Mitomonitis of Konoha

Chapter 72 Not even idle

Just when Mito Kadoyan was about to break his bones and tendons, a chakra ball about the size of a child's fist suddenly appeared in front of his palm. If there was another time traveler among the people present, he would definitely exclaim: "Rasengan!"

Although the power of "Rasengan" is average among A-level ninjutsu and the difficulty of training is relatively high, it is undeniable that it has its own unique advantages.

Because as long as it is practiced proficiently and does not require two hands to rub, it does not require sealing, and there is no warning before, and the release speed is quite fast. It can be said that it is a necessary ninjutsu for sneak attacks on Yin people. Therefore, during the past three years, Mito Monohan also copied this ninjutsu in his spare time while practicing.

Of course, because at this point in time, let alone the fourth generation, his parents are probably still teenagers, so now Mito Kadoyan is the genuine original.

Although Mito Katoyan has the memory of his past life, he still cannot invent most of the ninjutsu that have not been invented yet. After all, what was described in the animation of the previous life was just a few words. Even if he made a replica with those pitiful descriptions. The finished product is also very different from the original one, and it is not much different from the time it takes to create another ninjutsu.

But "Rasengan" is different. This is purely a change in the form of chakra. It can be easily restored through the three-stage training method described in the anime.

Because Mito Kadoyan has been accompanying Hatake Sakumo and others on some C-level and even D-level missions in the past three years, he has never encountered any powerful opponents. After all, although there may be unexpected appearances in C-level missions, A Jonin will come, but that is a very unlikely event.

Therefore, it has been more than half a year since Mitomon Yan mastered the "Rasengan", and he has never used it against an enemy. This is the first time he has shown it to others. However, having a monkey demon with a fighting ability no less than Kage level as his first opponent does not disgrace the reputation of this A-level ninjutsu.

Because the "Rasengan" appeared too suddenly, his palm collided with the "Rasengan" almost before the monkey demon could react.

On one side is the A-level ninjutsu that Mito Kaden has painstakingly cultivated, and on the other is the palm of the monkey demon who stands on top of the psychic beast and has an indestructible body. Each side can be called extraordinary power.

"Bang!" With the sound of explosion caused by the attack, after a brief stalemate, the result finally came out. This time the two sides could still say that the battle was a draw.

The monkey demon is worthy of having an indestructible body that can withstand even the "Kusanagi Sword". After a real blow from Mitomon's "Rasengan" to its palm, it didn't even hit him at all. Any skin trauma caused will already dissipate the power.

Fortunately, although the monkey demon did not suffer any skin injuries, the taste of A-level ninjutsu was not pleasant after all. After breaking up the "Rasengan", he retracted his arm because of the pain.

Although it seemed that the battle was just a draw, in fact, Mito Kadoen won strategically. He successfully used the counter-shock force of the collision between the ninjutsu and the monkey demon's hand to quickly shoot to a distance, thereby widening the distance from the three generations of fellow monkey demons, and having more ways to counterattack their attacks. .

The third generation was naturally aware of Mito Kado's thoughts, so he immediately relied on the ability of the Ruyi Golden Cudgel to stretch and contract Ruyi and tried to use the "control circle" stick method to bring Mito Kado's actions within his control.

But how could Mito Menyan follow his wishes? He gathered chakra on his feet and dodged and jumped nimbly. If he couldn't avoid it, he used the Thunder God's Sword to briefly block it, and soon the distance between the two sides became wider and wider.

Mito Monobu doesn't have to be huge in size to be able to hit the Kyuubi in any general direction. The further away he is from the third generation, the accuracy of the third generation's attacks will be greatly reduced. Although it is naturally no problem to deal with ordinary people. , but how to deal with Mito Menitis? So when Sandai saw this, he had no choice but to shorten the Ruyi Golden Cudgel to its normal size and stopped trying to attack him.

The third generation said loudly: "Men Yan, are you coming again? In this way, the two of us are nothing more than neither one can do anything to the other."

Mito Katoyan smiled and said: "Of course, Hiruzen, let me show you the success of my practice in the past few years!" Mito Kadoyan made a few hand seals as he said that, and then shouted: "Yin Seal Release! The art of hundreds of heroes!"

Mito Monohan finally copied Tsunade's "Hundred Heroes' Technique" half a year ago, and he fully charged it in the past few days.

Because the amount of chakra that Tsunade's original version can store in the future is far beyond what Mito Gate's knockoffs can match, and Mito Gate's chakra amount is much greater than that of fifteen-year-old Sakura, so only use Recharging can be completed in half a year.

This is also the reason why Mito Kadenyan dares to fight the third generation and is confident that he can save Uchiha Kagami from death.

Seeing this, the third generation smiled and said: "Menyan, is this the ninjutsu you have been studying so hard in the past few years? It seems that you have succeeded! Congratulations! But even if your chakra amount does not have to worry about being insufficient, it can only enhance it. Your endurance doesn't increase your combat effectiveness much. How can you defeat me with it?"

Mito Gate's plan to "create" a ninjutsu that can store chakra and use it in battle is not a secret. Mito Gate didn't think about hiding it, and the third generation naturally knew it. . But he really didn't know that Mito Menyan had successfully created it.

Hearing this, Mito Menyan smiled and said, "This is just the beginning, just take a look!" After saying that, he bit his thumb with his teeth, scratched his palm with blood, and then shouted: " Ninja Technique: Toad Mouth Binding Technique!"

Sandai raised his eyebrows when he saw the handprints he had made and thought to himself: Psychic technique? Psychic toads from Mount Miaomu as helpers? Even Men Yan needs to rely on "the art of hundreds of heroes" to channel the toad, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with.

However, after the technique was completed, no living creatures appeared in front of Mitomon Yan or even nearby.

Sandai was stunned when he saw this and thought: Could it be that the spell failed? Men Yan wouldn't make such a low-level mistake, would he? !

While he was doubting, Sandai suddenly discovered that a layer of flesh-like things appeared under his feet, and this thing continued to grow and thicken, and the flesh wall at the edge continued to extend upwards, and soon formed a blanket. The space enclosed by the flesh wall.

The Sandai thought about what Mito Katoen had said before that the name of this ninjutsu was "Toad Mouth Binding Technique". Could it be that he was actually in the belly of a toad now? !

At this moment, Mito Kadoyan's voice came over: "Hiruzhan, you have already reached the toad's belly. I channeled the esophagus of the giant toad in Mt. Myoboku Iwajuku. Anyone who enters it will be killed by the toad." The big toad will eat it and digest it, so you have to be careful."

While Mito Monobu was talking, the third generation's feet had been stuck by the esophagus of the Iwajuku giant toad. The third generation could not help but quickly waved the Ruyi Golden Cudgel to cut off the place under his feet and the entire esophagus, and regained his freedom. .

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he discovered that the surrounding flesh walls were constantly pressing towards him, and the speed was still accelerating.

After seeing this, the third generation secretly cursed "Damn" a few times, swung the stick repeatedly, and used several ninjutsu. Although part of the flesh wall was destroyed, it was quickly made up for by the squirming of the flesh wall behind it. It was difficult to Cause decisive damage, penetrate the stomach wall and escape.

Seeing this, Mito Kadoyan smiled and said, "Hiruzhan, you'd better save some energy. So far, I've never heard of anyone being able to escape from here!"

The third generation didn't understand that such a barrier that could be continuously repaired could not be accumulated into major injuries through constant small injuries using some conventional means. It could only be broken through at once.

So the third generation said to the monkey demon: "I need some time to prepare the ninjutsu. You use the 'Vajra Prison Wall' to wrap me up for defense and buy me time."

"Vajra Prison Wall" was originally a method of trapping enemies. It relies on the indestructible body of Vajra that is difficult for ordinary people to break to trap the enemy in the wall until the enemy succumbs or starves to death.

The powerful defensive power of the "King Kong Prison Wall" comes from its own material, so naturally it has no strong internal defense power and is easily vulnerable to external damage. In this case, it is natural to use this move as a defensive move.

Upon hearing this, the monkey demon only said "Okay" and then quickly separated and formed a "Vajra Prison Wall" to wrap up the three generations. The ape demon possesses the indestructible body of Vajra. Although the esophagus of the giant rock toad is highly corrosive, it is difficult to do any harm to it for a while, let alone harm the three generations within the "Vajra Prison Wall".

After Sandai saw that he was safe, he nodded with some satisfaction and shouted: "Shadow Clone Technique!"

Not far away, Mito Kadeni couldn't help but thought to himself when he saw this: It seems that I am not the only one who has made progress in the past three years. I originally thought that Hiruzen would have delayed his training because of his role as Hokage, resulting in basically no progress. Or the progress is not obvious. But now it seems that it is not completely abandoned, and he has even mastered this move.

The "this move" mentioned by Mito Kadoen is naturally not only a B-level shadow clone technique. After the third generation separated the shadow clone, the main body and the shadow clone did not stop for a moment to continue forming seals.

After making fifty or sixty seals in total, the five people stopped their hands. I saw five people including the main body and the shadow clone shouting "Wind!" "Fire!" "Earth!" "Thunder!" "Water!", and then shouted in unison: "Five Escape·Dalian Bullet Technique!"

After finishing speaking, the five third generations all took a deep breath, gathered chakra into their chests, changed its properties, and then spit it out quickly. Wind, fire, earth, thunder, water, five different ninjutsu attributes gathered together in mid-air, and then formed a huge sphere.

The sphere moved forward, flattening everything in front of it, and finally bombarded the esophagus of the giant toad in Iwajuku. The flesh wall, which Jiraiya and Mito Kadenen called "no one can escape from," was quickly blasted out with a big hole.

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