lane."

"I thought we would never watch that stupid cartoon again," Cherry Berry complained.

"The laws of physics get weird on the other side of the sonic rainbow boom," Spitfire replied. "Rainbow's magic is really strong. Really, really strong."

"That certainly sounds like it," Mark said interested, "Do you know any other stories about Rainbow Dash?"

"Speaking of this," CherryBerry thought for a while and said slowly, "I can tell you a story about Rainbow Dash trying to steal a book from the hospital library one night and waking up half the town. .”

Feihuo's jaw dropped in shock, "What did she do?!"

"It's really her," Berry said. "I heard about it from Carrot Jian, and she came from..." She turned to look at the starlight, and waved her front hooves to make a sign above her head. Silhouette of a big hat.

Starlight sighed. "Apple Cider," she explained, "I think that's how it is translated. The translation spell's results for this name have always been inconsistent. It's almost like..." She gritted her teeth and reluctantly accepted this. No other choice" is translated as, "...Princess Celestia is just as bad."

"Anyway, what happened was that Rainbow Dash was practicing her flying skills, and then she accidentally overturned her car that day," Cherry Berry said. "She broke her wing and was in the hospital for a week. She was really free. She was bored out of her mind, and then Twilight Sparkle told her she should try reading one of her favorite books..."

The story then continues for an hour, ending with Rainbow Dash keeping the pony space program alive long enough for her to become the first Equestrian citizen to perform a spacewalk in history. . Mark's horror at the brief and almost disastrous fifth mission of ESA, and his joy in listening to the description of some of the extravagant chores of ESA's sixth mission, both made Starlight, who was watching the show, very happy.

Okay, she thought, this is not bad for a temporary rescue site. Let’s wait until we have selected the new book.

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