The screams echoed unconsciously in the Grand Forest. The eerie atmosphere can make people uneasy and eventually lead to death! After walking out of the Gran Forest with the magic sword in his hand - Qian Da, the soldier walked back to the shop. Place the giant sword on the counter of the shop. Pluto looked at the magic sword - he thought for a moment and said softly: "It is not an innate thing but it is worse than an innate thing. Master, you are becoming more and more unpredictable!" The words of praise made the soldier in the distance laugh. , said: "This is all due to the blessing of origin magic. However, this giant sword is still far inferior to the innate thing!" The innate thing is born according to the heaven and the earth, and has only one will. Its potential is unimaginable! Demonic Sword - Shallow Attack is only in its initial stage now, and how it will grow in the future depends on each individual's fate. Maybe it can surpass the innate, or maybe it's not as good as Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni's Blade of Fire! "Then why does it look like it has its own will?" Pluto asked curiously? There are two major criteria for judging whether it is an innate thing! 1. One’s own will. 2. Immortality. Some innate things are immortal, but they have no will of their own. Then it will be unable to advance to Chaos for life! If it has its own will but cannot be immortal, then it is not an innate thing. Whether it can continue to grow is unknown, maybe it can, maybe it can’t! "Babies born to mothers in ten months' gestation are divided into dead babies." The soldier explained the three flavors to Pluto, and said slowly: "And after the birth of live babies, those whose willpower sinks are cerebral palsy!" "Body He is healthy, but his body moves instinctively." Pluto turned his head and stared sideways at the magic sword - The collection of this site is incomplete, please check! ! grid! ! party! , if you are already in the box! ! grid! ! party! , please turn off the browser ad blocking plug-in to display all chapter content!


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