Kamen Rider from Douluo

Chapter 26 Knight Ability

"321, rush over. .biquge"

Outside the ebony forest, in the direction of the city gate, a ghost flashed from it. The higher-level soul masters, such as the soul sect, could clearly see something, but in the blink of an eye, the strange aura disappeared and they shook their heads. Shaking his head, he just thought it was an illusion.

No one thought that Tiandao Zun, a little soul warrior, could escape everyone's capture. They would rather believe that Tiandao Zun was rescued than have the strength to escape from the Star Luo Empire.

But that's the truth.

Hibiki fled out of the city and ran towards the outside direction. Because the soul master guarding the gate was not of a high level (high-level soul masters would not be sent to guard the gate), he did not notice anything strange and remained as calm as ever.

"Keep accelerating and don't let them notice anything strange. I'll use my mental power to cover up your aura. As long as you go fast enough, they won't be able to find you."

Xianggui escaped a few miles outside the town and finally relaxed a little. Tiandao Zun's voice came faintly from the armor.

"I'm so tired. Why are you so tired?"

"As long as you become stronger and unlock the knight's power in your belt, you can ride a knight's motorcycle as you like." Zhang Hai's cold voice softened a little, but it was still so deserted.

"I wanted to say it a long time ago, what on earth is that motorcycle?"

Zhang Hai in the consciousness space suddenly smiled awkwardly. He did not expect that Tiandao Zun lived in Douluo Continent and did not know what a motorcycle was. Although Tiandaozun absorbed part of Zhang Hai's memory, he was not able to know about those technological products. It is no wonder that he did not know about them.

"Well, the motorcycle is a special mount of Kamen Rider. You don't need to feed anything. The motorcycle produced by the belt has unlimited energy power. It should be your soul power. As long as you inject soul power, you can activate this Kamen Rider. The exclusive motorcycle is fast and has unlimited energy. There are also mobile Pegasus like Faiz that can transform into a robot to assist in combat, and Dragon Rider like the Fire Dragon Dragoon that can transform into a monster form of Fire Dragon."

"Wait, what is that robot?"


As the two chatted, Tiandaozun's physical and soul power were all exhausted without realizing it, so Tiandaozun released his transformation state and took a rest on the spot.

From Zhang Hai's words, Tiandaozun learned a lot of knowledge and skills.

In a way, the relationship between Zhang Hai and Tiandaozun is now like a teacher and a student. Tiandao Zun also determined in his heart that Zhang Hai would not deceive him and was a good "teacher" for him. If it weren't for him, he might not know anything about Kamen Rider's abilities and functions, and just use them randomly.

At this moment, Tiandaozun began to ask Zhang Hai various questions arising from the twenty knights he saw.

"What you saw in the consciousness space before were the knights you transformed into by inheriting the power of the knight in your belt. These knights all have powerful power.

Like you, I can use twenty knights, but they are different from yours.

The power I inherited changed because I chose the dark path. Originally, the red-eyed Black Sora Ga, Gills, Black Dragon Rider, Black Faiz, and Black Decadecross-Z were the powers I had before, but because they were sealed Lost the power and cannot use it.

Your current Kuuga is just a newborn form, without much bright spots or abilities. But if it can evolve, it has the power of darkness with infinite evolution. However, because the bracelet originally absorbed the ability of the knight's belt, the way to evolve the form still depends on the bracelet. And I don’t know what’s going on with the bracelet now, you still have to figure it out on your own…”

Tiandaozun's expression was one of surprise at first, but slowly cooled down as Zhang Hai spoke.

The bracelet absorbs the power of the belt. Everything still depends on Tiandaozun to develop and utilize it. He still needs to unlock the various secrets of the bracelet.

"AgitΩ, contrary to Kuuga's power, this knight possesses infinite light. He also has a primary form, and also has the possibility of infinite evolution.

(I want to mention here that in order to balance the power settings of agitΩ and Kuuga, it has the same primary form as Kuuga)

Dragon Knight needs corresponding cards and contract beasts to evolve, but I still don't understand how his system will be changed by the bracelet. His various abilities have not yet been developed. His main ability is to travel between the mirror world and fight back and forth in the real world. However, with your current ability, it is best not to try it. Because you can enter any place where your figure can be reflected, but you must be careful, because in the mirror, there is also you in the mirror, and the you there is your sinful original intention...

The form of faiz depends on the corresponding props. Usually it transforms into a mecha like a shark head. With your technological awareness, you can also use the creative power of the belt to create technological products...

The transformation of the Sword Rider requires corresponding cards, which is similar to that of the Dragon Rider. Most of its abilities come from cards, but I don't know what the bracelet transforms the belt into. Give it a try when you get to the Star Dou Forest and you will know...

You have also used Hibiki's power when escaping. His speed is usually the speed of a ghost, so he is much faster than a normal knight. He has a sound drum on his waist, and most of his abilities are ghost skills...

As for Kabuto, you can only transform into the first form of Kamen Rider, which is also called the armor form. It has good defense power. If you are only in Kamen Rider's first form, then Kabuto's "turtle shell" defense is absolutely Comparable to defensive soul masters of the same level in this world! The ability of its knight form is to use time particles to accelerate

Den-O has his own rail car, which allows him to travel freely in time. However, the evolution of the Kamen Rider requires the possession of a different demon god. Before you have the ability to summon a different demon god, you can only transform into Den-O. The platform shape. It's just like putting on a combat uniform.

Kiva, the bat form in its normal form has strong jumping ability and can glide briefly in the air.

Decade, you can use the power of the top ten knights, but it still depends on whether you choose "save" or "destroy". Evolving to another level can even use the full power of the knight. The normal form’s decade combat power is also pretty good.

w, here we are different from the first ten types of knights, and have different system power from the previous ten knights. w can use the power of two parts, but I have never tried it before, so I don’t know much about it. Transformation requires a memory. The belt only has a switch configuration. You can use a memory to insert into the transformed knight to fight.

ooo, you can use the power of ooo to make coins, but its transformation requires core coins that are different from ordinary coins. The core coins represent the head, body, and legs respectively.

Fourze requires other switches to change form, but with the current ability of the belt, it is still unable to unlock those "astronaut" fourzes whose switches can only transform into normal forms.

Wizard, the basic form is a magician with the fire attribute, and a knight who uses attribute magic. The fire attribute has the most balanced abilities among the four basic forms. However, using magic requires more soul power, which corresponds to the soul power of powerful magic.

Kaiwu is a knight who uses the Locked Seed to transform, but with the current situation of the belt, he can only transform into the Locked Seed that comes with it.

Drive, use "Moving Chariot" to exchange the tires on your chest. Now that you have not summoned Cetron, you can only transform into a half-level knight.

Ghost, a knight who uses the eye soul to transform, is immune to physical attacks. The belt comes with the original soul. As for other eye souls, the power of the knight in the belt cannot be used.

ex-aid, a knight who switches forms through game upgrades, action player lv1 is a giant "fat" mecha

Build, choose the versatile knight form to transform by using different "full bottles" combinations

zi-o, can use the power of each knight, and needs the knight dial to transform and advance."

Zhang Hai finally finished telling the general situation of each knight.

"In this way, the power system of the new decade is more complicated than the power of the old decade, and the restrictions are also very huge. If a solution cannot be found, these knights will probably be useless." Tiandao Zun understood the fake The knowledge of the main points of the Noodle Knight has also begun to be enriched.

"Well, overall, before you can use all the knight's abilities, it is best to use hand-to-hand combat knights like Kuuga and Yajita. faiz, sword rider, hibiki, kiva, decade, w, ooo, armor Martial, build, these knights have relatively high combat effectiveness in the first form. If you are a defensive knight, there are certain restrictions on using kabuto and other knights. If you use wizard, you are too short of soul power.

However, in general, your combat experience and ability are too weak. Even if you have the ability of a knight, you cannot fully control it. Therefore, entering the Star Forest is also an opportunity to hone you. "

Tiandaozun curled his lips. In fact, he wanted to go back to the Tiandou Empire to take care of Xiao Wu, but Zhang Hai's words always revealed the idea of ​​letting him enter the Star Dou Forest. He was about to retort and explain.

But Zhang Hai seemed to have noticed Tiandaozun's thoughts, and said faintly from Tiandaozun's mind, "Do you know the way back to your Tiandou Empire?"

Tiandao Zun smiled awkwardly. It seemed that at this time, he could only take one step and watch one step.

in the space of consciousness

Zhang Hai quietly used his spiritual power to change the consciousness space here. He was originally indifferent, but now he said so much, everything was so extraordinary.

To predict what will happen next, please listen to the explanation next time.


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