Elf boy Orochimaru

Chapter 67 Onboarding

Feed the x-elves and wash the dishes

After everything was settled, it was almost eight or nine o'clock in the evening.

Orochimaru and the doctor chatted for another hour or two. The two had a very pleasant chat, and they felt like they had been friends for years.

Meet late and hate.

Knowledge is discussed regardless of age or seniority.

As they chatted, Orochimaru became more respectful to Dr. Oki.

He is a man of profound knowledge. Not only in the field of elves, he has also made certain achievements in multiple fields such as physics, biology, chemistry, and history.

Multiple wizards, quite a bit like modern Leonardo da Vinci.

Orochimaru discussed many issues with him.

For example, the history of elves, the origin of elves, the species classification of elves, and the genetic egg laying of elves

As Orochimaru guessed, elves are not the only carbon-based creatures.

In addition to the silicon-based creature Big Rock Snake he discovered before,

There are also gas lives: ghosts, gas bombs and their evolved forms, which use gas macromolecules as their bodies and transmit nerve signals through radio waves.

Metal cell life: Magnemites, iron dumbbells, gears and their evolved forms. The basis of this creature is the heteropolyacid anion of metal tungsten. Tungsten is a silver-white metal with a steel-like appearance and stable properties, so this Kind of elves usually have steel attributes.

Helium life: mini ice, geometric snowflakes, based on the least active helium element. They are usually ice-type elves who live in cold areas, so this kind of elves are very rare.

Etc., etc.

Life forms that may only exist in countless science fiction novels may exist among elves, or have already existed.

"Elves are really incredible." Orochimaru couldn't help but sigh, "They may not belong to this planet, but come from other planets."

Orochimaru now believes that elves do not only have the theory of species evolution.

With a deeper understanding of elves, alien migration wheels were gradually accepted by him.


Dr. Ohmu nodded.

"But in fact, people's understanding of elves is only the tip of the iceberg. There are still disputes in the academic community about the origin of elves."

"So, is it possible for elves to have creationism?"

Orochimaru suddenly thought of the last point

The theory of species evolution, alien migration wheels, and creationism.

These three arguments constitute the current conjecture about the origin of elves in academic circles.

"Are you talking about creationism?"

Regarding this, Dr. Omu frowned and shook his head.

"Compared to the other two arguments, creationism is just a conjecture so far. It belongs to the views of some theists. Its arguments are only supported by the legend of Arceus. Apart from this, there are no research results."

"Oh, artificially creating elves, does that count as creationism?"

Orochimaru remembered his previous conjecture about the creation of silicon-based life.

Super ancient civilizations already have precedents for telepathic earth puppets.

"Strictly speaking, it counts." Dr. Omu said, "However, so far, there has not been any artificial creation of elves in modern times."

"That's it"

Orochimaru nodded, decided in his heart, and set a goal.

He will be the first to implement the creation theory of elves in modern times

Yes, create life

What an exciting thing

I believe that in the near future, he will become the Creator

After negotiating with Dr. Omu, three hours passed in a blink of an eye.

It's late at night, everything is quiet, the bright moonlight is falling, and the night sky is dotted with shining stars, like the boundless sea, quiet, vast, and mysterious.

Although Orochimaru still had more to say, it was already midnight.

The negotiation with Dr. Ohki only ended here.

Dr. Oki arranged a guest room for Orochimaru, and after saying good night to each other, they fell asleep.

Silent all night.

The next day, Orochimaru woke up early.

"Hulu hulu zzz~"

Move away Pikachu who ran out of the Poké Ball without permission in the middle of the night and was sleeping on top of him.

This has become normal. After taming this female Pikachu, every time when he falls asleep, she will run out of the poke ball and fall into his arms to sleep.

If Orochimaru didn't believe in ghosts, he would have thought it was some kind of "ghost pressure".

He educated her several times, but she didn't listen, so in the end Orochimaru had no choice but to let her go.

Dress neatly and put Pikachu back into the Poké Ball.

When I came downstairs, I happened to see Hanako busy preparing breakfast.

While she was busy organizing the cupboards, Hanako also saw Orochimaru coming downstairs.

"Oh, it's Kouchimaru." Hanako blushed and looked a little embarrassed, "Well, did I drink too much yesterday and didn't say anything rude?"

Orochimaru thought of Hanako's series of actions yesterday.

Well, it also included her pinching his face, rubbing it back and forth, and the words she said

"No." Orochimaru said expressionlessly.

"Really" Hanako blinked.


"Huh, that's fine."

Hanako breathed a sigh of relief, with a beautiful smile on his face.

"Oshimaru, are you hungry? I'll make breakfast for you right away. Delicious omelette rice made with poached eggs."

"Well, thank you."

I have to say that if a woman like Hanako didn’t have the habit of getting drunk and going crazy,

Forget it, other people's matters are not something Orochimaru should consider.

Dr. Omu also got up at this time and went downstairs.

Several people said good morning to each other.

After washing up and having breakfast, time passed quickly.

Of course, Orochimaru did not forget to prepare food for the elves.

Almost everything was ready, and after saying goodbye to Hanako, Orochimaru and the doctor went out to the Oak Research Institute.

There were some accidents yesterday, and today is the day Orochimaru will officially join the company.

When we arrived at Damu Research Institute, the door was already open, and we could see many employees clocking in at work.

"Well, Orochimaru, I wish you a safe journey." The doctor said meaningfully.

Orochimaru nodded: "I will try my best, doctor."

They parted at the door. Since they had already gotten acquainted with the institute's departments yesterday, Orochimaru arrived at the office of the Affairs Department with ease this time.

Opening the door, I saw Director Suzuki already sitting in his seat working.

"Hey, Kouchimaru, here we come," Miss Suzuki greeted warmly with a smile on her face.

"Well, good morning, Director Suzuki."

Orochimaru took out a letter from his pocket and handed it over.

"Please accept this."


Miss Suzuki took the letter curiously and read it.

This looks like it should be a letter of recommendation, with the words Mustard Seed Lan Note written on it.

Mustard Orchid, Director of the Historical Research Institute in Shenhe Town, Sinnoh Region.

"It turns out you have a letter of recommendation, so that will make things easier."

Ms. Suzuki smiled.

"I can arrange a good position for you, Xiaoshemaru, what do you want to do?"

Orochimaru said directly without thinking: "I want to enter the Elf Logistics Support Department."

"Logistics Support Department"

Miss Suzuki was stunned.

The Logistics Support Department has the hardest work among grassroots organizations.

Feeding the x elves, comforting the elves, and taking care of the elves to sleep are all done by the logistics support department.

Moreover, compared with other departments, the welfare benefits of this department are not advantageous.

For example, the scientific research assistant department may be more dangerous, but at least the welfare benefits are the best among grassroots organizations.

Although the benefits of the Merit Selection Department and the Equipment Support Department are a little inferior, the work is easier.

With Dr. Jie Ziran's letter, Miss Suzuki had originally planned to arrange for Orochimaru to join the Equipment Support Department.

"Why did you choose the Logistics Support Department? This department is very tiring." Miss Suzuki asked.

This department is very cost-effective. Look at that Yamada yesterday, complaining in her ear about the benefits of bala bala and the like.

"It doesn't matter, I want to observe the elves more and understand the types of elves."

Orochimaru said without hesitation.

"The Logistics Support Department is the department that has the most access to different types of elves among all departments."

"That's it"

Miss Suzuki understood and looked at Orochimaru with approval.

"Yes, young people are not afraid of hardship and are one step closer to success."

So, the work matter was quickly decided.

After a series of procedures such as stamping and signing, Orochimaru was assigned to the Elf Logistics Department, which was responsible for the food, daily life and other matters of the elves sent by the trainers.

Taking the official document, Orochimaru went to the Logistics Support Department to report.

The Logistics Support Department is on the first floor. Not far inside, you see an office.

After knocking on the door, he opened it and saw several members already making preparations inside.

Orochimaru has sharp eyes. One of them is the man he saw yesterday, who complained to Miss Suzuki about welfare benefits. His name is Yamada.

"Hey, isn't this the boy from yesterday?"

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Yamada also saw Orochimaru and said hello to him.

"Looking at how you're dressed, you're new to reporting here, right?"

"Well, this is my official document."

Orochimaru nodded and showed his official documents.

Ms. Suzuki said before that Yamada is the junior director of this grassroots organization, so if you want to report, just tell him.

Yamada took the official document, looked at it a few times, and nodded.

"Yes, young man, from today on, you will be a member of the Logistics Support Department."

"Well, I'll try my best."

In this way, Orochimaru entered the logistics support department.

There are five people in the Logistics Support Department, three men and two women. Including him, there are six people.

Orochimaru quickly became familiar with these members, and also became familiar with the work and rest of the Logistics Support Department.

The working hours of the Logistics Support Department are to start work at 8 a.m. and get off work at 5 p.m., with a two-hour break in the afternoon.

During this period, members can do what they want to do. For example, they can go to the institute's internship laboratory for research, or they can go to the electronic library on the third floor to check information. However, they cannot leave the scope of the institute and their workplace.

After get off work, you can live in a single dormitory arranged by the institute, not far from here.

You can also move out and find a place to live on your own.

The monthly salary is 10 yuan 1:, which converts to yuan. There are also food subsidies, transportation subsidies, and a series of benefits.

After all, he is a civil servant, and the conditions are actually very good.

Compared with ordinary jobs, the benefits provided by the Elf Alliance are quite good.

After all, to become a researcher, you have to pass such a difficult assessment.

Of course, Orochimaru doesn't take the so-called wages and benefits to heart.

With Kimura's profit sharing as the basis, money is not an issue at all.

Orochimaru is quite interested in the electronic library of the institute mentioned above.

The researcher's library, what should I say in it? There should be a lot of knowledge that is not available in the outside world.

For the unknown, Orochimaru has a greedy thirst for knowledge.

For example, what the doctor told him yesterday about the principle of Pikachu's electric bag, he still didn't understand something about it, and he didn't have this knowledge from the outside world.

Orochimaru probably knows that Pikachu's electric bag is related to the battery.

The doctor couldn't explain these things clearly in just a few words.

If you want to improve Pikachu's electric bag, you need Orochimaru to learn more

For example, Pikachu's electric bag has an upper limit on its electric capacity.

So, can I have an operation to replace it?

If it is surgery, materials must be used.

What materials should be used

Positive and negative electrodes, whether to use carbon or lithium

How to perfectly integrate these materials with Pikachu's body

Can the characteristics of the replaced electric bag be passed on to the next generation?

These problems must be solved.

Orochimaru decided to take some time this afternoon to go to the electronic library of the institute to investigate and prepare for the trip to transform Pikachu.

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