Legend: I have a systematic start

Chapter 402 Alien Creatures Fighting Beyond Levels

Marfa Continent~

Jie Fei stood in mid-air, followed by Ancestor Yin Yang, Ancestor Hongjun, Zu Long, the reincarnation of Pangu Gu Maoning and other ancestors from the Chaos Period. In the back row were followed by thousands of people from the Ancestral Realm, including Jie Fei. Fei's own small team of more than fifty people, the group of cuties raised by the ancestors of Yin and Yang, and the few disciples of the other ancestors who have reached the ancestral realm, are followed by armies of various races, all of whom have experienced the secret realm. People who have been promoted, and in reality, the lowest level of cultivation is also in the Mahayana stage~

Watching the aborigines of the Marfa Continent and those who had just returned to the fused interfaces all rushed into the army of alien monsters to fight, the two sides fought back and forth, when suddenly a person holding a Judgment in his hand appeared from inside. The warrior hit a fast-moving, particularly agile skeleton elf with a fiery sword technique, and the skeleton elf instantly turned into a pile of bones and scum~

"Go and get a group of people to clean up these low-level monsters~"

After Jie Fei finished speaking, a group of monks from the Mahayana stage and the Tribulation stage appeared in the army behind. This group of tens of millions of monks excitedly rushed into the ancient ruins of the Marfa Continent until the Shenlong Empire was under dark clouds. A one-sided massacre began in the area covered~

That's right, it's massacre~

Jie Fei sent monks from the Mahayana and Tribulation Stages with the lowest cultivation level in his army. Facing the one-sided massacre of alien creatures who only had the cultivation level of becoming gods, their faces revealed A disdainful smile. Although these alien creatures are numerous in number, in the eyes of these monks in the Mahayana and Tribulation Stages, they are just a group of vulnerable ants.

But they did not look down upon these alien creatures, but quickly showed off the fire dragon suit equipment in the "Legend of Hot Blood" game, preparing to start a life-and-death fight with these alien creatures.

On the battlefield, the white boar with its serrated tusks holding a meteor hammer has begun to fall from the dark clouds, the Rainbow Demon Pig Guard with its round belly, and the Centipede has mutated into a tentacled creature with hard tentacles all over its body. The powerful and agile Rainbow Scorpion Guards were the first to attack the human monks after they landed. The meteor hammer in the white boar's hand hit the human monk with huge impact. However, the fire dragon suits on the human monks exuded powerful defense, completely ignoring the attacks of the white boars and killing them one by one.

The Rainbow Demon Pig Guard held out its round belly and tried to use its hard skin to resist the casual and powerful attack of the Fire Dragon Set. But they underestimated the power of the fire dragon suit. The sword energy of these great immortal cultivators in the Mahayana and Tribulation Stages easily penetrated their defenses and cut them into pieces.

The dragon-touching god mutated from a centipede constantly attacks the immortal cultivators with its hard tentacles. However, under the joint attack of the immortal cultivators, the Dragon God was unable to resist, and was eventually burned into a pile of debris.

The Rainbow Scorpion Guards can generate electricity and are agile, but in front of the immortal cultivators, their speed seems so slow. The immortal cultivators cast various spells and defeated the Rainbow Demon Scorpion Guards one by one.

At the same time, the indigenous people throughout the Marfa Continent also began to launch a counterattack and shrank the battlefield towards the dark clouds. They cast various spells and attacked the white boars and other alien creatures. The fire dragon suit's attack power is very powerful, and every attack can cause huge damage to alien creatures.

Under the fierce attack of human monks, alien creatures such as the Rainbow Demon Pig Guard and the Touching Dragon God, although powerful, are vulnerable to this group of powerful fire dragon suits. The attacks of the human monks were like a violent storm, sweeping towards the alien creatures and defeating them one by one.

At the very back of the battlefield, the leader Zuma and the Rainbow Demon leader in the combined stage also joined the battle. They are very powerful and can release powerful magic attacks, and their bodies are extremely powerful, especially the tall and strong Red Devil Cult Leaders. The monks wearing fire dragon suits are not very good at destroying their defenses. At this time, they were sent The first team that went out started a fierce battle with them.

"...After these alien creatures no longer have the seal of the secret realm and have restored their original cultivation, they are indeed extremely powerful. Every alien creature can fight across levels."

"...In the original so-called legendary secret realm, if the leader of Zuma met a player with a fire dragon suit, it would be a one-sided massacre. It cannot be said to be an instant kill, but if a fire shot was taken, the leader of Zuma would lose at least half of the players. HP, even instant kill~"

"...But the Zuma leader and the Red Devil leader, who are only in the integration stage, are now fighting back and forth with our fire dragon set, the Mahayana stage and the tribulation stage monks~"

Jie Fei said to the person behind him, while his eyebrows were already knitted together, Zou Wen could pinch a fly to death~

"Yes, these alien creatures no longer have the seal restrictions of the secret realm, and their overall abilities are much stronger than before~"

Ancestor Yin Yang said on the side, and at the same time, more people behind him also discovered the clues of this epochal war. Everyone was shocked in their hearts, how could these guys in the secret realm become so strong~

"Damn it, we've just arrived at the Red Devil Cult Leader, and those bosses after that..."

Gu Maoning said from behind as if he had just come to his senses~

"This war is difficult~"

Several ancestors said behind them...




While several people were talking, monsters from Bairi Gate and Cang Yue Island began to appear on the battlefield~

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