After everyone left her office, Cocolia's face immediately darkened.

She turned her back to the door and chatted with someone.


"... Of course I understand.


"Don't worry, I have my own way."

After saying this, Cocolia showed a meaningful smile.


Outside Klipperburg——

Kiana looked back at the majestic building with a complicated mood.

The Great Guardian was originally a leader who was diligently looking for a way to save the world, but the impact of the "rift" and "cold wave" has been expanding, with no signs of weakening. Then she tried to pray to the "protection" star god Klipper, hoping that the world would be watched by him again, so as to save the world that was about to perish.

But no matter how hard she tried, Klipper still did not respond to her.

Finally, she began to become desperate and began to look for some illusory hope. During her tenure, the consciousness of the star core gradually bewitched the great guardian, until she could not see any other hope, and Cocolia began to try to believe the words of the star core.

The star core did not disappoint Cocolia, and the power it released did alleviate the erosion of the cold wave and the rift to a certain extent.

After seeing hope, Cocolia also became more trusting of the star core and even began to rely on it. She began to make wishes to the star core, hoping that it could bring more miracles.

But everything has a price. The star core began to use some sweet words to bewitch Cocolia to let her soldiers go to the front line to die, and Cocolia actually agreed. Since then, her character has become more and more paranoid and cold. Later, she withdrew the Silver Mane Iron Guards guarding the lower area, which led to the lower area being eroded by the Rift faster, and many people died and were transformed into Rift creatures by the Rift.

However, Cocolia, who was bewitched by the Star Core, did not care about it and let the people in the lower area fend for themselves.

In this way, the upper and lower levels have been blocked for decades, and the people in the lower area cannot go up, and the people in the upper area cannot go down. Since then, a rumor has appeared in the upper area that the lower area is blocked because some demon is sealed in the lower area. For the safety of the people in the upper area, the Great Guardian had to order the blockade of the lower area.

The rumors in the upper area intensified, but Cocolia never responded to it. She seemed to be indifferent to the fate of the lower area, and only focused on how to meet the requirements of the Star Core and firmly believed in the future promised by the Star Core.

In the lower area, people have never given up the pursuit of freedom and hope. Although the erosion of the Rift was getting worse and worse, and although the withdrawal of the Silver Mane Iron Guards had left them without their last protection, they still resisted the erosion of the lower zone with their weak strength, until -

"Until what? If we had never come here, perhaps the people in the lower zone would have lived in blockade and despair until they were completely swallowed by the Rift."

Thinking of this, Kiana couldn't help but sigh.

"Alas, what a desperate world."

Kiana's voice was extremely small, and only she could hear it.

At this time, Jeppard, who had been waiting at the stairs, also spoke at this time.

"The "Great Guardian" seems to favor you. I have received orders that there is no need to restrict your actions. "

"She is quite reasonable." Xing also expressed his first impression of the Great Guardian.

"Yeah." March Seven also nodded. "To be honest, I didn't expect it to be so smooth. "

Dan Heng did not comment, but looked at Qiana who was worried, and then looked at Jeppard, thinking about something.

And Jeppard was also preparing to say goodbye to everyone in the train group.

"Haha, I still have official business to attend to, and I will return to the station soon. I hope you have a good time in Beloberg."

Just as Jeppard was about to leave, he was immediately stopped by March Seven and asked: "Wait a minute, can you recommend some attractions to us? It's still early, and we want to visit here more."

"Hmm?" Hearing this, Jeppard also thought: "If there are places worth seeing, it should be the Golden Opera House and the History Museum. But the museum requires a certificate to enter."

"I suggest you visit the Eternal Winter Monument first, it is the most symbolic landmark of Beloberg."

As he said, Jeppard pointed to a blue-painted building in the central square.

A landmark building carved from an unknown mineral.

"If you are interested in music, you can go to the "Perpetual Motion" mechanical house, where there are occasional open-air performances. The performers... well, you can watch for yourself."

As he said this, Jeppard pointed in another direction.

"Also, if you want to stay at the Goethe Hotel, please remember to avoid the alley next to it where the Iron Guards are stationed. It has been affected by the rift erosion recently and has been blocked."

After saying this, Jeppard also turned his head and looked at the train crew.

"Has the erosion approached the interior of the city... The situation is very serious." Dan Heng sighed.

"Well, we are fighting against it... Well, goodbye, I wish you all the best."

After saying goodbye to everyone, Jeppard hurriedly left. The four people in the train crew looked at his departing back and were silent for a while.

When March 7 was about to suggest where to go for a walk, Dan Heng took the lead and said, "Qiana, I see that you have been worried from the beginning. Have you noticed anything? "

Kiana was stunned by Danheng's question. She looked up at Danheng, a hint of hesitation flashed in her eyes, but she finally decided to speak.

"Do you remember the script that Sangbo said before? According to the current development, it seems that we have been acting according to Sangbo's script."

Kiana's words made everyone fall into a brief silence.

"If nothing unexpected happens, the Great Guardian will arrest us tomorrow on inexplicable charges~"

Kiana spread her hands helplessly.

Listening to Kiana's story, Danheng also said what he thought was the answer: "You mean... did you check the memory of this Great Guardian again?"

When Danheng said this, his voice was controlled very low, and only a few people in the train group could hear it. I really don't know what the consequences will be if you openly speak ill of the Great Guardian in his territory.

Kiana did not deny it and nodded slightly.

"Ah? Why is this so..." Sanyueqi lost interest in playing. "We are kind-hearted to help them solve the star core problem, why do they want to arrest us?"

"It should be because we are outsiders, maybe they think our motives for helping them are impure?" Xing expressed his own views.

"It shouldn't be. If it was just because of this, they could have refused from the beginning, and there was no need to do so. Besides, we also told them that we can't leave unless the star core problem is solved. So... there should be only that possibility, right?"

Dan Heng said, staring at Kiana.

"Well, she was bewitched by the star core. In order to eliminate unstable factors, the order given by the star core to her should be to kill us."

"Can the star core... still bewitch people's hearts?" Xing was a little confused.

"Well, some star cores will have self-awareness, bewitching the rulers of the world where the star core is planted, which may cause them to make serious wrong decisions, thus gradually leading to the destruction of the world's civilization. "Dan Heng explained.

"However, fortunately, I already know the location of the star core from her memory. She told us that she didn't know where the star core is, which is a complete lie."

Kiana's tone was very firm, and she seemed to have determined the next direction of action.

After listening to it, March Seven couldn't help but sigh: "This star core is so cunning!"

"I understand! The current Great Guardian is completely unwilling to listen to any opinions, right? Then we will solve the star core first, and come back to recommend the new king to the throne!"

Xing's speech was really shocking, but fortunately the voice was relatively small. If it was heard by the pedestrians around, it would probably be reported to the Silver Mane Iron Guard immediately.

"I see that the one called Bronya is called Cocolia's mother? It seems that she was still opposing her mother in the Great Guardian's office, so let's push her up! "

Xing's suggestion surprised everyone in the train group. They were originally planning to solve the problem of the star core and then leave the city, but Xing actually proposed to overthrow the current Great Guardian and push Bronya to the top.

"Xing, are you serious?" Kiana looked at Xing in disbelief. She thought that after solving the problem of the star core, everything should be solved. Some political affairs about their world should be left to their own world, right? Unexpectedly, Xing wanted to overthrow the current king and establish a new king?

Good guy.

Kiana cleared her throat and reminded: "Ahem, even if you can succeed, you are putting Bronya on the fire, and you are going to put her in the stigma of being unfaithful and unfilial. "

"I saw from Cocolia's memory that although Cocolia was sorry for the people of Beloberg, she never was sorry.

Bronya is the only one who has the most feelings for her mother. Bronya's feelings for her mother are also real. No matter what, it is better to tell Bronya the truth and let her make her own choice. "

"Ah... okay~"

Kiana looked at Xing's frustrated look and couldn't help but complain in her heart.

"Why do you look so disappointed?"

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