TNT: Survive the End of the World

Chapter 30: Severely injured, memory restored

Just after Haoyue was seriously injured and fell into a coma, she had a dream in which she dreamed that her broken memories were being reorganized. Ma Jiaqi, Ding Chengxin, Zhang Zhenyuan, Liu Yaowen, He Junlin, Song Yaxuan, Yan Haoxiang, Zhu Zhixin, Su Xinhao, Chen Tianrun, Zhang Ji, Zhang Zeyu, and Zuo Hang were all by Haoyue's side to help He Junlin with his treatment. Haoyue lay there quietly, her face as pale as paper, and her body trembling slightly. Her eyes were closed, as if she was deeply trapped in a bottomless dream. Her memories, those broken fragments, were gradually being reorganized, like scattered feathers. Ma Jiaqi, Ding Chengxin, Zhang Zhenyuan, Liu Yaowen, He Junlin, Song Yaxuan, Yan Haoxiang, Zhu Zhixin, Su Xinhao, Chen Tianrun, Zhang Ji, Zhang Zeyu, and Zuo Hang were all by her side, and everyone's face was filled with deep worry. They took turns to send her strength to help her reorganize her broken memories. Ma Jiaqi gently stroked Haoyue's hand, his voice was gentle and low, "Haoyue, you must be strong. We are all here and will not leave." His eyes were full of encouragement and determination. Ding Chengxin sat silently by the bed, holding Haoyue's hand tightly, his face full of determination, "No matter what happens, we will face it together." Zhang Zhenyuan prayed silently on the side, his eyes full of love and blessings for Haoyue. Liu Yaowen and He Junlin were transmitting energy, they slowly input their power into Haoyue's body to help her recover her strength. Song Yaxuan and Yan Haoxiang were paying close attention to Haoyue's vital signs, their eyes were full of worry and concern for Haoyue. Zhu Zhixin, Su Xinhao, Chen Tianrun, Zhang Ji, Zhang Zeyu, Zuo Hang and others were also waiting on the side, their faces were full of determination and persistence. Time seemed to stand still at this moment. Everyone's heart was tense, and their eyes were focused on Haoyue. They were all looking forward to her waking up, looking forward to her standing by their side again, laughing together, crying together, and facing future challenges together. Finally, when the first ray of sunlight in the morning sprinkled on the windowsill, Haoyue slowly opened her eyes. She saw familiar faces and heard waves of concerned greetings. Her eyes were wet, and she knew that she was not alone. They were all here to accompany her through this difficult time. She smiled slightly and said in a weak voice: "Thank you, I'm fine." Hearing her words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and smiled on their faces. Although their expressions were still a little nervous, it was more because of their concern and love for Haoyue. After this incident, Haoyue understood one thing more: no matter when and where, she is not alone. Haoyue supported her still weak body and told them everything she saw in the dream. The general content of the dream was that there would be a new person in the future, and that new person would frame Xiao He and Tianrun, because He Junlin and Chen Tianrun were the only people with healing and poison master abilities in the future, and everyone wanted to take them for themselves. So the newcomer would frame them and make them isolated and helpless. Haoyue's words made Ma Jiaqi, Ding Chengxin, He Junlin, Yan Haoxiang, Zhang Zhenyuan, Liu Yaowen, Song Yaxuan, Zhu Zhixin, Su Xinhao, Zhang Ji, Zhang Zeyu, Zuo Hang, Chen Tianrun fall into silence. Haoyue's words were like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, stirring up ripples. Ma Jiaqi, Ding Chengxin, He Junlin, Yan Haoxiang, Zhang Zhenyuan, Liu Yaowen, Song Yaxuan, Zhu Zhixin, Su Xinhao, Zhang Ji, Zhang Zeyu, Zuo Hang and Chen Tianrun, they sat together in silence, each of them was deeply shocked by this sudden news. They knew that Haoyue would not shoot without purpose, and the dream she described would definitely become a reality in the future. He Junlin and Chen Tianrun, as the only people with healing and poison master abilities in the end times, have always been the focus of everyone's attention. People's desire and competition for superpowers have put them in a dangerous situation. "That newcomer... who is he?" Song Yaxuan asked in a trembling voice, his eyes full of worry and uneasiness. Haoyue shook her head. "I don't know. I only saw him in my dream, but I couldn't see his face clearly. But I'm sure she's a girl. We can't just sit there and wait for death," Ma Jiaqi took a deep breath and said firmly, "We must prepare in advance and protect He'er and Tianrun. But how should we respond?" Ding Chengxin asked. "We don't know who the newcomer is, nor do we know when he will show up. We can only be vigilant," Zhang Zhenyuan suggested. "Strengthen protective measures to ensure the safety of He'er and Tianrun.

在末世中,每个人都是脆弱的,但只要有爱,有信任,有坚定的信念,就没有什么能够击败他们。皓月的梦境虽然带来了警示,但也让他们更加团结。他们知道,只有齐心协力,才能应对未来的挑战。于是,他们开始制定更加严密的防御计划,确保贺峻霖和陈天润的安全。他们轮流守护,确保没有任何人能够接近他们。同时,他们也开始寻找那个新来的人,试图提前发现她的踪迹。然而,那个新来的人似乎十分狡猾,一直没有露出任何破绽。这让他们的搜寻工作变得更加困难。他们不知道她到底是谁,也不知道她到底有什么目的。在这个过程中,他们的关系也变得更加紧密。他们彼此依赖,共同面对困难。他们的友谊在这场危机中变得更加深厚。时间在一点点流逝,而那个新来的人依然没有出现。他们开始怀疑,皓月的梦境是否只是一个幻觉。然而,他们并没有放弃警惕,他们知道,在这个末世中,任何事情都可能发生。终于,在一个清晨,当贺峻霖和陈天润正在练习异能时,那个新来的人出现了。她的脸上带着诡异的笑容,眼中闪烁着贪婪的光芒。“你们好,我是新来的。” 她说着,语气中带着一丝挑衅。她的出现让所有人都警惕起来,这让本就还虚弱并伴随着头疼的皓月把马嘉祺丁程鑫张真源宋亚轩严浩翔贺峻霖刘耀文和朱志鑫苏新皓左航张极张泽禹陈天润他们护在身后,她朝他们走来,步态轻盈而自信,仿佛一切尽在掌握。她的出现让整个团队都感到了不安,他们知道,这个新来的人绝非善类。“你是谁?”丁程鑫警惕地问。“我是司笙但不重要,”她轻笑一声,“重要的是,你们有我想要的东西。”她的目光在他们身上扫过,最后停留在皓月身上。皓月感到一阵寒意,她明白这个司笙的目标是贺峻峻和陈天润。“你应该知道,在这个末世中,治愈系和毒师系异能都是有价值的。”她的语气中充满了威胁。“我们不可能会把他们给你的不要忘想了。”马嘉祺坚定地说。“是吗?那你们可不要后悔”她冷笑着说,转身就准备抓贺峻霖和陈天润。然而,皓月却突然挡在她的面前,眼中闪烁着坚定的光芒。“站住。”皓月的声音虽然虚弱,但却充满了力量,“我不会让你带走他们。”新来的人停下了脚步,她看向皓月,眼神中带着一丝惊讶。“你是在向我挑战吗?”她问。“没错。”皓月回答,她的手紧紧握住了腰间的匕首。一场激烈的战斗即将展开,团队的成员们紧张地观望着。他们都知道,这个司笙不是普通人,她拥有着强大的异能。然而,皓月却毫无惧色,她毅然决然地挡在了那个人的面前。战斗开始了,空气中弥漫着激烈的能量波动。司笙释放出一道强大的能量攻击,但皓月却巧妙地躲过了。她挥动手中的匕首,一道寒光闪过,攻击被化解了。司笙似乎有些惊讶,但很快她又发动了更猛烈的攻击。然而,无论她释放出怎样的攻击,都被皓月一一化解。在这场激烈的战斗中,团队的其他成员们也开始行动起来,他们围绕着司笙,利用自己的异能展开攻势。马嘉祺释放出一道火焰攻击,烧向了她的背后。而其他人则纷纷利用速度和力量,展开猛烈的攻击。然而,这个司笙并非易于对付的对手。她灵活地躲避着攻击,同时也不断发动反击。一时间,战斗变得异常激烈。在这场战斗中,皓月展现出了顽强的毅力和勇气。虽然她的身体已经达到了极限,但她依然毫不退缩地挡在司笙面前。她的眼中闪烁着坚定的光芒,手中的匕首如同她的信念一般,始终不曾动摇。最终,在团队成员们的共同努力下,那个司笙似乎开始感到了压力。她发出一声怒吼,全身爆发出一股强大的能量波动。这股能量朝着团队成员们猛烈地冲撞过来,让他们不禁感到一阵窒息。然而,就在这个紧要关头,皓月突然冲到了那个人的面前,用身体挡住了那股能量的冲击。她的身体瞬间被能量淹没,但她的眼神却依然坚定地看着前方。随着一声巨响,在马嘉祺一发火焰和丁程鑫的一发电光箭打中司笙看着她化成灰之后皓月倒在了地上,她的身体已经无法动弹。“皓月!”团队成员们纷纷围了过来,关切地呼唤着她的名字。马嘉祺抱起皓月,她的脸色苍白,气息微弱。他心中不禁一阵揪痛,眼中泛起了泪光。“皓月,你不能有事。”马嘉祺低声说道,他的声音带着无尽的温柔和担忧。泪水滑落在她的脸颊上。“皓月,你一定要挺住。”他低声说道,声音带着无尽的温柔和焦虑。其他团队成员们也围在皓月身边,他们的脸上都露出了担忧的神色。他们都知道,如果没有及时的治疗,皓月可能会永远地离开他们。突然,张真源的目光落在了司笙消失的地方。他发现地上留下一块闪烁着奇异光芒的晶体。“这是?”他疑惑地捡起晶体,感受到其中蕴含着一股强大的能量。“这是那个司笙的能量结晶。”马嘉祺看着晶体说道,“或许,我们可以利用这股能量来救治皓月。”“可是,我们怎么才能利用这股能量呢?”丁程鑫问道。让小贺和天润看看吧他俩一个治愈系一个毒师系肯定知道,张真源说道,在众人的注视下,贺峻霖和刘耀文赶到皓月身边。贺峻霖凝视着那块闪烁着奇异光芒的晶体,他的眼中闪过一丝明悟,“这股能量可以用来救治皓月,但需要一定的技巧和引导。”刘耀文紧皱着眉头,思考着如何利用这股能量。他伸手接过晶体,感受到其中蕴含的强大能量,“这股能量确实强大,但我们必须谨慎操作,否则可能会对皓月造成更大的伤害。”众人默默点头,他们知道这个决定关乎着皓月的生死。丁程鑫紧紧握住皓月的手,眼中满是坚定,“无论怎样,我们都要尽力一试。”贺峻霖和刘耀文对视一眼,默契地点点头。他们开始围绕着皓月和那块晶体,低声吟唱着奇异的咒语。他们的声音逐渐交织在一起,形成了一股强大的能量场。随着咒语的深入,那股奇异的能量开始从晶体中缓缓释放出来,向皓月的身体渗透。马嘉祺感受到皓月的气息逐渐平稳,心中的紧张也稍微放松了一些。时间仿佛变得缓慢,众人的心都悬在半空。终于,那股能量完全融入了皓月的体内。她的脸色渐渐红润起来,紧闭的双眼也慢慢睁开。“皓月!”团队成员们欢呼起来,他们的脸上都露出了欣喜的表情。“我没事了。”皓月微微笑着,她的声音虽然还有些虚弱,但已经恢复了生机。张真源长长地松了口气,“太好了,你终于没事了。”他感慨地说道,心中的一块大石终于落地。 众人的欢笑声中,贺峻霖和陈天润相视一笑,他们成功地利用那股奇异能量救治了皓月。然而,他们也深知这股能量的强大和危险,必须谨慎地处理。“好了,现在最重要的就是让皓月好好休息,恢复体力。”丁程鑫看着已经恢复生机的皓月,提议道。众人纷纷点头,开始有序地收拾起场地。马嘉祺轻轻地扶着皓月躺下,细心地为她盖好被子。“你感觉怎么样?还有哪里不舒服吗?”他关切地问道。皓月微微摇头,脸上露出一个疲惫而满足的微笑,“我已经没事了,谢谢你们。”张真源端来一杯温水,递给皓月,“喝点水,好好休息一下。”他温和地说道。其他成员们也纷纷围在床边,安慰着皓月,叮嘱她好好休息。此时,贺峻霖和陈天润默默地走到一旁,开始探讨起刚才的救治过程。“小贺师兄觉得那股能量是从哪里来的?”陈天润好奇地问道。“不清楚,但可以肯定的是,这股能量非常强大,也很神秘。”贺峻霖眉头紧皱,思索着。两人讨论了一会儿,决定先不将这件事情告诉其他人,以免引起不必要的恐慌。他们约定,等皓月完全康复后,再一起深入调查此事。在众人的精心照顾下,皓月渐渐恢复了元气。几天后,她已经可以下床走动了。看着身边这些关心自己的队友们,皓月心中充满了感激。她知道,在这个团队里,她永远不是孤单一人。随着时间的推移,那股奇异的能量也逐渐在皓月体内稳定下来。在接下来的日子里,皓月逐渐恢复了健康,团队中的每个人都为她感到高兴。他们也从这次事件中学到了很多,更加明白了团队的重要性。然而,那股奇异的能量始终是他们心中的一个疑问。贺峻霖和刘耀文决定在皓月康复后,进一步调查这股能量的来源。在他们的深入研究中,他们发现这股能量与传说中的“星之泪”有关。据说,“星之泪”是一颗神秘的宝石,蕴含着无穷的能量。但是,它也带有一定的危险性,需要特殊的方法来引导和使用。贺峻霖和刘耀文将这个发现告诉了团队,大家决定一起寻找“星之泪”,希望利用它的力量来帮助更多的人。在寻找的过程中,他们遭遇了很多困难和挑战。但是,他们始终团结一心,克服了所有的难关。最终,在一次偶然的机会下,他们发现了“星之泪”的下落。在一座古老的神殿中,他们找到了这颗传说中的宝石。然而,他们也发现了一个更大的秘密——原来,“星之泪”的力量不仅可以用来救治他人,还可以保护他们的家园。但是,使用这股力量需要付出巨大的代价。所以他们打算留到下次不到万不得已的时候绝不使用它,皓月把他交给了马嘉祺封存了起来。

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