"When I saw the Holy Light, I thought it was someone from the church who took action, but I didn't expect it was a little girl with yellow hair who hadn't even been touched by the Grand Master. Haha, then there's nothing to be afraid of." Burns said with a smile.

Hearing the old man's contemptuous words, Melmed forcibly suppressed his anxious heart.

After all, the strength gap lies here.

If it continues like this, sooner or later it will be overwhelmed by endless corpses.

Do you want to make a sacrifice...

It's just that after using that move, there's still nothing you can do against him?

Wouldn't that be a waste of time?

Just as Melmed was struggling, dozens of light arrows flew from a distance, blowing up large pieces of rotting corpses and flying all over the sky.

"Who is it again?" Burns looked towards the direction of the light arrow.

I saw dozens of mages standing side by side, muttering words, and the magic array flashing in front of them.

There was a graceful woman floating in the air, it was the chief court mage Lysa. She saw Melmed's holy light magic and came with the court mage group to support her.

"Burns, when you see these living dead, you know it's you. It's been decades, and you're still doing these evil things? Have you forgotten what your father taught you back then?" Lysa seemed to know Burns. Si, said indignantly.

"Lisa..." Burns raised his head with difficulty, looking up at Lysa in mid-air with cloudy eyes, as if recalling the past.

Then he lowered his head.

"Lysa, no one can stop me, not even you."

With that said, Burns also floated into the air, reaching the same height as Lysa.

"Father has long said that necromancy is black magic. It can be studied, but it must not be used wantonly. Improper use will not only make the deceased unable to rest in peace, but also the user's own vitality will be greatly depleted. You look so haggard now. The body is the best proof.”

Lysa stared at Burns with half anger and half pity.

"Ah, I know, of course I know...I've known it from the beginning, but I have no way, no way to refuse this powerful power. It can allow me to gain a foothold in the magic world and the mercenary world. Let me enjoy the glory and wealth, and it will also give me the opportunity to surpass you damn geniuses!"

Burns roared feebly in his old voice.

"So do you have any reason to dig open the graves of the dead and disturb the peace of the dead like a tomb robber? With the frequency of your use of necromancy, you should have died long ago. If I guessed correctly, your body would have been dead long ago. It must have been turned into an undead by you, and what has been supporting your actions all this time must be the spells of necromancy."

As if he had been hit, Burns angrily tore off the cloak that had been wrapped around him, revealing his figure.

The withered body was riddled with holes, and the holes were filled with the green aura representing necromancy.

"You guessed it right. You are indeed a genius. Now are you satisfied? All this is thanks to you!"

"Thanks to me? Burns, I think you are completely crazy, or is your brain, which is less than sixty years old, rotting along with your body?"

Burns, who looks older than Ian, who is over a hundred years old, is actually less than sixty years old. From this, we can see how much harm necromancy magic causes to the caster.

"It's useless to talk more. You'd better kill me directly today, otherwise I will burn the entire palace to the ground!"

As he spoke, a rotten green skull-shaped light flew out from Burns' cane and headed straight for Lysa.

Split open by Lysa's light blade.

When dealing with necromancy magic, although ordinary light attribute magic is not as effective as holy light magic, it still has a certain restraining effect.

Seeing that pure magic was ineffective against Lysa, Burns gritted his teeth and directly controlled the rotting corpses on the ground that were fighting with Melmed and others, sent them up into the air, and threw them towards Lysa.

"Corpse Explosion"

While causing explosion damage, the body fluids splashed around are also corrosive.

This is Burns's trick to keep the bottom of the box.

Over the years, many people faced this move and could only evade it, and were eventually killed or completely corroded.

It's a pity that Lysa in front of him has prepared everything for this day.

Since Ian can teach him, he can also cure him.

The flawless white light shield covered Lysa, resisting the violent explosion. Green juice splashed on it, making a sizzling sound, but the light shield did not move at all.

Lysa, protected by magic, closed her eyes and began to sing.

"Ashes to ashes...Dust to dust..."

"Without death, there is no life, only with death can there be life..."

A huge skeleton began to slowly take shape behind Lysa. Different from Burns's rotten green, this skeleton was wearing a gray cloak and a hood. It was extremely solemn. Two white-gold flames flickered in the gray and empty eye sockets. .

Melmed looked at this scene in the sky in surprise. Where is the "black magic" in Lysa's words?

It's obviously just such a pale skeleton, but it exudes a somewhat sacred aura.

Burns was also stunned, and the magic he was controlling also stopped.

"This...is this necromancy?"

Lysa, has your attainment reached this level long ago?

Really, I was still overwhelmed by you until the end...

In mid-air, the huge phantom of the skeleton finally took shape, and Lysa's long chant that consumed almost all of her magic power finally ended, and her red lips were slightly opened.

"The Grip of Death..."

As Lysa finished speaking, the huge skeleton behind him stretched out its bone palm and held the sluggish Burns in it.

The white-gold flame bloomed gently, flowing silently from the gaps in the bones.

Even the rotting corpses on the ground were affected, and the green flames in their eyes slowly dimmed, replaced by the same holy white-gold flames.

If the purification of Holy Light Magic is a violent act that destroys both the body and the soul, then this peculiar Necromantic Magic is a gentle call to the lost souls to return to where they originally belonged.

The flames continued to burn for several minutes, during which all those present simply watched in silence, no one willing to infringe on this almost sacred moment.

Finally, the platinum flame went out, and the huge skeleton shadow gradually disappeared.

Where Burns used to be, there was nothing at the moment.

The necromancer who has turned all of himself into undead has no chance of survival under this move, and no scum will be left behind.

"That's it, Burns..." The exhausted Lysa no longer had the magic power to support the floating magic and fell from the sky.

Melmed rushed over and caught her.

"Aunt Lysa, are you okay?" Melmed asked with concern.

"Go, little Melme, do what you have to do, I'll just take a rest..." Lesa smiled weakly.

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