Hearing Bai Yu’s words, Jiaodu was also slightly stunned, because he felt that as soon as these words came out, the momentum on that little ghost’s body seemed to have changed?!

Is it your own delusion?! Maybe it’s because I’m too excited!

Thinking of this, Kakuto also looked at the white feather in front of him with disdain, and sneered

“I hope that when I knock you down later, you will still have the strength to say such a thing!”

As soon as the words fell, Kakuto found that the eyes of the white feather in front of him actually turned a strange purple?!

Reincarnation, reincarnation eyes?!

Kakuto looked at Bai Yu’s eyes that emitted this lilac light, and he thought of the eye of reincarnation for the first time.

Because only the eye of reincarnation can emit that light!

Seeing this, Kakuto was also shocked.

For that kind of eyes, the horns are afraid from the bottom of their hearts!

That guy named Payne, but beat him half to death!

However, when the horns looked closely, they found that something was wrong.

Bai Yu’s eyes only emitted a faint purple light, and there was no such pattern.

At this moment, I saw Bai Yu smile and speak:

“Until then, Kakuto!”

“Do you want to join my organization?!”

“Our treatment is much better than that of your organization!”

Hearing this, Jiaodu was also slightly stunned, and his eyes looking at Bai Yu were full of doubts.

After staring at him for a long time, he spoke in a deep voice

“How? Feeling that you can’t beat me, you start throwing an olive branch at me?! ”

“But I think no one should be able to refuse the temptation of 100 million, right?!”

After speaking, a look of contempt also appeared in Jiaodu’s eyes.

“Little imps like you, I can’t help but want to crush you!”

Listening to Jiaodu’s arrogant words, Bai Yu’s eyes were still waveless at the moment, and he saw him speak with an indifferent expression:

“It seems that it is useless to talk more, come on! Let me see if you really won’t die. ”

Speaking of this, Bai Yu even hooked his finger provocatively towards Jiaodu.

Looking at the expression on Bai Yu’s face, which was always without waves, Jiaodu also frowned, and said in a deep voice:

“Hey, let me see how hard your head worth 100 million is!”

“I hope you don’t let me down too much!”

Jiaodu stared at the white feather in front of him, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

Then, I saw him suddenly raise his right hand!


His right arm instantly burst out of countless black lines and slammed towards the white feather!

Bai Yu, who originally knew the attack method of the horned capital, now had the blessing of the Purple Pole Demon Pupil.

The attack path of that black line has been completely mastered by him!

I saw that Bai Yu just casually turned sideways, and dodged this bullet-like quick blow!

Seeing this, Jiaodu was only slightly stunned, and then sneered and said in a deep voice:

“Shhhh It’s quite a bit of skill! ”

“The next move, you can’t dodge it by speed!”

Jiaodu also did not plan to entangle with Bai Yu anymore at the moment, even if he planned to fight a quick victory.

Quickly kill Bai Yu and go to exchange money!

And at this moment, Bai Yu saw that a large number of chakras in Kakuto’s body were constantly surging towards his back.

The next moment, I saw Kakuto’s back suddenly began to bulge, and it was constantly expanding!

Then, two black-lined creatures with masks suddenly appeared!

Looking at the two familiar mask line monsters, Bai Yu only said faintly:

“Oh? The secret art of Taki Hidden Village – is the land grudge?! ”

As Bai Yu’s words fell, Jiaodu was also slightly stunned, and then sneered and spoke:

“I know a lot! It is also your honor to die under my trick. ”

“So… Die! ”

I saw that as soon as Jiaodu’s words fell, his hands began to seal quickly.

“Compound Ninja – Flame Wind Chaos!”


As soon as the words fell, the two ground grievances behind the horns instantly opened their mouths at the same time, and the violent Chakra began to condense rapidly.

Then, I saw a wind bomb and a fireball, mixed and emitted at the same time!

Jiaodu’s originally powerful fire ninjutsu, at this moment, under the blessing of the wind, instantly turned into a sea of fire in the sky, towards the white feather in front of him, and collapsed!

The ferocious flames, overwhelming the sky, had completely blocked Bai Yu’s escape route.

The yellow sand in front of Jiaodu was also instantly engulfed by this blazing flame!

Seeing this, under the mask of Kakuto, the corners of his mouth opened slightly, and he spoke:

“Give up, little ghost! With this level of attack, you can’t dodge! ”

“100 million taels, I’ll take it!”

At this moment, a strong white light suddenly shot out.

The next moment, Bai Yu’s indifferent voice also slowly reached Jiaodu’s ears.

“I’m sorry, I really don’t have ninjutsu of your level…”

“Put it in your eyes!”


Hearing Bai Yu’s words, Jiaodu was also slightly stunned.

This little ghost, dying to the end, is actually so hard-mouthed?!

Before he could think about it, a crisp glass breaking sound suddenly sounded.


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