Hu Ren plans to use the heated house to conduct population exchanges with other large tribes to enhance the tribe's strength.

He waved his hand to his son and said, "Go and call the senior leaders of the tribe to the wooden house in the square. We need to discuss it there. The cave cannot accommodate so many people."

Hujin nodded and went out immediately.

When Hu Ren saw that his son was gone, he went to the cave and changed into a more dignified yellow striped tiger skin coat. It was high-end and classy, ​​and the majesty of the patriarch was even better.

Looking at his outfit, he nodded with satisfaction and headed towards the tribal square.


Here, Hu Jin was looking for people in the square, and finally found a few, and walked over quickly, "Uncle Dawei, Uncle Wen... my father asked you to go to the tree house in the square to discuss things, please go and call Look at other people.”

Dozens of people came one by one to tell them when to go, so it would be easier to find someone to help.

"Okay, leave this matter to us." Dawei patted his chest and promised.

At this time, he turned into a beast and roared in the air three times, paused and roared three more times, quickly transformed into a human form, patted Hujin on the shoulder and said: "Okay, don't worry! They will be there soon." Come and gather.”

Hu Jin came to his senses and gave Uncle Dawei a thumbs up. He forgot about this for a while.

When the people who were handling the prey heard the roar, they said goodbye to their tribesmen and rushed to the square. This was a signal for their appointment.

There were also clan elders at home who heard this call. They also knew that it was the clan leader calling, and they did not dare to delay if they had something to discuss.

After a while, dozens of people gathered, and the speed was quite fast.

Dawei glanced at them and said, "Let's go!"

The other people did not delay and walked towards the place where they usually discuss things.

When they entered, the clan leader was already sitting there, and they also found their usual seats and sat down.

The leader of the Hu Renjian tribe and the tribe's more powerful combatants are all here. These are trustworthy people, there is no doubt about it.

I have called you here because I have something to tell you. Hu Jin and the others went to the Soaring Snake Clan this time and found something amazing, "There are grains and seeds, and there is also a house that generates heat."

"Discovered new food?" Did you bring it back? Take it out and let's take a look and see if there are any near the tribe or if we have seen them in the wild and need comparison objects.

“What is a hot house?”

It was the first time for a group of people to hear this word. They were a little unfamiliar and curious, so they couldn't help but ask questions.

Hu Ren allowed them to discuss, and until they were completely quiet, he continued to explain and described the house to the clan members. Anyway, this was what his son told him, so he could just copy it. He had never seen it.

Everyone opened their mouths after listening to such a magical thing.

This thing is good, let's go and attack their tribe, so that we won't have to worry about freezing in the cold season.

Hu Jin wanted to hold his forehead, but each one of them was too violent.

Seeing that their discussion was getting more outrageous, Hu Ren was about to get up and go to the Soaring Snake Tribe, so he quickly stopped them.

"calm down!"

They also completely calmed down after being shouted at. They all looked at the clan leader and listened to his next instructions.


Hu Ren cleared his throat lightly and continued: "Actually, we don't have to be so extreme. There are better ways. After all, it takes a lot of time and energy to attack. Besides, they are so far apart. Even if we win, if others are unwilling to surrender, we will too. Nothing to learn."

The other people gradually calmed down after the clan leader said this. They knew that the clan leader must have other good methods.

It’s like this. Hujin and the others have already reached an agreement with the people of the Tengshe tribe. The people of the Tengyou tribe are willing to teach our tribe the techniques of building houses, and they are also willing to teach us the methods of growing two kinds of grain.

"What do they want?" The impatient one came again.

Hu Ren didn't bother to stop him. Anyway, the members of his tribe were more fiery and were used to it. "They need three hundred and fifty females."

"This number sounds like a lot at first, but in fact it's not much, or even very little. If other tribes discover such a heaven-defying thing, they will definitely..." He doesn't need to explain the rest clearly. , even the tribesmen who have done it can understand that Wen expressed his thoughts.

This technology is really great, and the benefits are obvious. Maybe other people are tempted, so it’s better to hide this news.

Everyone began to express their opinions on how to maximize the benefits.

Hu Ren also expressed his opinion: We can learn this technology and sell it to surrounding tribes, and the price can be increased tenfold. The more we sell, the more we earn, but we have to seize the opportunity.

We want all females, and the other party will definitely not agree to it. We can ask for a thousand females and two thousand males, and quote a higher price when negotiating the price. They will definitely negotiate the price then. Leave this matter to Dawei. He has a sharp tongue.

[I think this method is feasible! 】

[Hmm, this is a good idea. I feel happy when I think about the fact that they have quite a few tribes here. They can ask for less from the smaller tribes, and the total of zero and zero will add up to a lot. 】

[Hmm, thinking about it this way, I feel that there is not enough for the Soaring Snake Tribe. 】

[The people who just said to attack the Tateng Snake Tribe also think this is good. Traveling thousands of miles to attack would not only waste time, but also waste manpower and material resources. Now this method is very good, and they are the biggest beneficiaries. 】

Quanmin: How do you choose 350 females? Do they have any requirements? Get straight to the point.

Hu Jin stood up and said, "There are no requirements from the Tengyou tribe. They just can't be too old and at least have the ability to have children."

The others also nodded after hearing this and took those old orcs over. They couldn't bear it. Their tribe had already taken advantage of them, so they couldn't go too far. By then, they would have lost more than they gained by hiding their secrets. After all, they had to travel so far away. The trip is not easy either.

Aren’t there many of the new batch of females who haven’t found a mate yet? Since there are no suitable ones here, send them to the Soaring Snake Tribe.

Their tribe is also relatively humane. New females are generally given three months to find their favorite partner, as long as both parties agree. If you still haven't found it after this time, the tribe will make arrangements.

It seems that there are many people from the previous batch who have not yet found a partner, so they will be sent together with this new batch. There are also some people who have no partners and are alone, and they will be arranged together. When the time comes, we will count them and see how many there are.

Everyone agrees with this idea, which is very good.

Anyway, if they can't find a suitable partner here, they can simply go to the Soaring Snake Tribe to find one.

This time it was unanimous and everyone agreed.

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