Our Hogwarts

Chapter 297 The hidden hero Snape?

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspIf it weren’t for their experience in the Pensieve tonight, the four of them would never have known what Karkaroff’s words and the tattoos on their arms meant. . They already knew Snape's "ingredients", so the four of them planned to leave after Bruce cursed.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBut then Snape suddenly stopped them.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Stop" Snape said coldly: "What are you four doing so late at night?"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce smiled and said: "Professor Dumbledore asked us to go to the principal's office."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspSnape sneered and said: "Sterling, you are really lucky. In the second game, a situation like that could turn defeat into victory for you. But luck will end one day, so you have to worry."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspThe words were full of disdain and deep threats. Before Bruce could speak, Harry couldn't bear it anymore and said angrily: "Bruce relies on his own strength. Not luck”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"That's right" Ron immediately agreed and said meaningfully: "I think some people's luck is good, haha"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspSnape looked directly at Harry, his eyes full of disgust, and said: "Are you talking about Potter? In the Black Lake What you used was gillweed. You are indeed very lucky, and you are also very smart. Few people know about gillweed. It is very difficult to get, and it is also extremely troublesome to preserve. You are"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Thank you for the introduction, Professor." Harry interrupted Snape very rudely and said, "I found the gillweed through a friend. , this is not against the rules, so I disappoint you.”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspSnape sneered: "Haha, you're right. Potter, you didn't break the rules, but I will know. You've hidden everything in your little head. Don’t stop me.”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspAs he said that, he walked inside and picked up a small bottle containing green liquid from the shelf, and asked: "Do you know what this is?"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry said directly: "Not interested."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspSnape looked at Hermione and said, "Then he knows everything."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Veritaserum" Hermione said coldly: "It only takes three drops to expose a person's most intimate secrets. But Professor, I want Let me remind you that using Veritaserum on students is not only against Hogwarts school rules but also against the laws of the Ministry of Magic."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspSnape said calmly: "Yes, but there are exceptions, right? If you let me know that you secretly brewed polyjuice potion again, believe me it will be magic." The minister is protecting you, and I will tell you to get lost."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspAfter speaking, the door was closed with a bang without waiting for the four people to react, leaving the four people standing there with surprised faces.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "He, he knows," Ron said in surprise.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHermione said: "But this is impossible. There was no one in the bathroom when we were making the veritaserum, and it was impossible for Snape to steal it. Let’s look at the women’s room.”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry said in shock; "This is already in the second year. He still remembers it two years ago. How cautious must he be?"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspRon said nonchalantly: "You also said it was two years ago. Even if he saw it, there is no evidence. What should I be afraid of, let alone him?"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Ron" Bruce quickly interrupted Ron and said, "Shut up."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspRon then remembered that he was outside now, and the impact of this matter was indeed great, so he hurriedly shut his mouth.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspThe four of them returned to the dormitory. They blew the cold wind on the lake all afternoon and everyone went to bed early. But the four Bruces were not sleepy at all, not only from the shock brought by the Pensieve, but also from Snape's threats.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspEven if Ron said "Death without proof", Snape did have Veritaserum in his hands. They might actually do something they didn't expect. They weren't worried about the Polyjuice Potion. What they were worried about was that the "illegal acts" they had done would be known. You should know that these violations would be enough to get the four of them expelled. Ten times.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "If you ask me to say that we don't need to worry at all, I don't believe that he really dares to use Veritaserum on us." Ron said.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Keep your voice down," Hermione said dissatisfied, "I'm afraid others won't hear, right?"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry said: "I don't think it's okay. Besides, don't we also hold a trump card in our hands?"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspRon said hurriedly: "You mean"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspAfter he looked around, he said softly: "Snape is a Death Eater."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHermione said worriedly: "This is not a trump card at all, but a bomb. What if Snape decides to kill us?"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "No way," Ron said worriedly.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Okay, don't discuss it anymore. Just put your heart in your stomach, Snape won't do that." Bruce said suddenly .

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspThe three of them looked at him hurriedly. Ron said hurriedly: "Bruce, I don't agree with what you said. Don't forget that Snape is here."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Death Eater" Bruce said: "But you also saw it in the pensieve. Dumbledore personally proved it for him, and he is still Hogg now. Watts' professor. This means we don't need to worry about him."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry immediately said: "No, Bruce, you are wrong. Have you forgotten what happened just now? Didn't Karkaroff also say that he wanted to correct his evil ways? But don’t tell me what he just said, it was a normal greeting and the Dark Mark on his arm.”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "You two, stop talking." Hermione said, "Bruce, are you hiding something from us?"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHermione knew her boyfriend too well. If Snape really had a problem, Bruce wouldn't be silent like he is now, and would definitely think of a plan as soon as possible. Damn it, Bruce didn't say anything from just now until he came back. There must be something hidden from them.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce smiled and said: "My parents are the ones who gave birth to me, and my wife is the one who knows me. But this is not a concealment, because I will tell you now, come together."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspThe three of them hurriedly sat down next to Bruce, who told them about his conversation with Aberforth at the Hog's Head Bar.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspWhen it was learned that Dumbledore had a biological brother and the grudge between them and Greenwald, the heads of Harry, Hermione and Ron I almost didn’t get shocked and “crash”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspAfter a few minutes, the three of them digested these words. Ron said in shock: "Dumbledore also has a younger brother, and he likes a man. , and it was Grindelwald who indirectly killed his sister. Merlin, is this still the Waiting Bado I know well?"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHarry nodded and said in disbelief: "Bruce, I think you are making up lies to deceive us."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce said: "No, what I said is the truth."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp Among the three, Hermione was the calmest after "digesting" and said: "I think Dumbledore and his brother did the right thing. Homosexuality What's wrong is that many Muggles are even advocating the legalization of homosexuality. And after realizing his mistake, Dumbledore did not hesitate to stand opposite Grindelwald and defeat him with his own hands. Many people can't do this alone. And Mr. Aberforth collects intelligence for his brother incognito, which is even more admirable. The two of them are very great."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce nodded appreciatively and said: "That's very well said. My dear, you are more knowledgeable than these two guys. And these two guys didn't listen at all. You understand the point of what I’m saying.”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Why don't you understand? The point is of course what Voldemort did against us in the Triwizard Tournament. It's just that the shock to me just now was too great." Harry said awkwardly.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce said: "Yes, there is only one last game left. Voldemort will definitely take action, and the plan you dreamed about will surface. .”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Then you should explain this matter to Dumbledore immediately." Ron said hurriedly.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce said: "No, no, we can't do this."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"No" Hermione said immediately: "I agree with Ron, Bruce, listen, now is not the time to show off as a hero. Voldemort and Death Eaters are both It’s not something you can handle.”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce smiled: "Of course I know my own weight, and I am very afraid of death. Because of this, Harry and I must participate in the last competition."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Why?" the three people asked in confusion.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce explained: "The reason is very simple. This is not the first time we have learned what kind of character Voldemort is. He is a madman, a genius, and a People who do whatever it takes to achieve the goal will never give up. If Harry and I quit the game, maybe we will be safe today. But tomorrow they will still use other methods to deal with us. Instead of facing those unknown dangers, why not To choose a known danger?”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"It makes sense." Harry said: "Even if we can escape this time, we may face even crazier plans next. This is true. This is an opportunity. Although it is very dangerous, we can also use this plan to eliminate Voldemort."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce said: "Don't think so big, Harry. Aberforth's information is not false. If it were really that simple, Dumbledore would have That’s it. Our first priority is to save our own lives.”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Is that just that?" Harry said with great confusion: "I'm not talking big words, nor am I trying to be a hero. We must not let Voldemort go."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce smiled: "Of course it won't be that simple, but defeating Voldemort is indeed a big deal for us. But we can let the entire magical world know, The Dark Lord who threatened the wizarding world fourteen years ago is still alive and preparing to make a comeback. I don’t believe that cowards like Fudge will still deny it at this point. At that time, even if Voldemort is the reincarnation of Merlin and Slytherin is reborn, they will not be able to withstand the whole Attack from the Wizarding World.”

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp"Beautiful" Hermione said excitedly: "This is the most perfect and appropriate way, I support it."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "I agree," Harry said immediately: "Being able to destroy Voldemort is my greatest wish in this life."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspRon also said: "Of course I agree. But how do you ensure your own safety during the game?"

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspHermione nodded and said, "Yes, this is equally important."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspBruce said: "I already have some plans for this. Mr. Aberforth said before that there is a high possibility that Voldemort will take action at the last moment of the game, because There will be many Aurors patrolling near the stadium when the game is going on, so they won't have the chance to attack."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "But isn't the situation the same after the game?" Harry asked curiously.

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbspRon said; "Please, Harry is the Dark Lord. He must have thought of this, so he will definitely do something."

&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp&a;a;nbsp "Okay Ron, there is progress" Bruce said with a smile.

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