106. Changes in daily life returned (6)

106. Changes in daily life that have returned (6)


My teacher.

According to the information I heard from Irina.

She is said to have lost her life to a guy called the Demon King of Jealousy.

‘Jun. You were living to avenge the demon king who killed your teacher.’

‘Was it that special relationship?’

‘… Yes. Although it was between master and disciple. They relied on each other.’

Master and disciple.

Before I lost my memory, I decided to take revenge for my dead teacher.

Sounds like a very polite guy.

However, now I have no feelings for revenge.

“Revenge… “

It is sad that the teacher died.

However, the feelings lingered from sadness.

I couldn’t go further.

It’s not about remembering what you’ve seen, it’s about reconstructing what someone else said.

There was no way that the feeling of revenge would come to mind.

‘It’s complicated.’

I got up from the bench I was sitting on after eating.

Luna and Estiya naturally woke up together.

“Mister, where are you going!? By any chance, are you planning to go to that woman’s grave? Is that so!?”

“… No, I’m going home.”

I don’t even know where the tomb is, how can I get there?

Luna is anxious like a dog deprived of snacks.

I patted her on the head and walked towards her house.

Healing people in the guild, meeting Irina and hearing about her memories.

Today’s work outside is over.

‘But something is a bit boring… ‘

I think I’m missing something.

What is that?

I don’t remember very well.

I felt like I was missing something.

As I was thinking that, I heard the voices of children from behind.

“Go, go together! Mister! Where are you going after hitting your head!”

“Me too, oppa! I mean I’m slow! Go slow!”

“… Well, nothing will happen.”

The only thing I forgot is the memories of the past.

This must be just a whim.

“Let me hold your hand. Go slowly so you don’t fall, Estiya.”

“Yes! Oppa protects her saintess!”

“… My hands are empty too.”

It must be an illusion.

I took Estiya’s hand and walked slowly toward the house.

For some reason, it seemed that there was a bookstore of the same type in every alley on the way.


“Why… why the hell… !! Even if I opened the door, he didn’t come in aaa-!!!”

Screams rang out in the quiet library.

Because of the goddess who is angry after a long time.

Meowth hid in her corner and quivered her beak.

“Boo, boo- boo-“

“No-!! The book said that you lose your memories of the past-!! I didn’t say I’d lose my memory-!! Why did you even forget me-!!”

It’ll be fine if the soul recovers to a certain level.

The connection between the goddess and the apostle will not be severed.

Because it wasn’t cut off in that space either.

However, that was only Minerva’s illusion.

“If you have to -!! What’s my connection to that lost soul-!! That doesn’t make sense-!!”

“Boo, boo… Boo woo… “

“Noisy! Meow!!”

Haa- Haa-

Minerva vented her anger and sighed.

As she is currently disconnected from Lee Jun-woo, she can do nothing but get angry.

“I need Jun-woo to come find me… !! But that kid never does anything dangerous… !!”

The stone bridge said, ‘This is really safe. Even if there is a sign that reads, “Goddess guarantees it.”

Lee Jun-woo will surely be full of doubts and beat the stone bridge.

Because he was unnecessarily cautious.

So, Minerva felt like she was about to go crazy.

“I can’t lose my apostle like this… !! How long have we been… !! Meow!”

“Boo, boo-“

“Find a way. Right Now-!!”

The Meow flapped its wings and hurriedly ran into the library.

Minerva sat in her chair for a moment to gather her thoughts.

“… It was nice that she lost some of her memories. I didn’t know that the connection with me would be cut off.”

Ha ha.

Minerva sighed and read the future when Junwoo Lee kept losing her memory.

“Hmm, the middle part is not finished… After all, the ending is the same.”

Lee Jun-woo, forgetting the past, defeats the demon king with a party of warriors.

After that, he lives happily ever after for the rest of his life.

Compared to that, what about Lee Jun-woo when he regained his memories?

“It does not exist in this world… In this case he must be saying that he is dying. Because books don’t lie.”

Minerva threw her book on the floor, annoyed by the ending.

No matter how much Minerva loved books, there were times when she wanted to tear them apart.

“Don’t even lie! This stupid book! I’m going to die of annoyance!”


“What are you, Meow!”

From noble mtl dot com


Meow handed over the book in its beak.

“Do you want me to read this?”


“Hmm, I get it.”


Minerva removed the book from her beak.

Then, without saying anything, she concentrated and read the book.

She didn’t turn a few pages, but Minerva had her eyes shining.

“I found it… !”

A new way.

A way to reconnect with Junwoo Lee.

A way to foster a party of warriors while forgetting about Aina.

“… I’m sorry about Aina. Those who live must live. I can’t let my apostle Jun-woo die.”

Stop letting go of Junwoo, Aina.

Minerva read the book many times and waited the night to execute her plan.



A time when the night air is cold and darkness covers all sides.

Originally, it was Estiya who didn’t wake up easily once she fell asleep.

Today’s dawn was different from usual.

“Mmnya- Umm-“

Tak- Tak-

“Aww- What is it… “

Tak- Tak-

A window that makes a constant sound.

Estiya woke up and rubbed her eyes.

The windows continued to be impacted by stones thrown by someone.

“Who are you at this hour… The one who disturbs the holy maiden’s sleep… !”

It’s rude!

Estiya got out of bed and headed for the window.

I checked outside to get mad at the prankster.

However, there were no human figures there.

“What the heck… ? Who threw the stone… ?”

Did I mistake it for a dream… ?

Estiya thought she was mistaken and tried to move herself back to bed.

Bang- Bang-

“Who else… !”

However, her mysterious obstructor refused to let her go to her bed.

I looked out the window again, but there was no human form.

Estiya narrowed his brows and grumbled.

“Are these demons trying to harass the saintess… I’m not scared… ! As long as you have a brother. Me, I’m invincible… !”

Estiya exclaimed with a trembling voice and looked away from her window.

She fell out of the window and slowly headed towards the door.

Her words were full of bravado and loud.

Because she was honestly scared.

“I have to sleep next to you today… “

Estiya grabbed her pillow from the bed and headed for her hallway.

“Hee, hee… ”

A dark and cold corridor.

Goosebumps ran through his body, but Estiya took a step forward.

“If you don’t go forward because you’re scared… no… !”

Enlightenment through experience.

Estiya walked slowly towards the stairs.

One step.

Two footprints.

Every time I went forward, the fear decreased, and in the middle, I even thought about this.

‘What… ! It’s okay… ! After all, is it the power of a saintess… !’

Estiya overcame her fear and arrived safely on the first floor.

Now it’s time to head to the uncle’s room.

Suddenly, she stopped her steps and looked in the other direction.

Estiya’s complexion was not very good.

“… I want to go to the bathroom.”

After waking up.

The toilet unconditionally headed.

As her tension eased, Estiya naturally went to the bathroom.

“First of all, the bathroom… !”

She left the uncle’s room behind and headed to the bathroom.


Estiya walks at a brisk pace.

Forgetting that it was dark around her, Estiya headed to the bathroom.

“Hey, here is the bathroom… !”


Estiya grabbed her handle and pulled the door open without hesitation.

‘Tuesday, toilet… !’

Is it because I was in a hurry and in the dark?

She didn’t notice that the bathroom door looked different than before.

In front of Estiya’s eyes as she opened the door and entered the bathroom…

“Uh, uh… ? Where is this… ? Library… ?”

“Welcome, saint. Are you meeting me for the first time?”

With a goddess who looks like the same age.

A magnificent library was opened.

I wonder if that was because Estiya was so abrupt and surprised.

“Saintess, I’m sorry for calling you out of nowhere. You have work to do. This is something only you can do. Talk about me- wait you… !!”

“Ehh… uh, where is this… Yah… “


“Gee, send me back home…” Whoa… “

Estiya poured holy water on her floor.

It was her most disgraceful thing since she became a saint.


Minerva and Estiya sat face to face at the desk and exchanged glances.

Goddess and Saints.

They are bound by a close relationship.

The first to speak was Minerva.

“… Is the saintess peeing?”

At Minerva’s words, Estiya responded with a seizure.

“That, stop it! You bad goddess! You are not even a goddess!”

“How nice of you to give me clothes. Why am I not a goddess?”

“Don’t laugh at other people’s pain! You bad goddess! I will not pray!”

“Don’t do it. Are you the only one who loses? You stupid saint.”

A goddess and a saint compete with childishness.

Still, her elder sister, her goddess, blushed if she knew her own shame.

“Kuhm. Anyway. You have work to do.”

Minerva lifted her spirits with her cough before speaking.

About Estiya’s work.

“You know that Junwoo is my apostle, right?”

“I know, stupid goddess.”

“Keep coming out like that. I’ll change you into a hero, not you… “

Estiya has divine power and is easy to call.

Although Luna, who possesses the existence of a holy sword, can be summoned to the library.

Because Minerva’s power was draining badly, she called Estiya.

“Anyway, the connection between my apostle Junu and me has been lost.”


“All because of you! Because of you! The unrecovered soul part! You were connected to me!”

“Mmm, huh?! Then why did you call me… “

“Restore Junwoo’s soul. I called to ask for that.”

“But I also want to restore my brother, don’t I?”

By the way.

“The other kids are so scared! They are not normal!”

“All of you at the warrior party are not normal.”

“I am normal! They don’t want you to recover!”

“That is the same for me. I don’t want Jun-woo to get his memories back. If you get your memories back, Jun-woo will not be happy.”

Rolling again.

Keep rolling.

I will choose death.

The ending was decided that way.

Estiya asked in surprise.

“Oh, when my brother gets his memory back, he dies…” ? Why… ?”

“Long, so to speak. You’ll know later when you get closer to the saintess. So, pray well. Pray to this Minerva more than any other goddess! All other goddesses are garbage! Okay!?”

Nodding- nodding-

Estiya nodded her head once.

However, the question of Lee Jun-woo’s death remains unresolved.

“Why did my brother die… ? Is your brother sick? Who wants to die?”

“As you please. If you say it hurts, you can say it hurts.”

“… If you are sick, I can treat you!”



Minerva replied with a smile.

“It’s so serious that we can’t treat it. She’s impossible unless she’s that woman. That’s why I’m trying to make you forget. Go back and look at this.”

Minerva set a book down on her desk.

“What is this?”

“Book. Do what is in this book while Junwoo sleeps. It will help restore the soul.”

“When my brother recovers his soul, his memories come back! Then brother die!”

“No, this is different.”

If you use the divine power as described in this book.

Connecting the goddess and the apostle in Lost Souls.

Memories can be taken apart.

“You just need to enter the memory and find the key, Estiya. I’m a saint, so I can do it, right?’

“Of course not! I’m a saint, but I can do it!”

Estiya shouted confidently.

However, my heart was still full of questions.

And the most important thing was separate.

Estiya held out her hand with the book in her arms.

“… “

“Why a saint? Why are you not talking?”



“My brother gives me a reward if I do a good job! What will you give me! Goddess! Give me a present!”

“… You don’t need holy water, do you?”

“I don’t need an older brother!”

“… Why is the saintess so bold?”


Minerva resting her forehead on her head in pain.

A series that Minerva had been saving for.

She handed over ‘Lee Jun-woo’s book about adapting to another world’.

“It’s something I cherish… “

“Not bad! I’ll take it!”

Satisfied after checking her contents, Estiya turned around and left her library.

Estiya holding two books in her arms.

She thought to herself as she left the library.

‘Even if I return my memories! If my brother is sick, I can treat him!’

What I couldn’t cure.

From noble mtl dot com

The previous doctor was wrong.

‘Because I am a saint! Wouldn’t it be possible!’

Full of confidence.

Estiya is full of hope.

‘So, your soul hurts! Healing is right! When I’m sick, if no one treats me! How sad that is! I’m sure the other kids did too!’

With that in mind, Estiya left her library.

Even though she is a saint, she faces an incurable patient.

If only I had known in advance that her excessive hopes would turn to despair.

It was clear to Estiya that she would not have even thought of this.

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