The God of Marvel

Chapter 46 Cosmic Spirit Ball

"Keep looking." Tony refused to give up, even forgetting about fighting, and frowned.

On Jiang Xi's side, he released several bats stored in his watch and began to search the surrounding environment.

"Looking for it." Jiang Xi replied.

At this time, Andrew had also calculated the ecological conditions of this planet. The gravity was slightly different from the earth, but the air was up to standard, so there was no need to worry about breathing problems.

Jiang Xi tapped his ear and put away the mask. The oxygen stored in the mask was limited, and Jiang Xi, who was now on an alien planet, was not willing to waste it.

At the same time, Black Bat's exploration information has been conveyed back, forming a three-dimensional map in front of Jiang Xi.

"Uninhabited planet?" Jiang Xi took a closer look and breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid of encountering some alien race. What if he encountered some big boss or something like that? It's better to be kind, but if he encountered something evil, , who knows whether the other party will regard him as some novel species, taste it or something like that.

"Is there no other way?" Tony asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, when the battle is over, you tell Thor and ask him to pick me up. Heimdall should be able to find me." Jiang Xi comforted him.

"!" Tony heard this and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ding! Biological traces were found!" At this time, Andrew's voice sounded.

"What creature?" Jiang Xi frowned.

"Unknown creatures are building models!" Andrew replied, and then a virtual model was formed in front of Jiang Xi.

It is a four-legged reptile, similar to a lizard, but its skin is not as rough as a lizard, and is very smooth and delicate.

"It looks familiar." Jiang Xi tilted his head and looked carefully at the mouse-like creature in front of him, searching for memories in his mind.

"Isn't this the thing in the Guardians of the Galaxy that the tree man used as a horse?" Jiang Xi said suddenly, his eyes widening.

"Catch one!" Jiang Xi said quickly, and at the same time, walked in the direction where he found this alien mouse. Let's call it an alien mouse for the time being, mainly because Jiang Xi forgot what this thing was called.

Not long after, a mechanical bat flapped its wings and flew over with an alien mouse in hand.

The alien rat was still struggling, and its mouth full of sharp teeth kept biting the bat's claws, but obviously, its teeth were not as hard as metal.

The nano-weapon arsenal on Jiang Xi's wrist formed a glove, and then she took the alien rat and looked at it carefully.

"Yeah, it's true." Jiang Xi nodded thoughtfully, and then said to Andrew: "Expand the search scope."

"Okay." Andrew responded.

At the same time, the map began to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Ding! Traces of man-made construction were found!" Soon, Andrew sent back another useful message.

"Is there anyone?" Jiang Xi asked.

"There is no one, the building has been abandoned." Andrew said, having already constructed a model of what a building would look like.

"Wow, it's an alien building." Jiang Xi said, already flying towards the building. Anyway, he was bored. This was Jiang Xi's first time seeing alien things in a real sense, and his curiosity could not be suppressed.

The distance was not far, and within a few minutes, Jiang Xi had arrived in front of the abandoned building.

There is still a vague appearance of a road on the ground, leading directly to the huge building in front.

"It's no different from human buildings." Jiang Xi curled his lips, a little unhappy. At the very least, his curiosity was reduced by more than half.

After feeling disgusted, Jiang Xi continued to fly forward and landed in front of the building gate.

There are still some traces of carvings on the walls of the building, which seem to be patterns, and the ground has become pitted and extremely wet.

"It seems like it rains a lot here." Jiang Xi muttered to himself, stepping on the muddy road and walking into the building.

"Hissing!" The screams of unknown beasts sounded from time to time, echoing in this abandoned and empty building, and the low sound of water drops made the place look a bit scary and weird.

Jiang Xi looked around curiously and gradually went deeper into the building.

"Click!" A soft sound sounded in his ears.

"Huh?" Jiang Xi quickly turned around and raised the Gauss sniper gun in his hand, aiming it in that direction.

"Damn! I was scared to death." After seeing clearly what made the noise, Jiang Xi breathed a sigh of relief. It was an alien rat, looking at Jiang Xi in a mighty manner.

"Hiss" the electric current flashed, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the alien rat turned into a pile of minced meat.

Jiang Xi continued to walk inside, but stopped before going very far.

There is a crack in front, and unknown creatures can be vaguely seen swimming under the crack.

"It always feels familiar." Jiang Xi frowned, rubbed his chin, and started thinking.

The memories flashed through my mind like lightning, and finally, they were frozen in a movie theater. Five big words appeared on the screen of the movie theater: Guardians of the Galaxy!

"Cosmic Spirit Ball!" Jiang Xi's eyes widened.

Isn't this where Star-Lord found the cosmic spirit ball? The more Jiang Xi thought about it, the more certain he became. The only difference may be that the weather on this planet is not as bad as when Star-Lord came. This also made Jiang Xi not immediately think of the cosmic spirit ball.

A loud "boom" sounded from outside the building.

The wind howled and the rain poured down. In the blink of an eye, the planet changed its appearance.

"Okay, I'm more sure this time." Jiang Xi curled his lips.

Then, Jiang Xi's eyes flashed with excitement: "I hope it comes in time, and the cosmic spirit ball has not been taken away yet."

With that said, Jiang Xi activated his combat boots and flew directly forward. Soon, a tall stone door appeared in sight, and the door was closed tightly. This undoubtedly made Jiang Xi even more excited.

"Whoa!" Jiang Xi directly pulled out the beam blade, inserted it into the gap in the middle of the door, and slashed hard.

"Crack!" There was a sound of the object breaking. Jiang Xi's eyes lit up and he kicked it out.

A rumble and vibration was heard, and a gap was opened in the door. It was not big, but it was enough for Jiang Xi to get in.

A faint light came from inside the door, and Jiang Xi had already seen the object emitting light.

A platform with a defensive shield formed by energy, and inside it was a silver-gray spherical object.

Jiang Xi couldn't wait, and walked into the room with three steps and two steps at a time, came to the table, and looked at the silver ball with fiery eyes.

The smile at the corner of his mouth could not be hidden. Jiang Xi rubbed his hands with a wretched look on his face: "This can be regarded as turning bad luck into good fortune. Am I the legendary chosen one? There is no need to say, protector Arad, ah, the important responsibility of protecting the universe, the universe is a bit big, the earth, leave the important responsibility of protecting the earth to me."

As he said that, the silver ring on Jiang Xi's wrist had turned into a fist glove. He stretched out his hand to grab it, but when he hit the defensive cover, he stopped abruptly.

"Calm down! Calm down!" Jiang Xi took a deep breath, and the memories came to mind. At that time, Star-Lord did not touch it directly, but sucked it out with a device.

Jiang Xi thought for a while, there should be some kind of defense device, or what would happen if the defense cover was touched.

Thinking about it, Jiang Xi raised his hand and turned it into a palm, facing the spirit ball.

"Buzz!" The gravity device was activated, and a huge suction force surged out from the palm of his hand, and the target was naturally the cosmic spirit ball.

"Buzz" The cosmic spirit ball began to tremble and moved closer to Jiang Xi's palm.


"Buzz!" The spirit ball trembled more violently, one level, two levels, three levels!

"Bang!" The cosmic spirit ball emerged from the defensive cover and was firmly attached to the center of Jiang Xi's palm.

"It's done!"

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