Time flies, and ten years have passed in the blink of an eye.

The emperor died and the prince succeeded to the throne.

The people were not overly sad about the passing of the late emperor, because the one who was about to succeed him was the "Holy Son" who everyone had high hopes for.

For this reason, the coronation ceremony was deliberately postponed to the "Margaret Day" of that year, hoping to gain the favor and protection of the Virgin of Flowers.

The new emperor, Mancini Russo, ascended the throne surrounded by the people of the whole country and accompanied by the extremely beautiful queen.

There was a three-day banquet in the imperial capital, and everyone was celebrating this moment.

Mancini lived up to everyone's expectations. In the following few years, he worked hard to govern the country. The already powerful Florence Empire became even more prosperous during those years. Even the demons did not dare to look directly at that brilliance.

However, from that day on, everything began to take a turn for the worse.

That day, the queen fell seriously ill.

Mancini stayed by his beloved wife's side day and night and invited the best therapists in the country to treat her, but the more effort he put in, the worse the queen's condition became.

At that time, Mancini thought he was almost losing his wife...

However, a miracle happened at that moment.

The queen recovered overnight and was even able to appear in public.

Everyone thanked the Virgin of Flowers for saving the queen's life.

Not only that, the queen became pregnant with a prince not long after.

Was it a blessing in disguise? Was it a gift from the Virgin of Flowers?

In any case, not only the emperor himself, but also the queen was deified by the people of the Florence Empire afterwards.

People's fanatical worship of the royal family has reached its peak.

However, this fanatical worship was short-lived.

Because since some time ago, the emperor began to focus on divination.

Some old people recalled the astrologer "Duran". The strange and terrible prophecy was accidentally dug up again by the imperial people.

The emperor is indeed wise, and this is obvious to all, but "prophecy" always has a magical power that makes people believe in it.

Considering the Emperor's recent actions, it is hard not to wonder whether His Majesty himself is also troubled by the prophecy.

The emperor's prime minister spent more and more time on behalf of state affairs, and the emperor and empress appeared less and less frequently.

It was announced to the public that "the Queen is about to give birth and needs Your Majesty to accompany her."

In fact, they began to prepare shelters, dig secret rooms, and store food...


It's "Margaret Day" again this year.

As if it was destined, the queen gave birth today.

Such a coincidence instantly washed away people's doubts.

The Virgin of Flowers still favors the empire, and the Florence Empire will continue to prosper forever.

But on that day, something strange happened.

First, there were reports of bizarre deaths in various parts of the city, and then there were small-scale riots, but they were all suppressed.

That night, there were two moons hanging in the sky. The red one instantly swallowed up the green one and became the only celestial body.

Not only that, the color of the red moon became darker and darker, until the entire night sky was dyed blood red.

Half of the prophecy was fulfilled.

The blood-sucking monsters were wreaking havoc in the city, transforming innocent residents into their own kind. The army of the Florence Empire had no way to deal with them. Under the reflection of the blood moon, the monsters were extremely powerful, invulnerable to swords and guns, and even magic could hardly hurt them at all.

The blood of the dead became food for the monsters, and the bodies of the dead became slaves of the monsters.

Under the cover of strange power, people in the city cannot leave, and people outside the city cannot enter.

It was a one-sided massacre. Millions of people in the imperial capital were wiped out, and the Florence Empire was completely destroyed overnight.

Thousands of years have passed, history has become legend, and legend has become myth.

Few people remember that the once prosperous Florence Empire on the continent, the "City of Steel" and the "City of Flowers", was eventually buried deep underground, no longer cared about, and never saw the light of day again.


“That’s the story.”

Ms. Armand finished telling the story, picked up the red wine glass that came from somewhere, and took a sip.

"There is a problem," Sophia said.

"Excuse me."

"Why are there so many details in your story? I don't think Ms. Armand has ever witnessed the disaster herself..."

"There is no reason. It is just a story passed down orally. It must have been embellished by the previous generation, or even the generation before that."

It does feel like a bedtime story you tell your kids before they go to sleep...

For example, the story of Grandpa Desauve, which happened only 50 years ago, has been passed down as a miracle. However, when we actually met him, we found that he was no different from an ordinary old man, and even had a contrasting taste in that he liked sweets...

But the main part of the story should not change, and those major events should have actually happened.

What's more, the story told by Ms. Armand has been passed down for two generations at most, and its credibility is much higher than those legends.

"Also, until the end of the story, you didn't mention the secret of Queen Luna. Why is that?"

"It's the same as the answer to the first question. Since it's passed down orally within the family, it's impossible to make it up if you haven't seen it with your own eyes."

No wonder I always feel that the second half of the story is rather vague, only explaining the result but not the deeper reasons.

"But I have another version of the story about Luna Sangevinias..."

"I'm sure you've discovered that this story is told from a human perspective. Luna is a vampire. What kind of person was she before she met the prince? What happened during the year they were alone in the mountains? In the second half of the story, why did she fall seriously ill and then get better overnight? She is a vampire who is infertile, so why was she able to give birth to a child with a human? What kind of seed of destruction is she carrying in her belly?"

A series of questions are confusing.

Madame Armand smiled and said:

"Unfortunately, as her fellow vampires, we know nothing about this. There is no other vampire in the world who is as ancient and pure as her. The answers to all this can only be known after we continue to investigate the ruins."

"As for the other story...it is a secret of the vampire race, so I will never reveal it to you."

"Perhaps, once the investigation of the ruins is complete, you will know everything."

After saying this, Ms. Armand drank the red wine in one gulp.

"Thank you for your cooperation. See you another day in the Lost City."

After saying this, Ms. Armand turned into a cloud of blood mist and disappeared.

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