In the north wing, the rules for officials in mourning were no longer as strict as in the early years. For example, officials were required to eat, sleep and eat at the grave of the deceased, not eat meat, not take a bath, not shave their heads, and not change clothes. These rules have gradually become less clear.

But there are a few points that need to be strictly followed. For example, the couple must not sleep in the same room, the family cannot hold weddings or other happy events during the period, and they cannot drink alcohol, and of course they cannot seek pleasure.

If any point in this is seen and used to make a fuss, this official's career will basically be over.

After Yu Sujun said, "You drank last night," she felt particularly heavy-hearted.

No one knows better than her how much Shi Chengyi cares about his career.

He was also full of enthusiasm to serve the court and bring honor to his ancestors. Especially last year, Cheng Yi went to Yucheng as the right pacification envoy to provide disaster relief. Although it was hard, he was so high-spirited at that time.

It felt like he had a lot of energy to use and a lot of passion to shed. There was light in his eyes...

But now?

Shi Chengyi was always in a "bad mood", his eyes were dim, and even his posture was no longer straight.

The couple sat opposite each other and ate porridge, steamed buns, and pickled vegetables. The same old three things, as usual.

At this time of day, the dining table could be heard from Yu Sujun's chattering.

She liked to talk to him and he liked to listen to her.

Occasionally he would answer her a few times, which also showed that he was listening carefully. Sometimes he would also tell her about his own experiences, and she also listened with great interest.

The best time for us to spend time together in a day is during the three meals.

But today is particularly quiet.

She sat up straight and chewed slowly.

Occasionally, the sound of porcelain clinking gently could be heard on the dining table, but there was no human voice.

This depressing atmosphere made Shi Chengyi unable to hold back and he cleared his throat, "Su Jun, I was in a bad mood just now."

Yu Sujun still didn't say anything.

I'm in a bad mood...I've been using this excuse quite frequently lately.

She didn't say anything, not because she was angry.

Instead, the couple had been married for more than ten years and had never had a quarrel. At first it was because of estrangement, but later it was because of love.

Yu Sujun thought there was no rift between them. But now she realized that if there was even a little bit of unhappiness, her asking him to marry her would have become a reason for her to lose her integrity.

She didn't even dare to ask him whose scent the powder on her body belonged to.

Shi Chengyi saw that he had broken the silence and took the initiative to hand over the ladder. However, Yu Sujun still did not say anything. He became angry again and said in a cold tone, "Why, are you angry with me because I drank a little?"

Yu Sujun swallowed the last spoonful of porridge in small sips, gently wiped the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief, and then said in a calm tone, "My husband didn't come back last night, and I was very worried. Zhou Ge'er told me not to panic, and he said, 'Father is a sensible man.'"

She raised her eyes and looked at him. "I also think that my husband is a sensible person. He will not spread rumors that he was drinking and having fun outside during the period of mourning."

Shi Chengyi's face looked extremely ugly. He wanted to say something but swallowed it back.

When Yu Sujun stood up to leave, he asked, "What will you do if I don't make any progress in my career?"

Yu Sujun paused when she heard this, turned around slowly, and replied, "When I married my husband, his career was bleak and hopeless. But my husband gave me a roof over my head, and I will be grateful to him for the rest of my life, and I won't complain at all."

After hearing this, Shi Chengyi's depression did not ease at all.

How could these words have any trace of the love they once had? Every word she said was so distant.

He simply threw away the idea and blurted out, "Then I guess you won't have any objection if I bring Nanny Huang and her granddaughter back to live with me."

"What did you say?" Yu Sujun's calm face finally showed a ripple.

Shi Chengyi was very embarrassed and explained, "Madame Huang is my wet nurse after all. She brought me up and also brought up Xin'er. Our relationship is naturally different. She is having a very hard time living outside now, and her granddaughter...well, anyway, I have made up my mind."

"Since my husband has made up his mind, why bother asking me?" Yu Sujun straightened her back and suddenly smiled faintly, "So my husband went to Huang Ma's house for a drink last night, and then went with her granddaughter..."

Shi Chengyi blushed, "Madam, please don't lie! I..."

Yu Sujun suppressed her tears and spoke in a calm voice that she herself did not believe, "Then tell me, my husband, if it is not her granddaughter, whose scent of powder is on your clothes?" She raised her lips and let out a hint of mockery, "It can't be Madam Huang's, can it?"

Shi Chengyi was so angry that his face turned blue, "This is nonsense!"

Yu Sujun turned and left, tears streaming down her face.

When she stepped out of the door, she turned her back to him and said, "Who is Huang Ma? If you are confused, I will remind you. If she hadn't instigated Xin'er to leave us, Xin'er wouldn't have changed so much all of a sudden. Xin'er didn't make any mistakes, so you don't need to be demoted and apologize. If you still insist on taking them back, then you should be prepared for the family to never have peace."

"How dare you talk to me about Xin'er! Xin'er has called you 'mother' for more than ten years, but you? You always care about everything and shirk responsibility. If you had paid more attention to Xin'er, Xin'er would not have gone astray."

Finally, I said it out.

Yu Sujun turned around suddenly. Although she tried her best to maintain her dignity with her tearful face, her heart was broken in an instant. "You said I didn't care about Xin'er? Husband, you should speak according to your conscience!"

"Why don't you follow your conscience? I've wanted to ask you this for a long time." Shi Chengyi seemed to have found a breakthrough. "Since I came back from Yucheng, you've thrown everything about Xin'er to me like a hot potato, and you don't want to get involved. Everyone can see this clearly! If it was Xue'er, would you be willing to ignore her like this?"

Yu Sujun never thought that one day she would talk to Shi Chengyi about Shi Anxin. "My husband, if you ask me this, then I must answer you. If Xue'er is as bad as Xin'er, I can beat her to death! She is my daughter, and if she goes astray, I have to take care of her. If I can't control her, I can beat her until she repents and admits her mistakes. But Xin'er! She is not my daughter! How can I take care of her? Do I dare to hit her? I haven't even touched her, and you're blaming me. If I do, you will tear me apart!"

Shi Chengyi nodded, "You admitted it! You just didn't realize that Xin'er was your biological daughter!"

Yu Sujun couldn't understand how time could capture a person's heart and even change a person's appearance.

She once knelt before him and apologized, "I didn't teach An Xin well. It's my fault that she has come to this point."

He helped her up, and with tears in his eyes he said, "You have done very well. If there is anything wrong, it is because you are not her biological mother. You are reluctant to scold her, reluctant to hit her, and always go along with her and coax her. I hope she will have a happy youth and a smooth adulthood. But she doesn't deserve it!"

She thought her husband understood her, but she never expected that one day he would accuse her so unreasonably: You just didn't realize that she was your biological daughter!

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