Druid in Marvel

Chapter 89 Economic Acumen

As a principal, Alvin would never join the circle of gang bosses, although he was curious about what these guys wanted to do.

After a while, both teams put on their competition uniforms, and the boys hugged their helmets and surrounded their coaches. Listening attentively to what the coach says.

Steve curiously walked to the side of the community school, wanting to hear what the bald coach would say and prepare for his own work.

What shocked Steve was that coach Bill, holding a report card, said seriously to the team members: "The test results came out this morning. The test papers for grades 10 to 12 have the same difficulty but different content.

Now let me announce the list of contestants. "

Steve felt like he had been hit hard on the head. He always thought Alvin was joking, but it turned out that the team members really had to take the test if they wanted to compete.

Looking at Coach Bill's bald head, Steve scratched his hair in embarrassment. He finally understood what the big trouble Alvin had been emphasizing was.

Steve paid attention to the several strong children he paid more attention to, and saw that they had constipated expressions on their faces. Steve felt a little sad that he might not be able to save his hair.

Nick was leaning on crutches, tugged on Steve's clothes, and said seriously: "Steve, you have to find a way to let 'Landlord', 'Knife' and 'Lighthouse' play, otherwise we may lose miserably today." "

Steve looked at Nick and said, "This is how community schools decide their game rosters.

How did you get second place in New York State last year?”

Nick said helplessly: "For the official competition, as long as your usual test scores are passing, you can play.

This is just a warm-up match, Steve, you have to think of a way, the guys across from us look at us very unfriendly, you have to let the "landlord" go up and fuck them."

Steve smiled helplessly and said, "I can't help it, it's just my first day at work."

Nick scratched his hair in annoyance and shouted to Coach Bill, who was arranging players for the field: "Bill, you have to think of a way, the looks in the eyes of those guys opposite are very annoying."

The good-tempered Coach Bill waved the report card in his hand at Nick and said, "This is the principal's rule. I can't help it. I think that guy is also very unhappy." Bill said and glanced at the other side of the court. strong bald head

Alvin sat in the stands with Ginny in his arms, waiting boredly for the game to start.

The boss from the street next to Alvin, Clark Gable, the gangster who sells fake goods, came over with a piece of popcorn.

Clark handed the popcorn to little Ginny, smiled and said to Alvin: "Principal Alvin, there is something we want to discuss with you."

Alvin nodded and indicated that Ginny could eat it. The little girl happily grabbed a handful of popcorn and stuffed it into her father's mouth first, and then looked for the popcorn one by one and put it into her mouth.

Alvin, who was in a happy mood, smiled and said: "My man Gabe, if there is anything you can tell me, I haven't thanked you for sponsoring the team's uniforms and sneakers."

That’s not small money.”

Clark smiled awkwardly, not daring to tell Alvin that the most popular thing in Hell's Kitchen right now is the jerseys that the children are wearing, with Thor's head on them.

Clark used to sell pirated clothes, but now the jerseys are designed and produced by his factory. Now he is selling genuine ones with the "Gable" trademark on them, which allows him to make a lot of money on it.

"Hehe, it should be, it should be, it's all for the school. My son is also on the school team. A small sponsorship is not worth mentioning.

I will provide this kind of sponsorship to the team every year in the future, please promise me," Clark said sincerely.

Alvin was very happy. Why not if someone offered him sponsorship?

After happily agreeing to Clark's request, Alvin asked: "Tell me, what is it?"

Clark said a little shyly: "Some of our old friends like the team very much, so we discussed it and wanted to renovate the stadium for the school."

Seeing Alvin looking at him like he was looking at shit, Clark then said: "Of course, we will have some small requests." Clark looked at Alvin carefully and said softly: "Can you please We put up a few billboards during the game, three is enough.”

Alvin looked at Clark with a sneer and said, "Are you crazy about advertising? What kind of advertising can I give you?"

Do you still want to put advertisements for marijuana and firearms in my school? Who gave you the idea? Tell me and I will beat the shit out of him."

Clark quickly shook his hand and said: "Not all advertisements for illegal items are legal, they are all legal.

The clothes and shoes produced by my own factory, as well as the whiskey produced by old William himself, the construction team of Kraken, the logistics company of Rhett, and the nightclub of Yade.

It’s all legitimate business, absolutely legitimate.”

Alvin looked at Clark with a headache. He understood a little bit. These guys were not trying to help the school repair the stadium. They were trying to find a way out for their own business. How could they have the opportunity to advertise elsewhere?

These guys who are looking for food with guns are no match for those commercial companies in legitimate business competition.

They had no choice but to find a solution in Hell's Kitchen, and the school's football team was the best opportunity. Didn’t you see that Clark has made a lot of money?

Alvin is willing to agree to them, but you can only get some clothes and shoes. Can you do a damn alcohol advertisement in school?

Yade's nightclub is a strip club, didn't I know?

Resisting the urge to punch Clark and crooked his nose, he said: "Some things cannot be advertised. Go ask Nelson and discuss it with him."

Remember, if you fucking dare put a strip club ad in my school, I'll shoot you in the head."

Clark asked anxiously after hearing this: "Why can't we advertise? These are all legal and licensed.

Alvin, you are a fair man, you can’t do this. The money to renovate the stadium is not a small amount."

Alvin really didn't want to look at this guy with a superstar name but an illiterate head. He waved his hand to signal this idiot to get out of here and ask him to go find Nelson to find out. He shouldn't bother himself, the principal, with such a trivial matter.

And the game on the court is about to start, but why do the boys on both sides always look like they are ready to fight?

Little Ginny was also excited now. She was waving her fists in Alvin's arms, as if she was ready to fight at any time, which gave Alvin a headache.

This girl is a bit misguided

Suddenly, Alvin remembered something, turned around and called Clark and asked: "Hey man, tell me who gave you the idea. You can't think of such an idea with your brains."

Clark laughed and said: "It's a boy named Harry Osborne. He is a classmate of old Parker's nephew. I helped him a little and he gave us some ideas."

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