Hogwarts becomes host

23. Charms and Transfiguration

After eating a whole deer rib at lunch, Elaine's irritable mood was slightly relieved. The meals at Hogwarts actually tasted good, but the dishes were too monotonous.

Although it is said that she cooked according to the recipes passed down by Hufflepuff, she was from a thousand years ago, and her cooking skills at that time were far from modern. Most of them were roasting, frying and boiling.

Occasionally there are fried and stewed foods, but very few. At least it proves that the elves are still determined to improve the food. Elaine plans to have more fried and steamed dishes in Hogwarts. It does not want to be as complicated as Chinese food, at least not every day. It's roast beef

However, she was not good at cooking herself and could not teach Nott the techniques. She could only copy the barrage recipes to him and briefly explain them to him so he could try it on his own. This attempt lasted for three years.

A Nott like this has a long way to go if he wants to change the diet of Hogwarts.

In the afternoon there were two classes on Charms and Transfiguration.

They still took the Charms class with Ravenclaw. Professor Flitwick taught everyone the most basic methods of using magic and gave them a few tips, and then began to practice wand gestures.

Elaine and Hermione had already learned these things under Lupin's guidance. After reading the textbook carefully, Elaine found that the two of them were now seriously ahead of schedule until after Christmas, so they each earned 10 points for Gryffindor. .

Professor Flitwick seemed to be aware of it. After class, he recommended several extracurricular books for Elaine and Hermione to preview on their own, and told them to ask him if they had any questions.

In addition, Elaine specifically asked if the levitating spell could force an object held by someone to levitate, thereby taking away the right to use the object - the answer was of course not, unless the person was not holding it firmly in the first place.

So the troll failed to grasp the stick in his hand?

How is it possible? I think there is a bug in the original work itself.

Anyway, now Elaine has one more thing to worry about.

Due to insufficient magic power, the armor spell she cast cannot block the giant monster's attack; the giant monster's thick skin is resistant to magic, so the stun spell, body lock spell, and all the spells she can learn now are ineffective.

Slughorn could theoretically help, but Elaine wanted to use him as a last resort. There was no reason that Ron and Harry could defeat the trolls, but she couldn't.

We can only rely on that mysterious system. As the popularity continues to grow, Elaine can feel that the functions are becoming more and more perfect. Even if it is sometimes confusing, for example, the live broadcast will suddenly start automatically, but now it only has more than 600 million popularity. I don’t know. Can it break through to 60 million within these days?

The next Transfiguration class with Hufflepuff really surprised Elaine.

After listening to Professor McGonagall's explanation, Elaine realized that it wasn't that she couldn't turn a match into a needle before, but that Lupine's Transfiguration was only at an average level. Compared with Professor McGonagall's class, Elaine scored 70 points and 90 points. difference

But thinking about it carefully, Elaine subconsciously believed that the four thieves had good transformation skills, but Lupine was not an Animagus, he was a werewolf.

Perhaps because he is forced to transform every month, he doesn't like the art of transformation, or maybe he is not good at the art of transformation in the first place. Anyway, there is no mention of him using the art of transformation in the original work.

When previewing before the start of school, he also focused on spells and defense against the dark arts. Transfiguration always said it was too difficult for you, so he skipped it.

Forget it, everyone has something they are not good at.

Elaine looked at the matches on her table, and she and Hermione waved their wands at the same time, and both matches turned into perfect needles.

"Miss Granger, Miss Shafiq, you did a very good job. 20 points for Gryffindor." Professor McGonagall nodded with satisfaction. "I hope that before the next class, all students can prepare the content of the next class as well as they did - this is not only the duty of students, but also your homework after class. get out of class is over."

After Professor McGonagall left, Lavender pestered her again, but after Elaine told her that she was going to the library to complete Binns' report, she immediately frowned and looked at Hermione with reproachful eyes. It was as if it was her fault that she had extra homework, which made Hermione glare back in displeasure.

Elaine had no choice but to step out to be the peacemaker and promised Lavender that she would go back to the lounge to play the piano after dinner. She could go back to the dormitory first to think about what style of music she wanted to listen to, so the little girl happily held her hand. Watty walked away chattering without saying a word to Hermione from beginning to end.

"Your attitude towards her is really gentle."

"My attitude toward you is similar. Hogwarts doesn't change roommates." Elaine didn't understand at all why Hermione and Lavender were showing signs of quarreling after just one day together. "We have to get along until graduation. If we don't build a good relationship, are you going to sleep in the common room for the remaining seven years?"

Could it be that just like Harry and Malfoy, Hermione and Lavender are mortal enemies?

Anyway, Elaine and Hermione went to the Owl Room to post letters and order parchment, and then went to the library.

In fact, you can buy ordinary notebooks and pens, which are much cheaper than parchment and quills, but Elaine decided to buy parchment and quills anyway. She would never be able to spend all the Shafiq family's gold in her lifetime.

There is no heir, and there is a limited amount of magic transfer in the treasury. If you don't spend all the money, you have to give it to the goblin of Gringotts──Don't want her to have a baby. No matter in her previous life or this life, she will never start a family with a man. absolute

Not to mention getting pregnant, getting someone else pregnant is just as bad.

Arriving at the Hogwarts library, as expected, there was no one there. Hermione's eyes widened when she looked at the large number of books. The number of books here was probably the same as the collection of ordinary university libraries. There are several times more bookstores.

Mrs. Pince came over to warn them not to violate the rules of the library. After she returned to the counter, she still stared at the two of them suspiciously. Maybe Hermione was so hungry that she would swallow the book alive in the next second. His expression made her worried.

Hermione went to read a book by herself. Elaine didn't know what to do, but the barrage was very exciting.

The anchor reads a book about the history of magic and writes a report anyway

No, I’d rather watch the magic series.

How about sneaking into the forbidden book area?

Find a book about black magic, otherwise how will you fight the trolls?

The water friends were desperately expressing their opinions. Elaine took a look at the statistics function and found that the most viewers requested to watch History of Magic, which was just convenient for her to do her homework.

That’s right, transfiguration, black magic, and curses cannot be used by ordinary people. They look similar to the Book of Heaven, but the history of magic can at least be read as a story.

However, the trouble is that the Hogwarts library is classified according to letters rather than categories. If you don't know the title of the book, searching for the book without any goal is simply looking for a needle in a haystack.

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