"Kivat" Looking at the bishop, Yun Chun shouted directly without answering.

"Here we come." After Yun Chun finished shouting, a golden magic circle appeared in front of Yun Chun, and then a bat flew out and shouted.

"What?" Looking at the kivat, the bishop exclaimed in surprise. He had no idea that Yun Chun could actually make the kiva armor that only the king could use sealed in his body, and the kivat that was supposed to obey the king, obey him.

Yun Chunke ignored the bishop's surprise and extended his right hand to kivat.

"I'll bite." Looking at Yun Chun's hand, kivat shouted, then opened his mouth and bit Yun Chun's hand, his eyes flashing.

I saw colorful lines appearing all over Yun Chun's body, and then silver-white chains appeared out of thin air on his waist. They rotated around Yun Chun's waist in different ways, and finally closed suddenly on Yun Chun's waist, becoming Wearing a bright red belt.

I saw three slots on each side of the belt, and six whistles of different colors were placed in them.

In the middle of the belt is a groove with a column across it.

When the belt appeared, kivat released his mouth and flew towards the middle of the belt, hanging upside down on the horizontal cylinder in the middle of the belt.

After kivat was hung upside down on his belt, sound waves continued to spread out from his body in circles.

I saw that Yun Chun's entire body turned silver-white, and then his body appearance changed, and finally turned into a body with a black background. The entire calf of his right foot was covered with thick armor and was wrapped with chains, which made him look a little bit strange. Bloated, but extremely handsome.

Kamen Rider Kiva wears thick armor on both shoulders and back, the palms of his hands and chest are red, and he wears a wrist guard on his wrists and ankles. His eyes are yellow, and there is a green gem between the two eyes. .

"Kiva" Just after Yun Chun became kiva, on the grass somewhere, a black round object suddenly made a sound, then lit up, and an hour hand appeared in the middle. After turning around, an hour hand appeared. I picked up a pattern, which is Kiva’s unusual dial.

Then, the alien dial flew directly towards Yun Chun.

"Hmph, forget it, the time hasn't come yet anyway. One day I will kill you, become the king of the Blood-Teeth Ghost Clan, and rule the world. This day is definitely not far away."

"Now, let them play with you and kill them all." The bishop looked at the transformed Yun Chun, waved his hand and shouted.

Hearing the bishop's words, those pale and expressionless people all stood up, turned into vampire ghosts, and rushed towards Yun Chun.

"I have no interest in them."

"Thirteen totem chains, thirteen totem poles." Yun Chun shouted as he looked at the bishop and the vampire ghost rushing over.

The Thirteen Totem Chain worn by Yun Chun around his waist lit up for a burst of white light, and then disappeared.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Then, from the ground where the vampire ghost rushed over, a strip suddenly stretched out, consisting of thirteen black bodies, constantly rotating, with a diameter of more than one meter and a thickness of nearly two meters, with each one on the surface. Totems and pillars composed of some raised cylinders.

"Bang bang bang" I saw that the vampire ghost that rushed towards Yun Chun was directly thrown out from the top of the Thirteen Totem Pole, piercing the church, and even a few were directly smashed into pieces.

"Ho ho ho!" Just when Yun Chun was about to move forward, other vampire ghosts who had not been hit by the pillar continued to rush towards Yun Chun.

"System, these vampires are all resurrected after death, right?" Yun Chun kicked one vampire away, then asked the system, and continued to attack other vampires.

"That's right, these were all infected by the king's fragments, and the bishop used his ability to speed up the infection, turning them into vampires. He killed them, sucked away the king's fragments, and then resurrected them with life energy, turning them into vampires. Become his puppet." The system replied.

"Bang bang bang" Yun Chun grabbed the hand of a vampire ghost with his left hand, and punched the vampire ghost with his right hand, knocking him to pieces.

These tooth-blooded ghosts had only just awakened, and even if they were not afraid of death, pain, or tiredness, they would not be able to withstand a few attacks from Yun Chun.

In this way, Yun Chun was able to kill a vampire every few seconds, and the number of vampires in the church became less and less.

"It seems that he is much stronger than before. Forget it, it is more important to become the king as soon as possible." The bishop looked at Yun Chun's battle and said, turning around to leave.

"Hmph." Seeing the bishop about to leave, Yun Chun snorted coldly and attacked the puppets faster.

After Yun Chun kicked a vampire ghost away, he took a few steps back. With a thought, all the pillars broke off and turned into cylinders, slamming into the vampire ghost.

"Boom, boom, boom" the cylinder kept hitting the vampire ghosts, smashing them into colorful pieces one by one, and because of Yun Chun's attack, the ancient church also collapsed.

After Yun Chun pushed away the gravel that was pressing on him, he looked around and realized that the bishop had run away, and there were several ordinary people around who were watching this scene in shock.

Looking at the surprised ordinary people, and then looking at the bishop displayed in the weird detection function, he was about to enter a crowded place, and it was too late to chase after him.

If a battle breaks out there, the casualties to ordinary people will not be low, and Yun Chun can see that the bishop is planning something and has no interest in fighting him. If he wants to run, he will not be able to stop him.

Thinking about it, Yun Chun "pulled" himself out of the rubble, then turned invisible, canceled the transformation, turned around and left, and continued walking towards the other infected tooth-blood ghosts.

In this way, Yun Chun's original plan to kill the bishop came to nothing.

Yun Chun knew from the beginning that there were other vampires around the bishop, and he was not afraid at all. However, he never expected that the bishop would not fight him.

For the next time, Yun Chun, who had nothing to do, continued to absorb the fragments of the Yaxue Ghost King that entered the bodies of ordinary people.

And while Yun Chun was absorbing the fragments of the Yaxue Ghost King, a handsome man appeared in Yun Chun's room out of thin air, picked up a magic book and started reading.

In the next few days, because SHIELD had not yet discussed the matter of undead, Yun Chun absorbed the fragments of the Bloody Tooth King during the day and studied magic with Jones at night.

a week later

"Didi." Yun Chun, who had just finished absorbing a piece of the Fangxue Ghost King, saw that it was already getting late and was about to go back to the store, when his cell phone suddenly rang.

"Hey, who are you?" Yun Chun took out his cell phone and asked.

"Mr. Yun, this is Nick Fury, and the undead decision has been made." Nick Fury's voice came from the other side of the phone and said.

"Oh, which ones are they?" Yun Chun asked.

"Let's meet and talk. Is it okay at ten o'clock tomorrow morning?" Nick Fury asked.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." After hearing Nick Fury's words, Yun Chun said and hung up the phone.

"Finally, the final battle of undead is about to begin. I wonder which SHIELD will choose?" Yun Chun took out BDE's transformation belt, looked at it, said, then put it away and went back to the store.

The next day, in the morning, in Yun Chun’s shop

"This is the list of undead discussed by the Security Council this time." Nick Fury took out a document and handed it to Yun Chun and said.

Not only Nick Fury, but Tony and others are also here.


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