As Bai Yu’s words fell, I saw a weird smile also appear on his face.

And Bai Yu’s sudden words also made the big snake pill stunned, and then looked at Bai Yu with some doubt, and spoke:

“Bai, Bai Yu-kun, what do you mean by this?!”

Obviously, Bai Yu’s words also made the big snake pill not react for a while.

His focus is now entirely on his abandoned hands.

Where is there still the mind to figure out the meaning of the white feather-words.

Orochimaru looked at his hands desperately, he knew.

It is the death god summoned by the ape flying sun, the consequences!

However, he had studied forbidden arts for many years, but he did not delve into the knowledge of souls!

Because of the principle of advocating science, the big snake pill is also quite disdainful of this knowledge.

Originally, the forbidden technique of soil rebirth had already broken his cognition, and now another ghoul was sealed!

However, even he did not expect that he would actually suffer a loss on this this time!

Damn it…!

Bai Yu looked at the big snake pill at this moment, and also shook his head helplessly.

This guy Orochimaru doesn’t seem to understand me yet.

Has the loss of his hands already made him lose his mind?!

Thinking of this, Bai Yu also felt a little funny.

After a moment of silence, Bai Yu also continued to speak to the big snake pill:

“I said, Orochimaru-san, have you been beaten stupid?!”

“Now is not the time to be depressed, it is imperative, the main thing to treat your hands first?!”

Things have developed to this point, and with the end of the ape flying sun, this time Orochimaru’s Konoha subversion plan is also nearing the end.

As soon as these words came out, the big snake pill was also slightly stunned, and then stood up tremblingly, looking like a lost soul, and he had completely lost his previous arrogance.

The big snake pill also took a deep breath before he spoke weakly:

“Bai Yujun, you are right, the priority now is to find a way to treat my hands first.”

“This plan ends here. After that, I will give you the commission. ”

Speaking of this, a familiar figure has slowly emerged in Daimaru’s mind.

If it were her, maybe…

It can really heal these hands of mine!

I just don’t know… Would she do it or not!

Anyway, his purpose has been achieved this time!

Now, too, it’s time to prepare for a retreat!

Just as Orochimaru was thinking, Bai Yu’s voice slowly entered his ears again, interrupting his thoughts.

If I’m not mistaken, are you planning to go to that Tsunade-hime to treat your hands?!”

“Other questions aside, what do you think…”

“Will she really help you?!”

“You may be a little too naïve, Orochimaru-san.”

As soon as Bai Yu’s words came out, it also made the big snake pill slightly stunned, he was originally extremely irritable because of the loss of his hands, and after hearing these words, his blood also surged up!

I saw that his face instantly became gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and spoke:

“Bai Yu-kun, although I am very grateful to you for being able to save you, but…”

“The only person I can think of right now is Tsunade. Could it be…”

“What better way could you do?!”

As soon as these words came out, what Bai Yu didn’t expect was that a weird smile suddenly appeared on Bai Yu’s face.

Seeing this, the big snake pill was also stunned.


No way……?!

Could it be that this guy can really find a medical ninja who is better than Tsunade?!

Just as the big snake pill was thinking, he saw Bai Yu’s eyebrows raised, and said lightly:

“Who told you that only Tsunade can heal your hands?!”

“The man I know, I can assure you that if he can’t cure you, then Tsunade can’t do anything about it!”

As Bai Yu’s voice fell, the big snake pill also took a breath.

What the?!

You know, my hands have been robbed of my soul!

What does this guy mean is that the person he knows is even better than Tsunade’s medical level?!

In the ninja world, are there really such characters?!

Why has he traveled to ninjas for so many years, but he has never heard of it?!

Besides, how did this guy Bai Yu meet?!

Although many questions appeared in his heart, Orochimaru’s heart was also rekindled with a glimmer of hope at this moment!

I saw that he looked at Bai Yu with some excitement and spoke:

“Bai Yu-kun, please… Please tell me, who is that person?! ”

“Can he really heal my hands?!”

“Can heal your hands, that’s for sure. But…”

Speaking of this, Bai Yu did not continue to talk further.

Hearing this, the big snake pill was also stunned, looking at the malicious smile on Bai Yu’s face, and instantly understood the meaning of his words.

I saw that he also immediately spoke:

“I can agree to any request! Just…”

“It heals my hand!”

As the words of the big snake pill fell, Bai Yu also smiled slightly and spoke:

“Then that’s easy! I didn’t expect you, who has always been thoughtful, to be so decisive this time?! ”

“I really didn’t expect it!”

Listening to Bai Yu’s words at this moment, the big snake pill’s face also changed, and I saw him grit his teeth and speak:

“Bai Yujun, the matter has come to this, there is no need to ridicule me anymore!”

“So, who the hell is that person you are talking about?! And what does he want?! ”

The big snake pill was also ruthless at the moment, for him, the most important thing was his hands!

Now that Bai Yu actually knows such a person, then he can only stabilize him first!

As for the conditions in his mouth, the big snake pill didn’t have the heart to think about it so much at the moment.

I saw that the corners of Bai Yu’s mouth were slightly hooked, staring at the big snake pill and slowly speaking:

“Orochimaru-san! The man I’m talking about…”

“That’s me!”


As soon as Bai Yu’s words came out, the big snake pill was also completely stunned.

What the?!

This guy… Is it serious?!

What Bai Yu said also filled him with disbelief.

But when you think of Bai Yu’s strange ability, this possibility is not impossible.

I saw that after thinking for a moment, he spoke:

“You really surprised me, Hakuba-kun!”

“So, what are the conditions for curing my hands?!”

As the words of the big snake pill fell, Bai Yu also smiled slightly:

“It’s easy for me to heal your hands!”

“Five hundred million!”

After speaking, Bai Yu’s face still had that trademark smile on his face.

After listening to Bai Yu’s words, the big snake pill’s expression also instantly became gloomy.

Bai Yu, this guy, opens his mouth to 500 million?!

Really when TM money is so easy to earn?!

He might as well go to Tsunade, with the rebirth of filthy soil, he doesn’t believe that Tsunade will refuse!

However, just as Orochimaru was thinking, Bai Yu’s voice came slowly, interrupting his thoughts.

“Hey, I said, Orochimaru-san. Does this kind of thing still need to be considered?! ”

“Use money to buy your own hands, how to look at it, you are more profitable!”

As soon as these words came out, the big snake pill also gritted his teeth.

Five hundred million?!

Add in the last employment fee, it adds up to tm billion!

This guy… Do you really want to squeeze yourself dry?!

It’s all for you, how else can I do research?!

Thinking of this, a trace of haze flashed in the eyes of the big snake pill, and he was ready to turn and leave.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yu was not in a hurry, just smiled slightly, and continued to speak:

“Big Snake Maru-san, isn’t it good to cherish such a good opportunity in front of you?!”

“Besides, Luo Sha of Shayin Village… It’s not solved yet! ”

As soon as Bai Yu’s words came out, the big snake pill was also stunned and froze in place.

Yes, Rosa!

As long as you finish him off, then you don’t have to worry about money!

It’s just, can I really trust this guy Bai Yu?! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I don’t know if it’s my own illusion, how do I feel that all this happened seems to be under his control?!

Bai Yu, what the hell are you… Who is it?!

Thinking of this, the big snake pill also stared at Bai Yu tightly, gritted his teeth and spoke:


Looking at the big snake pill’s reluctant look, Bai Yu was also amused in his heart, and spoke:

“Isn’t that right, Snake-san!”

“But I didn’t expect that you, who have studied forbidden arts, don’t know that the ghouls of the Vortex clan are sealed!”

Bai Yu said with a chuckle.

In the original work, Orochimaru’s hands were sealed by the trick of ape flying sun, and it was only recaptured in the final fourth ninja world war.

After listening to Bai Yu’s words, Daimaru also came back from his own thoughts.

Although I don’t know if Bai Yu’s move was intentional, at least he saved him from the hands of Ape Flying Sunchop.

I saw him smile reluctantly and said:

“I also didn’t expect that the ape flying sun slash actually hid this trick.”

“But this time, I still have to thank Bai Yujun for helping!”

However, hearing these words of the big snake pill, Bai Yu was also a little surprised.

What’s the situation?!

This guy of the big snake pill, will he actually say thank you to others?!

What a rarity!

However, he should have guessed that my actions just now were intentional!

After thinking for a moment in his mind, Bai Yu also said lightly:

“If you are grateful, just don’t care, heal your hands, and find a quiet place when this Konoha project is completely over!”

“This situation at the moment, I can’t heal you with peace of mind!”

Hearing this, the big snake pill also nodded slightly, and spoke:

“Then, go find Luo Sha now!”

As the hoarse voice of the big snake pill fell, I saw that the corners of Bai Yu’s mouth were also slightly hooked, and he chuckled:

“The way you look now, forget it. Luo Sha’s side, I’ll solve it. ”

“Besides… Don’t you still have a plan that hasn’t been completed?! ”


As soon as these words came out, the big snake pill was also shocked! A moment later, a drop of cold sweat also slipped down his face, and he spoke:

Ask for flowers 0

“Bai, Bai Yu-kun, you said… What is the meaning?! ”

At this moment, his heart was also muttering.

What’s going on?!

Could it be that this guy Bai Yu knows my other purpose?!

How can it be?!

How would he know?!

I never mentioned it to anyone!

Isn’t that a bit outrageous?!

However, just as he was thinking, he saw Bai Yu also chuckle and continued to speak:

“Okay, Orochimaru. No need to pretend with me, I’m not interested in your business. ”

“Just remember to send the money when it’s over.”

“Also, kindly remind you that you have to hurry, otherwise…”

“When Uchiha finds him, you won’t have a chance at all!”

After speaking, I saw Bai Yu’s figure flash and disappear in place.

And at this moment, the big snake pill was also completely frozen after listening to Bai Yu’s words.

I saw that his face was difficult to see the extreme, and sweat was like rain!

At this moment, his heart was also terrified, and he couldn’t figure out why Bai Yu knew the most important purpose of his trip!

Sasuke Uchiha!

Recalling Bai Yu’s words just now, the big snake pill also gritted his teeth and ran directly in one direction!

There was no time for him to think about anything else.

His main goal now is to take Sasuke Uchiha!

Although his hands are now wasted, it is not too difficult to deal with a child!

The sun is shining.

The battle in Konoha Village is still very fierce.

The ninjas of Sand and Konoha have long been completely mixed up.

Some various psychic beasts also appeared everywhere and fought.

At this moment, Konoha has completely turned into a small battlefield.

All kinds of tricks emerge one after another, and from time to time there will be some explosions.

Among them, there is naturally no lack of endless screams.

The battle has reached a white-hot stage, and those poor trash fish have been almost completely swept away.

And at this moment, only those ninjas who are still fighting desperately!

And at this moment, a figure was floating above the sky of Konoha Village, looking down below! Those purple eyes also tightly scanned the fierce battlefield below.

Seems to be looking for something.

The next moment, I saw a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, and muttered:

“Found it…”

It was Bai Yu who was ready to clean up the mess, and his purpose was now only four generations of Mekaze Ying-Luo Sha!

And when he looked at the figure who was fighting with Luo Sha, he was also obviously stunned.

It seems that I have met an old acquaintance!

Come here, go down and say hello!

Thinking of this, Bai Yu also rushed directly towards Luo Sha’s direction!

Meanwhile, a battlefield in Konoha’s village.

The fourth generation of Wind Shadow Luosa was panting violently, and after a moment, I saw him grinning at the corner of his mouth:

“It is worthy of the famous copy ninja flag Kakashi, and when I see it today, it is really extraordinary!”

As his words fell, I saw a silver-haired young man standing opposite him.

And half of his face was completely blocked by a black mask.

His right eye was tightly closed, and his left eye was emitting a faint blood-red light!

Kiki Kakashi!

Compared to Luo Sha, I saw that he was also gasping violently at this moment.

Although he wore a mask, Kakashi’s face was also very solemn.

It is worthy of being the fourth generation of the Eye Shadow of Shayin Village, and it seems that it is another hard battle…

I don’t know what happened to Kai!

Thinking of this, Kimu Kakashi also spoke in a deep voice:

“Give up, you Shayin Village, there is no chance this time!”

As his words fell, I saw that Luo Sha also continued to smile and speak:

“Although you are very strong, I have to say, you are still too naïve!”

“Do you think I, Sand Hide, will attack Konoha without any preparation?!”

After speaking, without waiting for Kakashi on the other side to react, he saw that Luo Sha also stared at him, and drank lowly:

“Magnetism. Golden sands! ”

The next moment, a large amount of placer gold also poured out from under the ground, directly rushing towards Kakashi on the opposite side!

However, it didn’t look as magnificent as when he fought against Bai Yu before.

Seeing this, Luo Sha’s face also instantly became gloomy.

Sure enough, my ability is still more suitable for fighting in the desert!

That’s why he didn’t solve Kakashi’s problem.

Luo Sha also seemed a little irritable at the moment!

On the other side, Kakashi saw this scene, there was no panic in his eyes, and his hands quickly froze.

Press directly towards the ground below you!

“Earth Escape Earth Flow Wall!”

An incomparably thick earth wall also instantly rose from the ground in front of Kakashi, directly blocking all the placer gold that rushed over!

However, at this very moment.

A faint voice suddenly reached the ears of the two.

“Yo, it seems that you fought quite fiercely.”

“Do you need my help!”

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