
In a dungeon that was so dark that he couldn't even see his fingers, Yazhi huddled in the corner, his ears drooped, his arms wrapped around his knees, and his face was buried in his knees.

"...Six hundred and fifty-six, six hundred and fifty-seven..."

As mentioned before, because Yazhi often dealt with orc slaves, he often had nightmares about becoming a slave.

In fact, Mei Zhi's heart is also extremely fragile, but she has always been supported by her identity as a ninja.

Now, the nightmare had turned into reality. Yazhi felt that his whole body was extremely cold, and a faint fear kept growing and spreading from the bottom of his heart.

Yazhi knew that this was also one of the methods used by merchants to create slaves, to wear down the will of the orcs and make them easier to control.

Therefore, in order to distract the fear, Yazhi has been huddled in the corner, silently counting the number of water droplets falling on the ground.

"Six hundred and sixty-nine, six hundred and seventy..."

However, the effect of this method does not seem to be great. As time goes by, Yazhi's eyes gradually become absent-minded, and the wood seems to be counting the number of water drops falling on the ground.

Fear broke through the suppression and began to grow rapidly.

"Six hundred and seventy-five..."

——I’m missing. Will Mr. Palace Secretary come to find me? And Mr. Lane, if it is Mr. Lane, he will definitely be able to find me, right?

"six hundred eighty……"

——But why is there no movement outside? Am I really going to become a slave?

"Six hundred and eighty-six..."

——Being whipped and abused, gradually losing his mind in such a life, and eventually turning into a walking zombie...

"Six hundred and ninety-three..."

——No, it’s so scary, so scary, so scary, so scary…

"Seven hundred... oh... Lord Palace Secretary, Miss, Lord Goddess, Mr. Lane..."

When he counted to seven hundred, Yazhi's voice suddenly became choked, and his psychological defense was instantly broken. He hugged his knees tighter, and covered his head with his big tail, trembling while sobbing softly. .

At this time, Yazhi was like a helpless three-year-old girl. It was precisely because she had seen too many slaves that fell into the hands of merchants that she knew how terrible it was, and her fear of it was even greater than that of normal people. A little stronger.


At this moment, Yazhi suddenly heard a sound coming from above.

Yazhi was startled for a moment, sniffed and raised his head, looking in the direction of the sound.

Above, a tiny ray of moonlight seeped through the gap and shot into the dark space.

At the same time, a familiar voice came.

"right here?"

"Yes...yes, sir, how dare I lie to you..."

It turned out that when Ryan took action inside the house, he deliberately spared the life of the man who knew the location of the basement so that he could use it to inquire about Yazhi's location.

Seeing everyone around him being killed, this man naturally did not dare to resist at all. When Ryan asked, he answered without hesitation.

——It was Mr. Lane’s voice.

Yazhi opened her mouth slightly, wanting to stand up or shout loudly, but suddenly she felt a wave of exhaustion rushing into her head, making her head dizzy.

Finally, all the gaps above the head were opened, and the moonlight, which was not so bright tonight, was as dazzling as the morning sun in this basement. Yazhi raised his head blankly and looked at Ryan outside.

The next moment, Yazhi's eyes were covered with a layer of mist, and his vision became blurry:

"Mr. Lane..."

Seeing this, Ryan jumped into the basement lightly, came to Yazhi, and slowly hugged Yazhi:

"Okay, it's okay, let's go back to the shrine."


Yazhi hugged Ryan tightly and whispered with choked sobs.

Ryan picked up Yazhi and came outside the basement. Looking at the flattering look of the only surviving caravan, he reached out and patted the businessman on the shoulder and left.

Watching Ryan's figure disappear, the businessman's flattering expression gradually turned ferocious:

"Okay... okay... you didn't kill me, but let me, a person who knows the truth, live. Should I say you are stupid or stupid? Haha, you killed so many important businessmen, I will definitely let you go tomorrow You...no...that's not right! Your body...is so hot!"

As the businessman finished speaking, he suddenly felt his whole body burning up, as if his internal organs were being roasted by a blazing fire.

"No...no, no, no, no!"


A flame burst out from the merchant's skin, making the merchant look horrified: "That's not right!"

As this flame appeared, more and more flames kept jumping out from under the businessman's skin. Within a moment, the businessman became a burning man rolling on the ground.

A few minutes later, the businessman had disappeared, leaving only a pile of charcoal...

? ? ? ?

Well... now... it should be morning, right?

After Ryan vaguely woke up from sleep, his intuition told him that it was already morning outside, but he felt warm and comfortable all over his body, which made Ryan not want to open his eyes.

I feel like the weather will be very good today...


The sound of Yazhi came to my ears.

Lord? Are you calling me? What game is Yazhi playing again?

By the way, Yazhi was abducted by a businessman last night, and then I found Yazhi and brought Yazhi back... What happened next?


Yazhi's lazy voice came again, and Ryan could even feel a burst of heat on his pillow.

Hmm...Has Yazhi already arrived at the house? It feels like Yazhi is so close now...

At the same time, Ryan suddenly felt like there was something furry on his body, rubbing against his body...

Finally, Ryan forced himself to open his eyes.

The first thing you see when you open your eyes is a pair of pointed ears.

Ryan's brain was a little slow, and he subconsciously looked down, and then he saw the owner of the pair of ears.

He saw Yazhi lying on his side next to his pillow, sleeping on his side facing him. While sleeping, he was still giggling from time to time, and he seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Looking further down, Ryan could see Yazhi's white neck and beautiful collarbone... The collarbone further down was completely covered by the quilt, and nothing could be seen.

Oh, by the way, Yazhi and I are covering the same quilt...

No, wait a minute...

Ryan's eyes suddenly opened wide, and he felt a lot more energetic!

He turned to look at the clothes rack to the side, and saw that in addition to Mee's miko uniform, there was also the chainmail and shorts that Mee usually wore close to her body!

Ryan only felt his head buzzing.

What happened last night?

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