
Chapter 568: Prosperity

Hearing this, Bo Liangzi's eyes flashed with a trace of guilt and complexity. He whispered tentatively: "You have a magic weapon that hides your cultivation level, and I can't see through you. Why don't you tell me your cultivation level directly, and I will attack you at the corresponding level. We will fight to the death and have no regrets." However, Zhu Chunhua just smiled faintly, turned around and left, leaving behind a meaningful sentence: "No need, you have even forgotten what I look like, how much can you remember about the past?"

Looking at Zhu Chunhua's figure walking away, Bo Liangzi said nothing more, nor did he stop her. He seemed to see the shadow of his youth, that persistence and unruliness. After a long time, a faint voice echoed over Canshan: "I will take this sword away, and I will come back one day. When the time comes, you, Bo Liangzi, or Jianyinmen, just wait for me..."

The echo echoed in the empty valley. On the cliff of the sword, Bo Liangzi sighed softly and then disappeared. Since that day, the inner demon has been entangled with Bo Liangzi like a maggot, and it has become more and more prosperous. He didn't know when Zhu Chunhua would come to seek revenge again, and he didn't know how he would face the deep grudge. But he knew that only by continuous practice could he gain a foothold in this chaotic world.

So, Bo Liangzi began to practice in seclusion for fifty years. During this long period of time, he suppressed his inner demons, comprehended the way of the sword, and finally took a key step in an unprecedented realm - reaching the supreme realm of selflessness and swordlessness at the top of the way of the sword. His self-created Qingfeng Xulai swordsmanship was even more smooth and perfect, and the Jianyin Sect became famous and powerful, completely overwhelming all the sects of the righteous path, and even those ancient Taoist traditions such as Cangyun Sect and Qingli Palace could not compare with it.

However, even at such a glorious moment, Bo Liangzi still has unspeakable regrets in his heart. Although the two disciples he taught successively, Xie Qingshan and Cui Baifa, have practiced for a hundred years and achieved extraordinary achievements, they are still insufficient in his eyes. The eldest brother, Xie Qingshan, is too ruthless in his love for swordsmanship; the second brother, Cui Baifa, pursues selflessness and seems too dull. Such character flaws make it difficult for them to go further on the road of practice, and even more difficult to take charge of a sect.

Bo Liangzi knew that it was difficult to cultivate one's mind and spiritual state. He taught them many times but to no avail, and finally he could only hope to cultivate their mind and spiritual state. He asked the two to go down the mountain to experience and venture into the world, hoping to find their true self in the mortal world. However, after several experiences, although they had made a lot of achievements and their cultivation had improved, their state of mind was still difficult to improve. Bo Liangzi saw it with his own eyes and was anxious in his heart. He knew that if they continued like this, they would only fall into endless demons in their hearts and could not extricate themselves.

So he decisively stopped the two from training and forced them to retreat. Although thirty years of retreat and hard training had eliminated most of their hostility, the two remained as steadfast as before. They could never comprehend the true meaning of the two principles of "forgetting emotions" and "nothingness and no self". Bo Liangzi shook his head secretly and sighed that perhaps he was not capable enough to teach better disciples, or perhaps the two of them were too gentle and had not experienced real turmoil and change.

Faced with such a dilemma, Bo Liangzi was filled with helplessness and anxiety. He knew that his life span was getting old and he might not have much time left. If he could not find a suitable successor, the future of Jianyin Sect would be worrying. He began to look for virtuous people in the world, but there were only a few who could catch his eye. Those few were not as good as his two disciples. Ten years passed and Bo Liangzi still could not find a satisfactory successor.

However, he did not give up. He knew that as a master of his generation, he shouldered the responsibility of inheriting the sword art and promoting the orthodoxy. He would continue to search the world for the successor who could inherit his legacy and lead the Sword Hidden Sect into the future. No matter how difficult the road ahead was, he would continue unwaveringly until he found the destined successor.

In the turbulent world, the ancient and mysterious Jianyin Sect suddenly encountered unprecedented turmoil. A young man who returned from overseas, holding a legendary magical weapon that attracted many disciples of Jianyin Sect, easily broke through the mountain gate formation that Jianyin Sect had guarded for generations. What he left behind was not only a cold token, but also a declaration of the blazing fire of revenge, which plunged the entire Jianyin Sect into an unprecedented crisis.

Bo Liangzi, the current head of the Sword Hidden Sect, could not help but feel an indescribable sadness when he heard the news. Years of practice had almost made him forget the obsession and hatred in his heart, but at this moment, the long-forgotten inner demon seemed to be touched by an invisible force and slowly awakened. He knew very well that Zhu Chunhua's appearance was by no means accidental. Since the other party dared to challenge the Sword Hidden Sect so blatantly, he must have full confidence and unfathomable cultivation.

In fact, Zhu Chunhua's appearance was like a thunderclap, causing panic among the people of Jianyin Sect. He did not shock the crowd with his top-notch cultivation, but launched an indiscriminate sneak attack on the disciples of Jianyin Sect in an almost rogue manner. Whether they were powerful saints with profound cultivation or young disciples who had just entered the sect, as long as they stepped out of the mountain gate, they might encounter Zhu Chunhua's murderous hands. This revenge method that did not follow the rules and did not care about identity put Jianyin Sect into an unprecedented passive situation.

Within half a year, the cultivation of dozens of Jianyinmen disciples was abolished, including some young talents with outstanding talents and unlimited potential. This series of blows made the people of Jianyinmen uneasy, and many disciples even thought of escaping. However, most of the disciples of Jianyinmen had strong personalities, and they were unwilling to succumb to Zhu Chunhua's tyranny. Therefore, the senior cultivators of the older generation stepped forward and joined forces to fight against Zhu Chunhua.

However, Zhu Chunhua's cultivation was also unfathomable. Although he did not have an absolute advantage in the head-on confrontation, he still made the masters of the Hidden Sword Sect suffer with his strange body movements and ruthless means. Especially when he attacked for the second time, he fought desperately and injured several masters, including two enemies who had joined forces to deal with his eldest brother. After this battle, Zhu Chunhua was also seriously injured and temporarily withdrew from the sight of the martial arts world.

However, Bo Liangzi knew that Zhu Chunhua had a strong character and would never give up revenge because of a temporary setback. Sure enough, three years later, when the Five Emperors City was consecrating the Great Treasure, Zhu Chunhua appeared again. He took advantage of the gathering of all the righteous sects in the Five Emperors City and broke into the gate of the Sword Hidden Sect alone. This time, he did not kill the disciples of the Sword Hidden Sect, but took away Bo Liangzi's only child - the child who lost his mother at a young age and practiced with his father all his life.

Three months later, a huge lamp floated back to the ruins of Jianyinmen. Under the lamp, there was a green stone coffin. When Bo Liangzi opened the stone coffin with his own hands, he saw his poor son lying quietly inside, already dead. He lost his mother in his cradle, and never fought with the outside world, but in the end he paid the price of his life to repay his father's blood debt.

Bo Liangzi suppressed his grief and picked up the letter from his son's chest. The two lines of scribbled words, without a signature, pierced his heart like a sharp blade. "A sword with a sharp edge can't reach the sky, and how many shadows will there be in the end. If Xu Laijun is not here, Bo Liang will be a Bo Liangxian for the rest of his life." It turned out that Bo Liangzi's family name was Xu, and his son was Xu Lai. And the Qingfeng Xu Lai swordsmanship he created throughout his life was named after his son. He originally planned to pass on his bloodline to his son, but his son was not keen on kendo and only learned 30% to 40% of his skills. Despite this, Xu Lai was strong all his life and did not want to disgrace his father's name. In his early years, he vowed to master kendo, otherwise he would not marry or have children, and would not care about anything in the world. However, more than two hundred years have passed, and he has only reached the realm of the Saint-level Wuxiang.

The Supreme Sword Master has no descendants, which has become an eternal pain in Bo Liangzi's heart. He regretted that he failed to protect his uncle and Zhu Chunguang's father, which led to the revenge today. He regretted even more that he failed to train his son to be a talent, letting him suffer all this innocently. Unable to resist the inner demon, he once again picked up the magic weapon that caused everything. However, at this time, he found that his swordsmanship had become as dull and rotten as the blade. He was disturbed by the inner demon, and his life's creation finally went astray.

At this moment, he suddenly had an epiphany. He realized that his sword path had deviated from the right track and was blinded by hatred and obsession. He turned away sadly and decided to let go of the hatred and obsession in his heart and start over. He no longer sought revenge or mentioned his past mistakes, but instead devoted all his thoughts to the practice of swordsmanship. From then on, under his leadership, Jianyinmen ushered in a brand new decade, an era full of hope and peace.

In the long river of time, ten years seem to pass in the blink of an eye, but it is enough to change the world and bring forth heroes. Xie Qingshan and Cui Baifa, two outstanding disciples of the Sword Hidden Sect, after ten years of hard practice in seclusion, resolutely stepped out of the mountain gate and traveled across thousands of mountains and rivers, just to explore the secret between heaven and earth. Their footprints are all over the world, and wherever they go, they leave the legend of the justice and mysterious swordsmanship of the Sword Hidden Sect. The disciples followed suit, using swords as pens and hearts as ink, and in the name of righteousness, they wrote their own glorious chapters. And Bo Liangzi, this legendary figure, is searching again in the world. In his heart, he always has a dream - to find a true successor who can inherit his mantle and resolve all disputes in the world.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, another decade has quietly arrived. With the unremitting efforts of Xie Qingshan, Cui Baifa and others, Jianyin Sect finally won the admiration of the people of the world. Its reputation of righteousness and high mystery resounded through the sky, and it sat on the throne of the head of the righteous path. At the same time, Jianyin Sect also successfully restored some of the original purpose of Xuanmen Sect, making Xuanmen Dao shine again in the world.

The instigator of all this, Zhu Chunhua, has made rapid progress in his cultivation in the past ten years, reaching the realm of Gaoxuan. His name, like Kunlun in the sea, is so powerful that both the righteous and the evil are in awe of him. After all, even a master like Bo Liangzi can do nothing about him, so who can easily provoke this evil star?

However, the world is like a new chess game. Twenty years later, a force called Han Clan quietly rose up. Its leader, the man in prison, was an unrivaled master who could dominate everything. Although he had not practiced for a long time and his origins were a mystery, his cultivation was extremely high. Even Bai Qianyi, the top master of Xuanmen at that time, could only beat him by half. Under his leadership, Han Clan swept through the evil ways. With 55 top masters and tens of thousands of disciples, they were majestic and powerful, and could dominate the righteous ways. They became another unrivaled hero after Wanmoyuan who could compete with the whole world in the name of the Demon Sect.

The rise of the Han Clan marks the arrival of a new era. The battle between good and evil is raging, and another ten years have passed. During these ten years, the Han Clan has recruited talents from all over the world. The leader of the clan, the Prisoner, is a man of great talent, and his fame even surpasses that of the old man of the Demon Mountain. Under his leadership, the evil ways have truly unified for the first time in history, and the entire evil ways are made up of Han Clan.

In order to consolidate this hard-won unity, the prisoner broke the original rules and reorganized the entire poor family. The sect opened halls, and the masters of each hall, hall, and pavilion were elected by the disciples. They were selected based on their talents, regardless of their backgrounds or grudges. This unprecedented innovation made the poor family more united and jointly resisted the pressure from the righteous.

At the same time, the righteous path was not to be outdone. In the forbearance and countermeasures, talents emerged in the righteous path. The three famous swords of Jianyinmen cut off the shackles, each of them broke the knot in their hearts and cultivated their own true swordsmanship; Bo Liangzi recast the Qingfeng Sword and achieved success in his later years without any hidden dangers; although Xie Qingshan, Cui Baifa and other disciples still had obsessions in their hearts, they had seen the truth of the way of cultivation and soon they also achieved great success in the swordsmanship. The head of Qingli Palace, Emperor Changsheng, the Great Emperor Changchunzi, cultivated outstanding disciples with successors in the three gates of Jinding, Fulu, and Shushu. In particular, Zhenren Kongyang achieved extraordinary success in the cultivation of Taoism as a woman. She cultivated the three unique Taoist skills alone. The state of mind is the highest in Qingli Palace except Changchunzi. She has the potential to break through the ancient times.

In addition to Jianyin Sect and Qingli Palace, other sects were not far behind. Cangnan Haiyun Sect, West Kunlun Yaochi Fairyland, and Xumi Palace in the southwest all showed their unique skills and stopped hiding their abilities. Their disciples also made rapid progress. The head of Cangyun Sect, Emperor Cangyun Great Emperor Bai Qianyi, had the ability to make decisions on the Xuanmen sect, which made people in the world dare not make rash decisions. His disciples and descendants made great progress. The Seven Stars of Cangyun became famous one after another, and the Son of Nine Phoenix also shocked the ancient and modern times. The successor of Yaochi Fairyland, Xuan Guzi, was the head of the sect, and his master, Taiyao Immortal Emperor Gudao, sat in Yaochi Mountain. Xumi Palace was the Taifo Venerable on Xumi Mountain in Foshan, who was in charge of the Three Canons of Buddhist Scriptures. He alone cultivated the three Tongtian Sutras of Dayan Lun, Daxiang Lun, and Lunhui Pian, which made Buddhism flourish.

This period of history is full of legends and the glory of heroism. Whether it is the persistence and counterattack of the righteous path or the rise and unification of the evil path, it shows the brilliance and darkness of human nature and the unremitting pursuit of power and truth. All of this will be forever engraved on the monument of history and become a good story passed down by future generations.

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