Leziren’s happy life in Marvel

Chapter 35 The small town life of Magic Salted Fish (Part )

For a moment, Sherlock even felt that his brain was about to be shaken. He couldn't even see clearly who shook him, and could only vaguely see a touch of blond hair.

Fortunately, the brawny man and Sherlock were not alone in the small restaurant. Seeing that something was wrong, the brawny man's companions rushed up at extremely fast speeds to pull Sherlock and the brawny man away.

Sherlock finally saw clearly the appearance of the strong man, well, how should I put it, Xu Jinjiang! It's you!

That's right, the one who almost had Sherlock's brains shaken was none other than our famous Mr. Xu Jinjiang's half-brother, our famous Hammer God Thor.

Sherlock originally thought of walking around the town after he finished eating to see if he could find any trace of Thor, but he never expected that Thor would come to him on his own.

What is this? No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to find any place, and you won't be able to find it without any effort at all? Fully automatic door-to-door delivery of the second version of Hammer God?

Sherlock looked at Thor, who was pulled away and stood in front of him, with an unusually weird expression. After being pulled away, Thor obviously calmed down, and looked at Sherlock's expression when he looked at him, without any disgust. , but asked in an extremely shy manner.

Damn it, if I don’t show off my power, do you think I’m Hello Kitty? Damn it, if Thor doesn't get through to him, Sherlock will write his name upside down.

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"I'm sorry, sir, I don't know you. As for what you want to know about the hammer, all I can tell you is that he is not far to the east of the town."

Just as Sherlock was eating and thinking about his next plan, a quick slap hit the unprepared Sherlock on the back again.

Even after taking Thor out, Jane Foster did not forget to return to the restaurant, apologize to Sherlock and settle the bill with Sherlock.

Completely ignoring the expressions of Sherlock and the three people around him, he patted Sherlock's shoulder very excitedly.

Before Sherlock could have his attack, Sherlock saw Thor's girlfriend Jane yelling outside the window through the glass window of the small restaurant, and kept waving to the side.

"Mortal, there is one more thing. The great Thor needs to know where to get a horse for the journey."

Then he spit out the fragrance against Tony's mouth, hung up the phone, and then raised his head to look at the two women and an old man who were holding Saul.

"Mortal, do you know me?"

But now, with those two slaps directed at Thor, Sherlock felt that it was time for Thor to experience what it means to take revenge from a villain from morning to night!

'This is a lunatic, don't be like him! '

Tony obviously heard what was going on on the phone, and his tone became a little anxious.

After looking at the food on the table that he had quietly eaten for a few bites, and then at his friends who were chasing Sol out, he thought about it and grabbed a donut on the table and stuffed it into his mouth before rushing out.

"What's wrong, brat, what happened?"

Thor simply ignored Sherlock's angry eyes and looked at Sherlock as if he was in the late stages of his second-year illness. He didn't even mean to apologize for his behavior just now.

Caught off guard, Sherlock was almost sent away by this blow. After coughing for a while, he coughed out the food that almost choked him to death. Then Sherlock turned angrily and looked at the person who had just photographed him. .


Seeing such a dramatic scene in front of him, even Sherlock, who had been mentally prepared, couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. At this moment, Sherlock understood very well why Odin would exile Thor to the earth. .

Looking at the four people leaving, Sherlock felt like he was filled with anger.

The three of them all had apologetic expressions and kept winking at Sherlock. Although he didn't know these three people, Sherlock quickly understood what they wanted to express from their eyes.

Sherlock gave the three men a reassuring look, then looked at Thor who was still quite excited before answering.

Very well, Thor, you have successfully aroused the wrath of a magician!

Sherlock had no intention of continuing to eat. He turned around and stood up and walked to his hotel. Damn it, Sherlock didn't want to get involved in the plot of Thor going to get the hammer.

If you have some free time, you might as well go back to the hotel early to study alchemy in the library, and also study what potions can give you the side effects you need with a high probability.

Sherlock's answer was neither humble nor arrogant, and his tone didn't even fluctuate much, but Thor still looked very happy after getting the information he wanted.

"Very well, mortal, you have successfully gained the friendship of me, Thor, the God of Thunder. When I get my hammer back and my divine power, I can grant you a request!"

After saying that, he turned around and strode towards the door of the restaurant.

The pretty girl and the boy behind Thor rolled their eyes in unison. Sherlock could clearly see the girl who looked like Max from Broke Sisters had a look of wtf on her face.

Rubbing his sore shoulder from being slapped by Thor just now, Sherlock secretly decided that he would definitely come back for revenge in the future. Then he shook his head and turned around to finish the unfinished meal.

Then the three bankrupt sisters Max, Lao Dang Yizhuang Shavig, and Jane Foster rushed into the restaurant in a hurry. The three of them choked each other, carried others, and carried Sol with all their hands. He was dragged out of the restaurant again.

Well, he is still the Hammer God Thor who is in the late stage of Chuunibyou.

As for the scene where Thor breaks into S.H.I.E.L.D. alone, Sherlock said he didn't have much thought. At most, Thor's frustrated forward roar barely counts as a famous scene, and the rest are just some action scenes.

Even Sherlock understood why Loki wanted to usurp the throne.

Apart from anything else, if Thor is still in the late stage of Chuunibyou like he is now, and if Asgard is really passed on to Thor, then it will probably not be long before Asgard's demise.

Quickly packing up his belongings, Sherlock found a deserted alley as quickly as possible. The Elder Wand appeared in Sherlock's hand in an instant.

Without even bothering to pretend, Sherlock directly cast a magic spell on himself. Looking at his body that was gradually becoming transparent, the smile on Sherlock's face began to become gradually more perverted.

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