After Xia Youjie followed the waiter into a booth in the dessert shop, Herman Melville, one of the few transcendents in the United States, was waiting for him there.

Xia Youjie unceremoniously opened his chair and sat down, but Herman Melville across from him didn't say anything and was still smiling.

Herman Melville was one of the few transcendents in the United States. Although the United States rarely fought because the United States did not directly participate in the war, it did not mean that he did not know the cruelty of the war between superpowers.

Moreover, the US government asked him to come here to attract Xia Youjie to join the United States, not to offend anyone. Anyone who has the ability will have a temper, right? At least Xia Youjie was willing to come over instead of taking action because he felt offended.

"This is a good phenomenon." Herman Melville thought in a good mood.

"First of all, I came to the United States just to take that child on a trip." Xia Youjie said in a lazy tone.

"Of course, we know this." Since Herman Melville wanted to contact Xia Youjie, he naturally knew about Xia Youjie's itinerary.

"You have visited many places in the United States during this period, so... what do you think of America?" Herman Melville asked softly.

Xia Youjie stopped stirring the coffee and looked up at Herman Melville. He was still smiling, "Is this important?"

Herman Melville explained: "I believe you also know that many people have investigated you. You have no background or country.

This is almost impossible. Judging from your language, you should be Japanese or possibly Chinese. But to be honest, you probably don't have a good impression of Japan, and China...

Otherwise you wouldn’t be traveling around the world. "

Xia Youjie smiled. He had two lifetimes of memories. For some people who specialized in investigation, it was not difficult to infer his country from his language and style. They probably thought that his parents were from two countries and that he was in Both countries have life experiences.

The Chinese side is currently undergoing seclusion and development, and most people cannot go back yet.

As for Japan...

Xia Youjie really doesn't have much favorable impression of Japan. Whether it is the first or second life, it has been a few months since he came to this world. Ever since he exposed his strength, the old Japanese people in this world have begun to try their best to contact him, but he does not want to go back yet.

What are you going back for? Be a gunman? Since the beginning of the war, they have been losing ground on the battlefield because there are no powerful people with super powers. Those half-buried old oranges have gone crazy and sent all the people with super powers they can find in the country to the battlefield.

He doesn't care how old these superpowers are, nor does he care about their life or death.

Looking at Herman Melville in front of him, Xia Youjie said calmly: "I'm sorry, although the United States is very good, but I have no intention of staying in the United States for development."

Herman Melville didn't say much. The current strength of the United States is still not as good as that of the old European countries with many surpassers. However, in recent years, it has developed a lot due to its massive war fortune and has gained some foundation. But there are not many people with powerful supernatural powers in the United States.

Therefore, the United States has been recruiting some powerful people with special abilities. Judging from the intelligence collected by the United States, Xia Youjie's strength has reached the level of a transcendent, but he is not a person with weird mental, causal, and space abilities. These are not the primary abilities to recruit. The reason for letting fellow transcendent Herman Melville come is not only to try his luck, but also to show respect and prevent others from starting a fight in the United States.

"Mr. Xia You, why not take a look at the conditions first? If you are willing to join the United States, it will be of great benefit to you and the child." Herman Melville persuaded again, his tone There was a hint of warning in it, warning him that this was American territory.

"Sorry, I don't have this idea at the moment." Xia Youjie's smile became dangerous and his eyes were half-squinted. People who are familiar with Xia Youjie know that this is the situation when Xia Youjie feels impatient.

Herman Melville felt the change in Xia Youjie's momentum very keenly, so he slowed down his tone:

"It doesn't matter. If Mr. Xia You has any ideas, you can make this call at any time. The United States is always looking forward to your joining." He said and handed over a business card.

Xia Youjie didn't say anything more, just reached out and took the business card. Don't hit the smiling person with your hand. You still have to give him some face on his territory.

Xia Youjie led Oda Sakunosuke to play in the United States for several months. Of course, during this period, the United States also strictly guarded against him. After all, he was also a transcendent. As the name suggests, he was a powerful person with supernatural powers who could destroy a country by himself. , If Xia Youjie takes action in the United States, no one knows how much damage will be caused.


"So, is this why you asked me to take care of this child?"

An Lan's dark brown eyes stared intently at Xia Youjie. As a member of Xia Youjie's family, he should not and could not speak to Xia Youjie like this, but who said that he was once the object of Xia Youjie's supervision and protection?

"Is there no way? Lin Fei can't turn into a human. I plan to go to Europe to see it. It's really inconvenient to have a child! Even if he is a professionally trained child." Xia Youjie spread his hands and said in a very rogue manner .

"Moreover, now that Fei is in front of the world, the embodiment of my supernatural power cannot be too far away from me."

An Lan took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, "Then you can trust me, a weak researcher, to look after your child?!"

An Lan frowned and had a headache. The direction of his evolution was the brain, and he was a natural researcher. But even if his abilities evolved to the end, he would only be stuck in a laboratory due to bugs.

(This is a plug-in provided by the author. Don’t worry about this kind of thing. After all, I don’t want my boyfriend to suffer.)

Hmm ~ small.

But no one can live in that place!

And An Lan himself doesn't have any attack power, which is called crispy for short.

"You who are strong are suppressed by the world, but you who are weak cannot control it! What can I do?"

An Lan also had a headache. He knew that Xia Youjie was really in a hurry. Since he won the final battle by using the magic spirit technique, although humans won, Xia Youjie also lost his human body. You Jie used his own rules to forcibly stabilize his human body, so that he did not become the most terrifying monster in the world.

But his current body is like a large nuclear fusion reactor, a hodgepodge that will explode at once. He needs time and fighting to calm down the power in his body, and at the same time, he can become familiar with his new abilities.

"There is no other way. Let's send you back to Japan first. At any rate, the child is familiar with it. Can you speak Japanese?"

"Who gave you the illusion that I don't know how to do it? Even if I don't know how to do it, I can get it done in two or three days." An Lan answered Xia Youjie's stupid question calmly and sarcastically.

"If it doesn't work out, I can keep Zhou Xuan." Xia Youjie thought for a long time and picked out one of them. He felt that Zhou Xuan was okay, strong, able to fight and defend, and the most important thing was that even if it turned into something weird, his thoughts Also human.

An Lan was silent for a while. He wanted Zhou Xuan to come out, but he was afraid that it would disrupt Xia Youjie's plan, so he just kept silent.

Most of the weirdos that Xia Youjie subdued were wild, but there were also a few that were not wild, but his comrades-in-arms. He knew that Xia Youjie didn't want to call them out unless it was absolutely necessary. Every time he saw them, it meant that It made Xia Youjie want to recall the pain of being powerless again.

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