Necromancer Farming Notes Figure Master

Chapter 253: Eternal Silence (Thank you to the Sex God Sect—Xiu Gou for such a big update! I love yo

After Wang Yu had some fun in the light world, he was sent back to Nairn by the Dragon God.

"Ah~ brothers, I'm back!" Wang Yu stretched out.

"Guest, the accommodation fee is 50 gold coins in total. Please pay it." The proprietress of the hotel said with a stiff smile.

"Okay." Wang Yu paid the money and came to the street of Markas City.

"Ramaye has become a follower of the Holy Spirit. I can only congratulate her."

Dragon God once took Wang Yu to take a look at Ramaye from a distance.

The newly born Wang Yu only has friendship for Lamaye, but no love. Because the three dragons also feel friendly towards Ramaye. After all, memories can be fabricated, but feelings cannot.

"By the way, I have to collect dwarf technology quickly!" Wang Yu turned around and walked towards the Lord's Hall.

"Wow! Guards! There's a monster! Guards, come quickly!" Suddenly, screams of crying fathers and mothers came from the street in the distance.

A butcher selling meat suddenly twisted into a spider-headed monster with eight arms. The monster picked up the butcher's knife and slashed the surrounding humans crazily.

Wang Yu stepped forward and punched the monster to death.

However, the chaos did not stop, and many usually amiable people suddenly mutated.

"Ah! The dog seller also turned into a monster!"

"And the proprietress of the jewelry store!"

"Wow! What happened!"


Fear swept through the entire city of Markarth, and people took refuge in their homes.

But the chaos did not last long. There were many strong people in the city, and this monster mutation disaster only lasted less than half an hour before being suppressed.

The soldiers carried the monster's body to the square.

"What's going on with these people?" Wang Yu asked.

"Sir! Thank you for your rescue! Otherwise there would have been more casualties." A soldier saluted Wang Yu.

"Actually, we don't know what happened to these people. Maybe they were hit by some kind of vicious curse."

"Hmph! The Forsworn must be causing trouble again! I'd say we should kill all the natives!" said a plump rich man next to him.

But his words aroused the hatred of the surrounding indigenous people. Most of these people were wearing miners' clothes, and some were even in rags. They looked like they were living a bad life.

"You'd better be careful what you say!" the guard captain warned. "The current matter has not been investigated yet. If you dare to spread rumors and cause riots, I will definitely chop off your head!"

When the wealthy businessman heard this, he quickly shrank his head.

This commotion has already made the guard captain very anxious, and he does not want to cause more trouble.

Wang Yu silently watched the farce around him, he was planning to leave. But in his peripheral vision, he saw two familiar figures.

They are the proprietress and daughter of the hotel. Wang Yu had stayed in that hotel before.

Wang Yu originally wanted to say hello to them, but the two men lowered their heads with guilt.

"..." Wang Yu's eyes narrowed, and he walked straight towards the two of them.

When the mother and daughter saw Wang Yu approaching, they were so frightened that they turned and ran away.

Two pairs of mother and daughter ran out of the crowd in panic. They looked back in shock and found that Wang Yu was nowhere to be found.

"Go back to the hotel quickly. Don't open the door for the next two days!" The mother and daughter returned to their hotel in a panic and locked the door tightly.

Just when they breathed a sigh of relief, Wang Yu appeared behind them. He had been waiting here for a long time.

"What do you know?" Wang Yu asked curiously.

"Wow!" The mother and daughter were so frightened that they peed on the spot.

"We don't know anything! Please let us go!" The mother and daughter cried.

"..." Wang Yu had a black line on his head.

He let out a dragon roar magic, and the mother and daughter instantly calmed down.

"Tell me what you know."

The innkeeper's daughter had fallen into a sort of stupor, but her mother spoke anyway.

"My husband is a cannibal! But we are not!"

"The mutated people on the street today are all members of the Cannibal Cult! They often come to this tavern to spend money."

"They haven't come since my husband died."

The mother said with a numb face.

"How do you know your husband is a cannibal?" Wang Yu asked.

"Because of the cobwebs! Because no matter how clean this hotel is, there will be a lot of cobwebs."

"I heard Sister DiBella say that Namira, the Demon God of Decay, likes spider webs the most."

"Then you are really smart." Wang Yu praised.

"Please don't kill my daughter. She is innocent." The mother knelt on the ground.

Wang Yu hurriedly helped her up. "Why are you so afraid of me?"

"You must also be a cannibal, right? Because your female companion said she doesn't eat human flesh as soon as she walked in."

"You misunderstood, she just has a sharper nose." Wang Yu smiled and shook his head. "Wait a minute! After your husband dies, there shouldn't be anyone left to make human flesh, right?"

"Where did the smell of human flesh that Ramaye smelled come from?" Wang Yu looked at the mother with sharp eyes.

"Because I killed my husband and soaked him in the salt pond." The landlady's expression was still numb.

"When I find out about my husband's secrets, I always feel some subconscious fear."

"Over time, he discovered my problem. So he planned to kill me and my daughter." The mother who was affected by the calming spell said mechanically.

"So you killed him instead?" Wang Yu asked.

"Yes, his body is still in there. Do you want to see it?"


Wang Yu came out of the hotel thoughtfully.

Under the leadership of the landlady, he discovered the ogre soaking in the salt pool in the cellar of the hotel. This proves that everything the boss lady said should be true.

"The corrupt lady Namira has fallen into eternal silence, so are her followers also crazy and twisted?" Wang Yu guessed.

"So if Baal dies, will it have any impact on vampires?"

In fact, Wang Yu's guess was correct. Barr's death had a great impact on vampires.

In a slightly old castle, Serana's father was unconsciously in the form of a king.

When Baal fell, the vampires found that their abilities had greatly increased.

But before they could be happy, they discovered that a terrible will was trying to invade them.

The more powerful the vampire, the more terrifying the attack will be.

Serana's father is now dueling with Baal's will.

"Pathetic mortal! Kneel down at my feet! Do you still remember when you wagged your tail and begged me for strength?" Baal's voice recalled in Serana's father's mind.

"I've paid enough! You can't even imagine taking over this power!"

"Hahahaha! How can that little price be enough?"

"No! You can't do this!!!"



When Serana's father opened his eyes again, a look of hatred appeared on his face.

"God of Order! Just wait! I will return again! Hahahaha!"

The terrifying laughter shook the entire castle.

After laughing enough, Barr stopped smiling. He felt the power in his body, and then frowned deeply.

"Weak! Too weak! With such weak divine power, I'm afraid even the lowest servant god can't defeat it."

"It seems that I need to regain my should I recover?" Barr began to turn over the memory of Serana's father.

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