
Chapter 344 Corpse

After the war, the world did not return to peace. Everyone knows that although the prisoner died, he still left behind a daughter. This is the current leader of the Demon Cult, Mingyue.

Mingyue has shown amazing talents since he was a child. He not only inherited his father's martial arts talent from prison, but also possessed his mother's wisdom and beauty. Growing up in the Demon Cult, he experienced countless hardships and challenges, and finally became the leader of the Demon Cult. Her goal is to revive the Demonic Cult and avenge her father. At this time, the Zhengdao people were still immersed in the joy of victory, and they did not realize the threat of Mingyue.

Mingyue used the resources and power of the Demon Cult to secretly develop his own power. She also colluded with some evil sects to fight against the righteous way. After the last war, everyone in the Righteous Path suffered a great loss in strength. Although they were aware of Mingyue's threat, they were unable to stop his development.

Ten years later, Mingyue is finally ready. She led the demon sect to attack the righteous sect. Although the righteous sect struggled to resist, they were unable to withstand the attack of the demon sect.

The bright moon is advancing all the way, and no one can stop it. Just when she was about to capture the last sect of Zhengdao, a man appeared. He was Xu Qingfeng, the head of the Zhengdao sect back then.

The two started an earth-shattering battle. They are all top masters with equal strength. They went back and forth in the battle, evenly matched. Finally, Xu Qingfeng used his unique skill, "Tiangang Zhengqi Jue". This is a very powerful and powerful skill. Ming Yue could not resist being severely injured and had no choice but to flee the scene.

And Xu Qingfeng also suffered backlash because he used too much force. He died shortly after the war. But his appearance gave the right path a glimmer of hope. They used this time to regroup and regain their strength. They also made friends with some neutral sects and loose cultivators outside the country to jointly fight against the demonic sect.

After experiencing this failure, Mingyue became more cautious. She knew that if she wanted to revive the Demonic Cult, she must first get rid of the descendants of the Xu family. So, he began to look for Xu Qingfeng's descendants everywhere. Finally, he found Xu Qingfeng's grandson, Xu Lai.

Xu Lai is an extremely talented young man who has learned martial arts from his grandfather since he was a child. His goal is to become a hero like his grandfather and bring glory to his family. Mingyue took advantage of Xu Lai's innocence and designed to frame him. He asked the demon sect disciples to disguise themselves as righteous disciples and sneak into his sect. Then, they suddenly launched an attack and killed everyone in the sect. Only Xu Lai escaped.

Mingyue took the opportunity to appear and rescued Xu Lai. She told Xu Lai that it was the Zhengdao sect that killed his grandfather and fellow sect members. Xu Laixin believed it to be true and decided to follow Mingyue to avenge his grandfather.

Mingyue brought Xu Lai back to the head of the Demon Sect and asked him to become a disciple of the Demon Sect. He also taught him some techniques and spells from the Demon Cult. Xu Lai soon became a master in the demon sect and became more and more loyal to Mingyue. He believes that Mingyue is a charismatic and capable leader who is worth following. But Mingyue secretly used Xu Lai to do things for herself. He wanted to use Xu Lai's talent and hatred to create more opportunities for the Demon Sect. He also wanted to use Xu Lai to heal himself.

It turned out that Mingyue suffered serious internal injuries during the battle with Xu Qingfeng. Although she is very powerful, she cannot heal her injuries. He needs a young man with pure masculinity to convey his inner strength. And Xu Lai is the best candidate. Mingyue has been waiting for the right time.

"I can help you treat your injuries, but you need to agree to a condition." Mingyue said.

Xu Lai looked at Mingyue with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"What conditions?" Xu Lai asked.

Mingyue took a deep breath and said, "You need to join our sect and become our disciple."

When Xu Lai heard this condition, his heart sank. He knew that joining a sect meant being bound by the sect and giving up his freedom.

"I can't join your sect." Xu Lai said firmly.

Mingyue looked at Xu Lai, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes. She knew that Xu Lai was a very talented young man. If he could join the sect, he would definitely become a great hero in the future.

"Why?" Mingyue asked.

Xu Lai was silent for a while and said, "I have my own things to do and cannot be bound by the sect."

After hearing Xu Lai's words, Mingyue's heart moved. She suddenly thought of a way.

"If you don't want to join the sect, that's fine. But you need to promise me that after you become a real hero, you will do something for our sect." Mingyue said.

Xu Lai thought about it and felt that this condition was acceptable.

"Okay, I promise you." Xu Lai said.

After listening to Xu Lai's words, Mingyue showed a smile on her face.

"Very good. Now, please convey your inner energy to me." Mingyue said.

Xu Lai walked to Mingyue, sat down, stretched out his hands, and held Mingyue's hand. He felt that Mingyue's hands were cold, and there was a strong internal force flowing in her body.

Xu Lai closed his eyes and began to use his internal energy. He felt his inner strength pouring into Mingyue's body continuously, and Mingyue's injuries were slowly recovering.

After a while, Mingyue's injuries finally fully recovered. She stood up and glanced at Xu Lai gratefully.

"Thank you, Xu Lai." Mingyue said.

Xu Lai smiled and said, "You're welcome, this is what I should do."

Mingyue looked at Xu Lai, a hint of appreciation flashed in her eyes. She knew that Xu Lai was a young man with great potential, and he was also very kind-hearted.

"I can teach you something." Mingyue said.

Xu Lai felt happy after hearing Mingyue's words. He never found the right master.

"Really? That's great!" Xu Lai said.

Mingyue smiled and said: "Of course it is true. However, you need to pass my test first."

Xu Lai's heart sank after hearing Mingyue's words. He knew that Mingyue was a very strict person, and her test would not be simple.

"What test?" Xu Lai asked.

Mingyue took a deep breath and said, "You need to learn the basic skills of our sect within three days." Xu Lai felt happy after hearing Mingyue's words. He felt that this test was not difficult. As long as he studied hard, he would be able to pass it.

"Okay, I will definitely pass your test." Xu Lai said.

Mingyue looked at Xu Lai, a hint of appreciation flashed in her eyes. She knew that Xu Lai was a young man with great potential, and he was also very kind-hearted.

"Very good. Now, you start studying." Mingyue said.

Xu Lai listened to Mingyue's words and began to study the basic skills of the sect seriously. He found that this technique was not difficult, but it required continuous practice to master its secrets.

In the next three days, Xu Lai has been practicing hard. He would practice late into the night every day until his body was exhausted. However, he never gave up. He knew that only through his own efforts could he become a true hero.

Three days later, Mingyue came to check Xu Lai's learning results. Xu Lai showed off his learning achievements, and Mingyue was very satisfied, so she officially accepted Xu Lai as a disciple.

After becoming Mingyue's disciple, Xu Lai worked harder to study and practice. He made rapid progress and soon became a leader in the sect. Mingyue also had high hopes for him and taught him everything she had learned throughout her life.

However, as Xu Lai's reputation grew, he also began to face more challenges and tests. Once, he received a mission and needed to go to a mysterious place to find a legendary treasure. During this mission, Xu Lai encountered a powerful enemy whose strength was far superior to Xu Lai's. Xu Lai was beaten back and forth, but he did not give up. He was always looking for the enemy's weaknesses.

In the end, Xu Lai found the enemy's flaw and successfully defeated him. He got the treasure and got Mingyue's recognition. From then on, Xu Lai became a real hero, and his name spread throughout the world. It's just that Xu Lai's reputation is getting bigger and bigger, but he is in the Demon Sect, and people in the world are trying to kill him. After all, good and evil are divided, and good and evil are not mutually exclusive.

Xu Lai decided to retire from the world. He left the Demon Cult with Mingyue and looked for a quiet place to live. They searched around and finally found a suitable residence in a remote small village. They settled there and lived a peaceful life. Xu Lai also let go of everything in the past and began to re-examine his life.

However, their happy life did not last long. One day, a group of righteous people suddenly came to their village. When they heard that Xu Lai was here, they came to attack him. Xu Lai didn't want to conflict with the righteous people anymore, but they refused to give up and wanted to put Xu Lai to death.

Xu Lai had no choice but to take up arms again and start a duel with the righteous people. During the battle, Xu Lai discovered that these righteous people were not really righteous people, they just came for the treasures. Xu Lai was unwilling to let them succeed, so he fought with all his strength. In the end, Xu Lai defeated them, but was seriously injured himself.

Mingyue felt distressed when she saw Xu Lai was injured. She decided to use her own life in exchange for Xu Lai's safety. She used her body to block the attacks of the righteous people, and ultimately sacrificed herself. Xu Lai was devastated, but he also understood that Mingyue was for his own good. He decided to live well, for Mingyue and for himself.

Xu Lai left the village and traveled around. He helped those in need, acted chivalrously, and became a true hero. His fame spread throughout the world, but he never forgot Mingyue. He often thinks of Mingyue and the days they spent together. He knew that although Mingyue left, she would always live in his heart.

At this time, there was a wail in the illusion, and a burst of magic mist suddenly came out. Fairy Ji Yao watched intently. At some point, the illusion in front of her began to change again. In the illusion, Lei Gong and others surrounded a person. The magic fog around that person was very strange. .

But the wailing sound was extremely miserable, as if it was a tortured soul begging for mercy. Everyone was shocked and involuntarily stopped what they were doing. I saw a figure slowly walking out of the magic mist. It was a tall man. He was wearing a black robe and exuded a strong magic aura. His face was full of pain and distortion, and a strange light shone in his eyes.

"You can't kill me! I am the ancestor of the devil. I have endless magic and powerful power. If you kill me, the entire devil will fall into chaos, and there will no longer be peace in the world!" The man's voice was full of fear and despair. .

"You are no longer the ancestor of the devil. You are just a puppet controlled by monsters. Your existence will only bring disaster and pain to the world. We are here today to eliminate you and save the common people in the world." Lei Gongleng Said coldly.

"No, no, no! You can't kill me! I still have a lot of things to do, and I still have a lot of wishes that haven't been realized. I can't die like this!" The man's emotions became more excited, and his body began to stop. The ground trembled.

"You have no chance. Your crime has been committed and your fate has been determined. Today is the day you die." Lei Gong's voice was full of determination and determination.

"No, no, no! You can't kill me! I am willing to pay any price, as long as you can let me go, I am willing to do anything for you!" A trace of despair flashed in the man's eyes, and he knew that he had no way out. .

"Are you willing to do anything for us?" Lei Gong suddenly asked.

"Yes, yes, yes! I am willing to do anything for you, as long as you can let me go." The man nodded quickly and said.

"Okay, then you can dedicate all your magic power and let us end this." Lei Gong said.

The man hesitated for a moment, but finally sighed helplessly and said, "Okay, I am willing to dedicate all my magic power, as long as you can let me go."

As he spoke, the man began to use his magic power to continuously transport the magic power from his body. Lei Gong and others took the opportunity to use their magical powers to seal the man's magic power. As the magic power continued to be output, the man's body became weaker and weaker, and finally fell to the ground and turned into a pile of ashes.

"It's finally over." Lei Gong and others breathed a sigh of relief, with tired smiles on their faces.

"Yes, this battle was really hard. But fortunately, we succeeded in the end." The woman on the side said.

"Now, the threat of the devil has been eliminated. We can go back with confidence." Lei Gong said.

"Well, but we still have to be careful to prevent the devil from rising again," the woman said.

"Yes, we cannot take it lightly. However, this battle has also shown us that as long as we work together, there is no difficulty that we cannot overcome." Lei Gong said.

With that said, Lei Gong and others turned around and left, disappearing into the sky. They know that their mission is not completed yet, and they still need to continue to protect peace and tranquility in the world.

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