The Lord of the Abyss let out a thunderous roar, and with steps that made the road tremble, he crashed into the corpses like a tank.

It raised its front hooves high and stepped suddenly onto the road.

War tramples!

With a loud noise, the solid stone street surface was trampled by giant hooves, causing cracks that spread like spider webs.

The violent wind swept in all directions, blowing away skeletons and zombies and scattering them.

"WOW, what a toy!"

Chen Yu's eyes lit up when he saw this thing.

He passed by Yuan Chengzhi like a wind and said quickly: "Leave this thing to me!"

Conveniently, Yuan Chengzhi knocked away the demon guard's two-handed giant sword and snatched it away.

The Lord of the Abyss holds a double-headed giant spear and dances like a tiger.

Wherever the gun wind passes, the dead souls are unstoppable, and they are cut in half and decapitated like wheat harvesters.


Chen Yu's two-handed sword drew a silver arc in the air, holding the tip of the raging spear.

Compared with the giant gun that is more than 10 meters long, the so-called giant sword in Chen Yu's hand is like a model toy.

Can it be worth the invincible spear of the Lord of the Abyss?

Absolutely, it’s easy!

The spear like Optimus Prime was swung far away by him!

The power of the third level peak is so tyrannical!

Even a clone with 50% power is still a top-notch existence in this dimension!

Seeing that he was completely unable to shake the tiny humans underneath, the Abyss Lord became angry.


The tip of the spear rubbed red sparks in the air, piercing Chen Yu with a terrifying scream and power!

Chen Yu looked calm.


As soon as he was out of shape, the tip of the spear fell into the air.

The swift and unparalleled body brought out an afterimage, and at the same time, the two-handed sword in his hand suddenly became brighter, extending out a blade made of golden flames that was more than two meters long.

The golden-red sword light dragged out a long "one" and passed across the huge body of the abyss lord.

A long wound can be seen deep in the bones, running across the huge fat body from front to back. Dark red demonic blood shot out several meters high like a fountain.

Chen Yu's original blend of fire magic and holy light. He named it: Holy Flame!

The Abyss Lord roared loudly and turned around to fight back.

It made a noise louder than the sky, chasing Chen Yu from both ends, tearing down the Junlin neighborhood that was already in shambles and making it even more miserable.

Wherever the wildly dancing gun wind passed, demons, orcs and buildings were swept away like building blocks.

It is simply a moving natural disaster and the king of house demolition.

The momentum seems huge, but it is inconsistent. Mao didn't even meet Chen Yu.

He has a centaur-like build and is too clumsy to turn around. Being circled around and around again by Chen Yu, he was played around in circles, and he could only be helpless and furious.

The ridiculous little wings on his back flapped in vain, to no avail.

In Chen Yu's eyes, this thing is just a thick-cut steak.

Sawing is just more laborious, and you need to choose a good cutting position.

'If it's broken into pieces, it won't be of any use turning it into an undead spirit. In this case……'

You can use magic to sew together the severed limbs of the undead, but the mechanical strength will definitely be reduced a lot.

Then the point of having this Necromancer tank is lost.

Chen Yu's ghostly movements suddenly stopped.

"Ouch! Die!"

The Lord of the Abyss saw that his opponent suddenly had trouble, and without thinking, he swung his spear with all his strength and swept over him.

Swept away the loneliness.

What Chen Yu wants is the moment when it moves too much and reveals its flaws.

His body turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed in front of the abyss lord!


The devil didn't have time to pull back in haste, so he lifted up his hoof and stepped on it.

To Chen Yu, the stamping action seemed like a slow-down motion.

He used the lord's bent knees as a platform, used the force to rush up to his chest, aimed the holy flame sword at his heart and stabbed him!


The flames with the attribute of holy light caused tons of damage to the demon, and penetrated the abyss lord's vitals without any hindrance like a knife cutting through butter!

"Uh! Ouch~!"

The abyss lord's heart was shattered in an instant, and he only had time to cry out twice before he collapsed among the ruins.

"This kind of killing is probably the best way to preserve combat effectiveness."

Chen Yu made a move.

The soul of the abyss lord condensed from the vicinity of the corpse. He screamed at Chen Yu twice unwillingly, and was stuffed back into the dead body, and then sealed by the flickering runes.

The faster the target can transform into the undead after death, the higher the integrity of the remaining soul and the higher the intelligence.

The abyss lord now controlled by Chen Yu is in almost the same state as before his death.

For nothing, there is a physical tank that can push everything flatly. It is so exciting to snowball!

'Well, I can't say it's for nothing...'

Chen Yu felt that the power of his clone was weakening.

As a mirror, a magical creation, its energy has an upper limit.

The magic power consumed to transform high-level monsters into undead is a bit too much...

'The magic power balance of this clone is insufficient... We must use it sparingly before killing the boss...'

After making up his mind, Chen Yu stopped making high-profile moves.

He only rode steadily on the back of the Abyss Lord, commanding it to rampage and clear the way for Yuan Chengzhi's undead army.

At the same time, as an important sample, collect experimental data about the undead for yourself.

At this time, Yuan Chengzhi’s younger brother had changed drastically:

The weak humanoid skeletons, zombies and ghouls were basically consumed. Replaced by the more sturdy and durable Cerberus, Voidwalker, Succubus, Felguard, and even the Dreadlord.

The black and gray army of undead demons fight against the black and red Burning Legion. The painting style is so beautiful!

Chen Yu squinted his eyes and stared at the newly promoted Lich King, the magic sword in his hand that seemed to have infinite magic power.

'Summoning an army of undead at no cost, is there such a good thing? I'm afraid there's a trap in there...'

The brutal strangulation in King's Landing was going on day and night.

Compared with the army of the undead, which has strict laws and regulations, they have an absolute advantage in numbers, but the chaotic fools fighting on their own are increasingly at a disadvantage.

Yuan Chengzhi finally gathered enough undead troops, gathered into a rolling black dragon, and charged towards the tall inner city palace!

The gargoyles and devil bats dived in the air, but were shot down by the orc warlock's shadow arrows midway.

The next second the warlock was stabbed through the vest by the undead succubus who came invisibly.

A large amount of blood gushed out from his fangs and mouth, and he fell down with a roar.

In an instant, he stood up with a strange deathly gray color and turned against him.

The mana cannon, which was thicker than the trunk of a giant tree, was laboriously operated by the undead orcs, and the muzzle was turned with great effort, slowly gathering mana towards the dilapidated wall of the inner city...

The body-snatcher, the demonized orc Dorgon, is currently urging the warlock in the imperial hall:

"Right now! Open the door right now! Pass my body over here!"

At the same time, all the demon guards were sent outside the palace to guard the inner city of the palace.

The warlocks murmured incoherently with blood seeping from the corners of their mouths.

The general idea is that the magic power is almost exhausted and there is no way to speed up.

"Then sacrifice your souls and flesh and blood!"

Dorgon roared and raised his right hand.

The five fingers deformed and swelled strangely, and thrust into the backs of the warlocks standing at the top of the pentagram!

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