Halfway through the banquet, Harry and Ron walked to Hufflepuff with meat skewers to look for Alvin.

"Evan, I'm afraid you are also being targeted by Voldemort. What should you do if he comes back?" Harry asked worriedly.

During this period, he has been trying to talk to Alvin about this issue, but he has been unable to catch Alvin. He has to ask at the last moment, otherwise he will not be at peace during this holiday.

"Isn't there still me? If that day comes, I will use the power of the Malfoy family to hide Alvin!"

Draco also appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey! Why are you so invisible!" Ron was so frightened that he almost dropped the meat skewers.

"Hmph!" The young master gave him an arrogant chin, obviously still brooding over the missed Academy Cup.

"Yes, Ivan, aren't you worried?" Ignoring these two naughty kids, Hermione was still concerned about Ivan's situation.

As for the other little badgers, they have become numb to this group of wandering people, and they still have some grudges at first, mainly because they feel that there are many Hufflepuffs, but you guys are still here to eat and steal our food!

I don’t know how to be more conscious and bring a plate here~

"I'm not afraid. If it were so easy to come back to life, wouldn't it be full of old monsters! Why are you thinking so much at such a young age? Are you tired? Just concentrate on eating! Otherwise, it's worthy of the barbecue feast that I have carefully prepared for so long. !"

Ai Wen didn't even look at the children, and concentrated on flipping the grilled chicken wings in his hand. When he saw that they were almost done, he applied a layer of barbecue sauce on them. They were so fragrant~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

With delicious food in front of him, Alvin even hummed a song happily~

"I take photos when the house is on fire, and I sleep when life is in chaos! I don't know when a disaster is coming, and I will hang myself! I can put off today's things as long as I can, and we'll talk about tomorrow's things tomorrow. Oh, I'm happy to live like this, and I don't take anything to heart. …”

A song about a bad attitude toward life was hummed by Alvin in the English version. This song perfectly explains Hufflepuff’s outlook on the academy!

It was nothing at first, but after Alvin hummed it twice, the little badger next to him was also attracted. Gradually, they all learned these most important lines and started humming together.

After a while, the entire Hufflepuff was infected by this strange brainwashing song, and they all started humming this strange and silly song.

For a moment, a happy and chaotic atmosphere spread in Hufflepuff. Harry, the three people who were worried at first, and the somewhat unhappy young master were also infected. They all put down their troubles and joined in the happiness together. .

This is right! Eating barbecue and singing songs, this is what the little badger should do!

Just think of the crazy efforts of the previous months! Alvin couldn't believe that this happened to him, a Hufflepuff! If it weren't for the final victory, he wouldn't be so exhausted.

(Ravenclaw: Thank you, I was offended!)

It is better to divide your time, combine work and rest, relax your mood, reduce stress, and have a reasonable diet, so that you can avoid baldness in middle age!

Thinking of this, Ivan's mind once again came to my grandfather's head that could emit dazzling light under the electric light! It seems that he should pay attention to the hair growth spirits in the wizarding world for his grandfather...


After the dinner, all the badgers had round bellies, and they walked in small groups towards the comfortable badger cave.

They have to go back early, they have to pack their luggage for a while, and they will go home tomorrow.

"I really don't want to go back to that place. It would be nice if I could stay in Hogwarts forever." Ivan, who was walking slowly to the dormitory with a toothpick in his mouth, heard Harry's sad voice behind him.

Alas~ Silly boy, who makes Aunt Petunia your only relative?

However, the Dursleys did not treat Harry very well, and could even be described as abusive!

"Harry, I think you can use another way to gain some relaxation for your holiday." Ivan walked to Harry and said.

"But what can I do?" Harry said without any hope in his eyes.

"Harry, do you have any misunderstandings about your net worth? I remember that the Potter family is an ancient family in the wizarding world! Your money-making ability should not be weak."

"Ability to…money?" Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at each other, neither of them understanding what this meant.

"Harry, you are a good boy. They are unkind, but you can't be unjust now!" You still need to recharge the magic of love, and of course you can't play break.


"Well~ I mean, you can pay! Since they are taking care of them unwillingly, then you can provide rent and commission!

You shouldn't be short of money, right? Since you paid, it doesn't make sense that they are abusing you. Besides, England has child protection laws! "

"Evan, you mean!" Harry's eyes lit up with hope.

"Since we're not talking about family ties, let's talk about money! Gringotts supports the exchange of pounds and gold bars. But I suggest you exchange gold bars! The exchange rate for gold bars in the Muggle world is much higher than that of the black-hearted bank Gringotts.

Moreover, I will visit you during the holidays and hope to be able to help you. "

Alvin really wants to meet Mr. Dursley, who has an extreme hatred for wizards!

"Thank you so much, Alvin, for reminding me of such a good idea! But I have to go home tomorrow, and I may not have time to go to Gringotts."

Harry was a little distressed. If it was a holiday, Dursley would never allow him to go out alone. What would be waiting for him would be the narrow stairwell.

"Are you stupid, Harry? Isn't there Hagrid? Hagrid can enter and leave Hogwarts freely, and we are taking the train tomorrow. During this period, Hagrid will definitely help you go to Gringotts." of."

Hermione looked at Ron with wide eyes, unable to believe that his brain had successfully connected at this moment and thought of a solution so quickly.

Thanking Alvin again, Harry quickly ran to find Hagrid.

After finding Hagrid, Harry explained the purpose of his visit. After learning that it was to make Harry live a better life, Hagrid immediately agreed and asked Harry to provide relevant procedures and certificates. Hagrid took advantage of Gringotts It wasn't even closing time yet, so we headed to Hogsmeade quickly.

Because there is a floo network there, you can quickly reach Diagon Alley! Otherwise, he would be too exhausted to make it back before the train tomorrow.

You can always trust Hagrid! Of course, except for asking him to keep a verbal secret for you...

The results came out, and Ivan really got perfect scores in all subjects. Of course, Hermione also ranked first in the first grade with perfect scores.

Harry performed steadily and did very well in the exam. Ron also got a gold medal for himself without scolding because of his hellish review. Draco mocked the two of them by crushing them with results, giving Harry and Ron Enqi’s teeth were itching, and she wanted to beat him even more.

The bright sunshine shines on the earth, and the little wizards carry their luggage and embark on the train home.

Hagrid handed Harry a small bag. It was a special gift from Gringotts like Alvin's wallet. Hagrid insisted on it! Although there are only a few gold bars inside.

Harry was moved and gave Hagrid a big hug.

"Goodbye Hagrid, see you next semester." Alvin also said goodbye to Hagrid and boarded the train home.

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