
Chapter 417 Borrowed (Page 12)

In this thunderous Thunder Mountain, a thrilling contest has just come to an end. The showdown between the Demon King and Mo Wenjian was as shocking as the violent storm between heaven and earth. With the power of thunder, Mo Wenjian slashed through the sky with one sword, turning into a stream of light and disappearing instantly. Not to be outdone, the Demon King flicked his cloak and disappeared, along with Lei Xiao, the four brothers from Beichen Palace, and all the masters from the Immortal Demon Hall. in the invisible power.

The Demon King lightly lifted his cloak, and A Li followed him like a shadow. He nodded slightly to signal Zhuang Mo, and the two of them immediately activated their demon power and ghostly intentions, and thick black mist swept across the entire Thunder Mountain like a tide. Under this power, the figures of the Demon King and A Li quickly disappeared, while Zhuang Mo used the magic of demon spirits to hide in place.

The turmoil in Thunder Mountain ended at this moment. The Pili Hall disciples headed by Lei Gong watched the enemy leave, but surprisingly did not stop them. Luo Hongchen and others came to the rescue and chose to acquiesce at this moment. When all this is over, all that's left is to pick up the pieces and get back on track.

As the emperor, Luo Hongchen's acquiescence made Lei Gong aware that something had changed. He floated up to Luo Hongchen, and slightly saluted with his hands: "Junior Lei Gong, I have met Mr. Luo." Luo Hongchen waved his hands quickly, and complained with some fear: "That's it, you don't know the depth of Lei Gong, and you almost caused a big fuss. Woe. Let’s go to the Thunder Pond first.”

After Luo Hongchen finished speaking, he floated down, followed by Lei Gong. The two of them entered the Lei Pond one after another regardless of others. As soon as he entered it, Lei Gong asked softly: "Mr. Luo intends to indulge, but is there any way to resolve the crisis?" His question pointed directly at the mysterious formation in the Lei Pond and the gradually declining Immortal Vein Spirit. Once the Immortal Vein is destroyed, the entire Thunder Mountain will face the fate of withering away, not to mention the decline of Perak Hall, and the surrounding people and creatures will also suffer disaster.

Luo Hongchen understood the seriousness of the problem. He nodded and said enigmatically: "Don't worry, the old man has his own magic." After saying that, the two of them disappeared and came to the depths of the thunder pond. After careful observation, Luo Hongchen found that the originally turbulent Zixiao Divine Thunder had somewhat disappeared, and the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Pool seemed to be undergoing a process of dissipation. This process is extremely slow, and ordinary people cannot feel it at all. However, as an emperor, even though he does not practice thunder, he can still sense the changes.

As the leader of the Thunderbolt Hall, Lei Gong has full control over everything in Thunder Mountain. He also felt the changes in Lei Chi, but he was too seriously injured before, and then he took action forcefully, and his body was extremely weak. In addition, Luo Hongchen was personally in charge, and as a junior, even though he was a landlord, he could not stand out too much. Therefore, although he had doubts about Luo Hongchen's previous approach of letting everything go, he did not ask about it, nor did he come forward to stop it.

Luo Hongchen observed for a long time and determined that the problem lay in the mysterious formation and the nine immortal golden lotuses quietly placed at the bottom of the thunder pool. These nine lotuses represent the power of the Immortal Veins of Thunder Mountain, are the manifestation of the spirit of the Immortal Veins, and are also the incarnation of all its origins. It can be said that if these nine lotuses change slightly, not only the Thunder Mountain will change, but the entire Fuyang Mountains will also cause some unnecessary troubles. As for how big or bad the consequences will be, it depends on the extent of the changes in the Nine Lotuses.

Luo Hongchen knew the importance of these nine lotus flowers, and he must find a way to resolve the crisis as soon as possible. After pondering for a moment, he decided to personally check the situation of the mysterious formation and find a way to restore the power of the immortal veins. At the same time, he also asked Lei Gong to strengthen the defense of Pili Hall and ensure the safety of Leiming Mountain.

In the following days, Luo Hongchen and Lei Gong led the disciples of Perak Hall to fight day and night in the Lei Pond. They continue to study the mysteries of the mysterious formation and find ways to restore the power of the immortal veins. After countless trials and failures, they finally found a way to stabilize the formation and restore the power of the Immortal Veins.

This method requires the help of the power of the Nine Heavenly Divine Thunder Pond and the original power of the Nine Immortal Veins Golden Lotus. Luo Hongchen personally used an emperor-level spell to guide the power of the Nine Heavenly God's Thunder Pond to the Nine Immortal Veins Golden Lotus. At the same time, the Thunder Technique also activated the secret method of the Thunderbolt Hall to assist Luo Hongchen in completing this ritual.

The nine golden lotuses represent a supreme immortal power. They are the patron saints of Lei Chi respectively, carrying the vitality and aura of the fairy veins of Lei Ming Mountain. However, one of the nine golden lotuses is now suffering from severe withering and is in critical condition.

The largest golden lotus stands in the center, majestic and solemn, while the other eight surround it, forming a protective formation. Although the lotus leaf flower stand and others are safe for the time being, the smallest golden lotus is showing signs of withering. The stamens are dry, the petals are shrinking, and even one petal is about to fall off. This situation made the guardian Luo Hongchen deeply worried. He knew that once all the petals fall off, the golden lotus will lose its vitality and be completely cut off from the fairy veins of Thunder Mountain.

Luo Hongchen understood that if he wanted to save this golden lotus, he must act immediately. He needs to first stop the mysterious formation from devouring the Thunder Pond and Thunder Mountain Immortal Veins, and then replenish and repair the damaged parts. Only in this way can the golden lotus that has lost its vitality be rejuvenated and prevent the spread of decay.

However, to solve this problem, the first thing to solve is the mysterious formation. This formation originated from ancient times, and its internal secrets confused Luo Hongchen. He must find a way to disconnect the formation to stop the power of the immortal veins from continuing to flow. At the same time, he still needs to find a way to repair the damaged golden lotus, otherwise no matter how much power he adds, it will be difficult to prevent the decline of the immortal veins.

In solving the problem of the mysterious formation, Luo Hongchen received warning from Cangyun Emperor Bai Ganyi. Bai Ganyi told him seriously that if he could not hold the formation in Leichi, or he was far away and unable to provide timely support, the consequences would be disastrous. He warned Luo Hongchen to hold on to the key and not let Lei Gong fail.

Regarding the stolen key in the formation, Luo Hongchen understood that even if it was recovered, the loss could not be restored. He needs to find a way to break through the barrier between heaven and man, use the secret method to draw the power of heaven and earth into the Golden Lotus, and coupled with the mundane nature of his own mortal power, can the Golden Lotus be temporarily unharmed.

However, if Luo Hongchen has missed the best rescue opportunity when he arrives, then he will face the worst plan. Because the mysterious formation contains methods left behind by Bai Di, the ancestor of Cangyun Sect, the situation becomes more complicated and dangerous.

In ancient times, there was chaos between heaven and man, and demons were rampant, and Thunder Mountain was one of them. It is a Jedi formed after a great war, sealing some unknown things. However, the Way of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder still exists in the Thunder Mountain. The White Emperor did not completely erase it, but used it as a deserted place, hoping that those who are destined in future generations can enlighten here.

Facts have proved that Bai Di's idea was correct. It was here that the founder of Perak Hall got an opportunity, realized the morality of Lei Chi, and finally created the ten thousand-year Taoist tradition of Perak Hall. Although he failed to achieve enlightenment in the end, the Taoism he left behind provided great help to later generations, Taoism and the human race. Now, Luo Hongchen shoulders the important task of guarding the Immortal Veins of Thunder Mountain. Whether he can successfully resolve the crisis will be related to the fate of the entire world.

Speaking of this, we have to trace back to the glorious history of Perak Hall for more than thirty generations. Although no truly shocking person has ever appeared, Pilitang adheres to the righteousness and is committed to exterminating demons, defending the Tao, and saving the common people. This can be regarded as a shocking way. In today's world, there is a peerless figure in Perak Hall - Lei Gong, whose achievements are at the pinnacle. In addition, there is a mysterious junior in Perak Hall who has been practicing in seclusion secretly. The strength of this junior is immeasurable.

Bai Qianyi knew this very well, so he gave many instructions and asked Luo Hongchen to do his best to preserve the foundation of Pili Hall. The reason is that as long as Thunder Mountain does not fall, both Lei Gong and the mysterious junior will be able to attain enlightenment. Once someone is the first to take the last step, then hundreds of years of hard work will be rewarded, and he can give it a go without any worries.

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