It was early morning.

The will leader led more than a hundred dead soldiers, standing on a high hillside, looking down at the crusade knights a few hundred meters away.

The distance between the two sides was very close.

But she was not panicked at all.

Because there were no horses on the opposite side.

The speed was not as fast as her dead soldiers.

A group of knights and soldiers without horses, no threat.

Even if the number was four times that of the dead soldiers, they were just a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

Xilin led the remaining more than a hundred dead soldiers and quickly approached the crusade knights. When they reached the range of the ranger dead soldiers' bows and arrows, the dead soldiers stopped collectively.

The guarding dead soldiers were protecting in front.

Behind them, the Ranger Death Soldiers drew their bows and arrows, aiming at the Crusade Knights.


More than fifty arrows flew out from the Death Soldiers' bowstrings, piercing the air, and shot towards the Crusade Knights with a whistling sound.

The Crusade Knights reacted quickly, immediately defending and dodging, and the arrows only caused damage to less than ten ordinary soldiers.

After seeing the Crusade Knights hiding behind trees, stones and other obstacles, the Will Commander led the Death Soldiers to approach quickly from another direction, and then the Ranger Death Soldiers poured out another round of arrows.

Two Death Soldiers of more than 100 people formed a horn.

They continued to attack the Crusade Knights, a large force of more than 800 people.

Without war horses, they launched a charge, which was simply to die.

People haven't even approached yet.

The soldiers were shot to death by the Ranger Death Soldiers with bows and arrows during the charge.

Moreover, even if they can bear casualties, they will not risk their lives to get close.

Can't the Death Soldiers retreat?

What's more, if they really rush to their faces, there are still close combat Death Soldiers to block them.

Although the Crusade Knights also have archers, their archers and arrows are not as many as the Ranger Death Soldiers, and their range is not as far as the Ranger Death Soldiers.

The arrows of the Ranger Death Soldiers are directly generated by Honkai Energy, and they can have as many as they want.

It is impossible to recover the arrows shot by the Ranger Death Soldiers and shoot them back.

After all, they are arrows generated by Honkai Energy, and the Will Commander can control Honkai Energy.

As long as the Honkai Energy is dissipated, the arrows will turn into Wangwang Shattered Ice when picked up.

How to use it.

If nothing unexpected happens, the Crusade Knights will only be shot and annihilated by the Death Soldiers using the kite-flying tactics in the end.

From morning to noon.

The two Death Soldiers kept their distance and shot arrows at the Crusade Knights continuously.

Only when the Honkai energy is insufficient will the archery attack be temporarily stopped.

In addition to protecting the Ranger Death Soldiers, the melee Death Soldiers also act as a charger for Honkai energy.

One-third of Honkai energy is transferred to the Ranger Death Soldiers to recharge the Honkai energy and continue to generate arrows for attack.

However, the people who are attacking the Knights are not fools. After they took the initiative to launch a charge and were kited, they quickly made changes.

Run to the dense woods.

In the woods, the bows and arrows of the Ranger Death Soldiers are subject to certain restrictions.

The Knight Commander scanned the surrounding trees and bushes, and after confirming that he was temporarily safe, he immediately sent people to check the nearby terrain.

Those monsters, except for a few special ones, can be killed by two ordinary soldiers or one knight.

In a head-on confrontation, those monsters will not be their opponents.

Ainmed walked to the Knight Commander and whispered: "What should we do now?"

The mission to attack the heretics has failed.

Whether they can go back alive is a question.

The 1,000-man heretic army had not arrived yet, but the 300-man monster vanguard had already put them in trouble.

Without war horses, they could not get rid of the enemy unless they took off their armor and fled in all directions.

But if they really had to do that, why would they go back!

It would be better to charge at those monsters and be shot to death by arrows.

In this way, they were still knights who died heroically in the battle with monsters.

The Knight Commander sat under a big tree, staring at everything in the woods with a frown.

The fighting style of those monsters was too disgusting.

These knights could not exert their own strength.

First sneak attack, kill their war horses, and make them lose mobility.

Then use archers to slowly consume their manpower.

The most important thing is that if this continues, the people under his command will become more and more terrified.

The Knight Commander glanced at a soldier sitting on the ground next to him.

The soldier's hand holding the sword was trembling slightly.

This fear of death at any time is not

It is something that every soldier can bear.

The Knight Commander was ready to sacrifice his life for God, and he was fearless.

"I feel very uncomfortable."

"Those monsters must be able to see all our actions."

After entering the woods, he led a group of knights to ambush the enemy.


Those monsters did not stop at all, and directly surrounded their ambush position, shooting arrows and setting fire.

If he had not noticed something wrong in advance and retreated, they would have been surrounded and annihilated.

"This is the biggest problem we have encountered." Ainmed nodded, "Those monsters' spellcasters must be watching us in secret."

From the various actions of the monster troops.

She discovered that the commander of the monsters.

No need for any reconnaissance, he can act immediately.

This is a very scary thing.

They don't know what the enemy is doing, but the enemy knows what they are doing at all times.

If she had such ability, she could command her country's army to conquer the whole of Europe.

In addition, if there are enough monsters that are not afraid of death and obey orders, it feels like it is only a matter of time to conquer the whole world.

Things are getting more and more difficult.

If she doesn't solve the spellcaster who is watching them from the dark, she doesn't know how to win.

The only advantage they have now is numbers.


The other side also has a large army of 1,000 people, including about 500 monsters, and is coming.

When the enemy's large army arrives, their numerical advantage will be gone.

"What do you think?"

The knight commander asked back. Ainmed is the daughter of the Duke, and some of the knights and soldiers who came this time were brought by her.

He knew that the other side must want to retreat now and go back.

In fact, the knight commander also knew in his heart that this battle could not be fought.

The problem is how to go back.

He can't go back and say that those monsters are so strong, two or three hundred against our one thousand, we can't beat them!

If that really happens, he might as well die.

"Let's go to the nearby town first!"

Ainmed knew what the Knight Commander was thinking. If she waited for her to say retreat, it would be all her fault.

Although she was a noble and a saint, she would not be punished.

But if she led the way and fled back in disgrace, it would have a great impact on her reputation.

"What are you going to do in the nearby town?"

The Knight Commander was puzzled.

"Go find a horse. Do you still want to be a horseless knight?"

Ainmed's words made the Knight Commander suddenly realize.


They can also go to the nearby town to find horses!

However, can they really ride the inferior horses in the town?

Let's go and see!

If you can find a horse, it's better than nothing.

The Knight Commander stood up and called everyone to gather and go to the nearby town to find a horse.

Ainmed sensed the danger, turned around suddenly, and used the knight's one-handed sword to pick up an arrow.

"They are chasing us."

She said as she retreated.

"You take the people away first."

The Knight Commander, with dozens of knights and two hundred soldiers, looked vigilantly at the Ranger Death Soldiers standing on the trees not far away, and the Shun Ninja Death Soldiers walking towards them on the ground.

They were going to hold these monsters for a while.

"Be careful."

Ainmed knew that if no one held these monsters for a while, they would be bitten on the butt and chased.

By now, they probably knew the attack methods and abilities of these monsters.

As long as they were careful, there would not be too many casualties.

She went to the town for another reason, which was to use the town walls to block the enemy's bows and arrows.

At the same time, she could also replenish supplies.

There were many bushes and trees as obstacles to block the shooting of bows and arrows. The will leader could only use Shun Ninja, Zhong Ninja Death Soldiers, Senior Ninja Death Soldiers, Claw Death Soldiers, Guard Death Soldiers, and Royal Guard Death Soldiers.

The Ranger Death Soldiers could only climb trees to shoot a few arrows.

However, the Divine Hero Death Soldiers could also fire rockets to burn the forest.

Looking at the held-back death squad, the Will Ruler wondered if a Honkai beast was about to appear.

But the Honkai beast needed more Honkai energy.

Death squads could use flesh and blood as carriers, and then inject Honkai energy into them, and they would get a death squad.

Honkai beasts were another type of creature, a silicon-based creature.

Honkai beasts wanted to move. They needed more Honkai energy.

The Will Ruler tried to give the beasts Honkai energy, but the infected Honkai beasts only knew how to destroy, and could not understand her orders at all, making them difficult to control.

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