Wang Lao agreed without saying a word. Of course, the most important thing was that Wang Lao wanted to see Shen Yin first.

At that time, Mr. Wang also said: "You are much better than your senior brothers. You will accept the right students when you find them. Your senior brothers, if I don't remind them, they won't even remember to accept disciples. This skill must be passed down from generation to generation." So as not to cut off the inheritance, you have to remember that in the future, if you see a good disciple, you will accept it."

Mr. Wang's words also meant that Shen Yin could accept any disciples he wanted in the future, as long as she liked them.

This time Shen Yin planned to accept Li Guoguang and Qi Qiao at the same time. They came in together, but Li Guoguang was one year older than Qi Qiao, so he was accepted as the eldest disciple, while Qi Qiao was ranked as the second eldest disciple.

When Shen Yin said this casually, Li Guoguang and Qi Qiao's eyes lit up: "Teacher." The two of them saluted Shen Yin respectfully.

Shen Yin smiled and said: "This will be the case for now. After a while, when you are free, find a day and I will notify a few of your uncles to come over. You can also get to know each other. Then I will serve tea to your master."

Nowadays, becoming a disciple is not as troublesome as before, but some etiquette is indispensable.

So I plan to find time to make a simple charter.

Li Guoguang and Qi Qiao both nodded in agreement: "Listen to the teacher."

Although Shen Yin is younger than them, Shen Yin's abilities are something that they will never be able to learn in their lifetime, so by following Shen Yin, they feel that they will have a good future in this life.

Zhang Li on the side was a little envious of Li Guoguang and Qi Qiao, but he was recruited as an assistant.

Shen Yin glanced at Zhang Li: "Zhang Li, you majored in management, but you also helped me a lot in some aspects. But I really can't teach management, so it's hard to accept you as a disciple. But in other science subjects Regarding this, if you have any difficulties in the future, you can always come to me."

Zhang Li Xianxi and Gui Xianxi also knew his own situation. After all, he originally studied economics and management. It was only after he came here that he learned some information sorting and data sorting. He couldn't understand the real core data, so he naturally You know, it's useless even to become a disciple, the talent is not here.

However, it was his luck to be able to ask Shen Yin for advice from time to time. Others outside did not have such a good opportunity.

Precisely because he understood this, Zhang Li didn't feel jealous at all.

"Teacher, the little white mouse has reacted." On the twenty-fourth hour, Qi Qiao came over to report the matter.

Shen Yin went over and saw that Xiao Bai had slowly grown a pink foot, but it hadn't grown up yet.

"Continue to watch and see how long it will take for it to fully grow. Record these in all directions in the past few days, so that we can check them at any time." Shen Yin was also very happy, which showed that his first step was not Wrong move.

After another forty-eight hours, this little white mouse's wasted calves had completely grown back.

Then Shen Yin began to use ten white mice to cut off their different positions at the same time, then injected regenerin and observed again.

Another seventy-two hours later, it was discovered that all ten of them had grown the missing parts one after another.

After Shen Yin got the results from the little mouse, he then began to conduct experiments with a police dog that was missing one of its hind legs due to official duties and a monkey that had no left hand.

During this experimental process, the water heater experiment has also come out.

"Teacher, according to various experiments, the lifespan of our water heater is seven years. After seven years, if the heating rod inside is replaced, it can still be used for five to seven years. However, due to material limitations, the overall lifespan of this water heater will not exceed Fifteen years, even if it is intact after fifteen years, it is best to replace it, otherwise no one can guarantee what kind of danger will occur."

Li Guoguang couldn't help but be excited. Although Shen Yin guided this project, it was mainly completed by him. He didn't expect that he could complete such a powerful project.

Seeing how happy Li Guoguang looked, Shen Yin laughed: "Not bad, it looks like he can manage the project independently. I will let someone set up a laboratory in the next room for you and my brothers to share."

Li Guoguang nodded seriously: "Okay, teacher."

Shen Yin added: "But now, the most important thing for you is to write down the instructions for this water heater. Remember, there are several languages, not less Chinese, and English. It is best to write down the instructions for this water heater. Let's see how many languages ​​you can find. Just a few."

Li Guoguang and Qi Qiao looked at each other and accepted the task: "I am good at German, and I can translate it in German."

Qi Qiao also said: "I know Latin, so I will make one copy, and then add English and Chinese to make it four languages. If it is not enough, I will find a professional."

Shen Yin pointed to Zhang Li beside him: "You can go to him to sort out the three languages ​​​​that you understand."

Zhang Li smiled and said, "Okay, I'll take a look at it then, and then help you translate it as well."

There was no problem with the water heater, so Shen Yin asked Li Guoguang to make a few first, and sent one to Mr. Xia, and then gave one to Mr. Wang, one to Shen Weiguo, and one to Zhou Shengluo. He couldn't be less, either. There is one for each of the four masters and disciples.

But Mr. Xia looked at the hot water coming out of the water heater and laughed: "This is what Shen Yin sent here."

"Well, Shen Yin's report said that this was completed by her disciple Li Guoguang. Although the schematic diagram was drawn by Shen Yin, the production was made by Li Guoguang, so Shen Yin plans to open a laboratory in Xianyuzai , then it will be given to her disciples Li Guoguang and Qi Qiao." Liao Jiacheng reported seriously.

After hearing this, Mr. Xia raised his eyebrows slightly: "This girl has actually started to recruit disciples."

"Yes." Liao Jiacheng nodded, and then added: "Li Guoguang and Qi Qiao are the first generation of doctoral students trained. They have been following Shen Yin. They admire Shen Yin very much, but they also work hard and have been I studied very hard with Shen Yin, and I have been following Shen Yin for two years. No, now I have graduated with a doctorate, and I have become Shen Yin's disciple. He is still the first and second disciple. According to what Shen Yin said, after a while When the time comes, I will pick a time to accept him as a disciple, but now they have simply served tea, and will only announce it to the public in the future."

Liao Jiacheng said this with deep emotion: "Looking at this child Shen Yin coming step by step, I never expected that Shen Yin has accepted a disciple now. It seems that we are really old."

After hearing this, Mr. Xia looked at Liao Jiacheng with a half-smile but not a smile: "I remember Jiacheng, you are a little younger than me."

(⊙o⊙)...Liao Jiacheng laughed hurriedly after hearing this: "Then I am not young either. I am already fifty-four, and now I have entered the old age stage."

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