114. Regrets of the Hero Party (1)

114. Regrets of the Hero Party (1)

It’s my fault.

I was needlessly greedy.

I tried to erase the old man’s memory by deceiving me.

Even knowing that it wasn’t for you.

“I… why did i… Ah-!!”


Luna screamed and banged her head against the wall.

My forehead burned red, but I didn’t stop.

“Ah-!! You idiot-!! Why is that-!! Why are you so greedy!!”

Luna wanted to turn back time.

She wanted to make up for her mistakes.

But she knows that the holy sword isn’t very convenient.

Luna had no choice but to hate her past self.

“Stupid Luna… What kind of warrior is a warrior… Not being able to properly control her self-interest… “


Luna sighed at her frustration.

Still, she can’t stay still.

Luna has now decided to make up for her own mistakes with her actions.

“You seem very angry… If I do better than usual… Will you forgive me too? No, I have no conscience… “

She’s already thinking about being forgiven.

“You idiot-!!”


Luna hit her head against the wall again.

She felt the building shake whenever she did, but she never complained to Luna.

Since the house was so quiet, her children were rather grateful for Luna’s actions to break her silence.

Luna stopped headbutting her against the wall and pressed her forehead.

“To disappoint the old man… idiot… “


Time passes, and if you act diligently, the old man’s anger will be relieved.

“So, I… ! You train hard… !”

Luna regained her strength and put her wooden sword in her hand. She

She started her training by swinging her sword in her room, and she made a leap forward, promising that she would be praised by her uncle.

However, unlike Luna’s idea of her.

Her situation didn’t go the way she wanted it to.


The next day.

Luna came to her kitchen earlier than usual.

“Ah, ah! I’m going to make amends!”

She clenched her hands tightly.

Luna decided that she would finish trimming all of her ingredients before the uncle arrived.

“Originally, Hare and Uncle did a lot, but! Today I am alone!”

Square- Square-

Luna focused on her cleaver and cut her vegetables.

She was not used to cooking, so her hands were awkward.

“Oh, hey! I cut myself a little… This is fine… !”

There were also small scratches on her fingers.

Luna didn’t take her wound seriously.

She finished trimming her ingredients until Uncle and Hare arrived.

Then, seeing the uncle’s face, she exclaimed with the brightest expression on her face.

“Ah, mister! Good morning! I’ve prepared all the ingredients for breakfast! Lol!”


Luna confidently introduced the vegetables she had cut with a bright expression.

On the other hand, the uncle’s face was cold unlike Luna’s.

“Okay, good job.”


“Well done.”

“… “

It’s a compliment.

But I’m not happy at all.

There was no soul in the old man’s praise.

It was dry enough to be a compliment, and it felt like a robot that only draws conclusions about doing well.

Luna turned her head away to hide her expression.

“Temperature… The temperature is different… “

It’s not as warm as usual, it’s cold.

This is…

This is not the compliment you used to give.

Luna was crying all alone in the corner of the restaurant.

She was very sad about the change in temperature.

‘My, it’s true that I did something wrong… !! It’s my fault… !!’

You’d better be angry.

If you punish me and come back like before.

You will be punished unconditionally.

Luna glanced at the old man who was preparing breakfast.

Your expression was harder than yesterday.

It was enough to shock and frighten her.

‘If you always stay like that, and never return to the way you used to be… ‘

What should I do?

How can I get forgiveness from you?

The fear of not being able to return to the way it was before.

Luna muttered, biting her lip.

“I hate that… ! I mean, I like the old uncle better… “

It must be because I lacked effort today.

An unbreakable heart.

Luna rekindled her will and vowed to make up for her mistakes.



The atmosphere in the house has subsided.

After that incident.

It’s been a week, but the atmosphere at the warrior party is still gloomy.

“At least Estiya is the same as usual.”

“Huh? Why me?”

“No, I just called. Do whatever you’ve been doing.”


Estiya shouted loudly as she looked into the book.

I was drawing without reading, but her teacher still hadn’t arrived.

I decided not to bother.

“That teacher I forgot about. When are you coming?”

“Sure! Could it be dead!?”

“Don’t spit bloody talk, Estiya.”


“… “

Because he knows he did a good job, he’s even more annoyed.

Estiya’s confidence has broken through the stratosphere.

If I leave it like this, I might become too arrogant.

I was worried about that.

“Should I press my head down? I wouldn’t be taller… “

“What, brother? What did you just say Did you curse at me?”

“I didn’t curse.”

“Really? That’s it!”

Estiya focused on painting again.

I had to stay here to have nothing more to say with Estiya.

I got up and headed for the hallway.

Estiya seemed to be concentrating, not even noticing that I was leaving.

“… I hope the teacher will come soon.”

Estiya has limited use of divine power.

I don’t know when that teacher will come.

When she comes to the teacher, her skills will grow beyond recognition.

A saint’s power begins with her spirit.

It was clear that if the present Estiya began to learn how to use her divine power, the power of her warrior party would become stronger.

“By the way.”

I looked down the window at the sound of the wind as I walked down the hallway.

“Is Luna training today?”

Every day.

Train hard.

I take action first before anything else.

Maybe it’s because he’s reflecting on his mistakes, but it seems like he’s trying to do better.

Unlike Luna’s efforts, my emotions did not move easily.

‘… Rather, it would be closer to the fact that emotions have stopped.’

The four people who incited Estiya to be a traitor and tried to erase Aina’s memories.

As if the emotions inside me hadn’t been sorted out yet, whenever I saw their faces, my heart felt cold.

A relationship in which you don’t want to be treated with emotion and are obliged to answer.

Currently, Luna, Hare, Saten, and Minerva were in such a relationship.


[I have something to say, Junwoo. Talk to me Do you want to come to the library now?]

[1. Okay.]

[2. No.]

“Minerva. It wouldn’t have been if you were the only one.”

As usual, I ignored Minerva’s options and quietly watched Luna outside the window.

Recently, I feel that she is working hard and reflecting on her skin…

‘Is it still there?’

She didn’t have the confidence to face Luna and treat her like before.

Even after a week, I still didn’t want to have a conversation with her.

“… I don’t know who the kid is.”

I looked at Luna outside the window with emotionless eyes and left her seat.

She was last seen wielding her sword, Luna seemed to be in tears.



Saten closed the book she was reading. She

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She was sitting in a chair, she was reading a book, but she felt that she was different from usual.

“… I can’t read the book.”

Thumping- Thrilling-

After that incident with Mr.

A week has passed.

Saten said she didn’t feel her heart beating at first.

“It is natural to be punished for doing something wrong.”

You just have to reflect when the punishment is over.

If you do that, the old man will sort out his feelings and treat you kindly again.

Information obtained by observing other children’s progress.

However, Saten recognized that she was wrong.

“Why aren’t you doing that process this time, mister?”

My heart feels tight.

I can breathe, though.

I can’t breathe as if I’m stuffed.

“Damn it… “


Saten threw the book on the floor impulsively.

Although his condition improved a little, the hardships were still there.

What is the cause of this situation?

There was only one result after a cool-headed judgment.

“Uncle. You are making me like this.”


Did you tell me about this pain?

Saten rolled over her bed, writhing in her pain.

“I was wrong. Why won’t you forgive me? If you apologize and reflect on yourself, you can forgive me.”

Saten continued to speak to herself in her frustration.

The old man didn’t listen, but every time he spit out his own faults, he could breathe well.

“… If you would rather punish me, it would be better than this.”

And, erase that woman from her memories of her uncle.

She would be much more helpful rationally.

Why didn’t Mr.

Saten doesn’t understand the feelings between Lee Jun-woo and Aina.

She repeated the process of telling her she was wrong to relieve her own guilt.

However, she was too clumsy with emotions and couldn’t relieve Saten altogether.


“As expected, I like this the best… The wrist doesn’t die, so that’s a great place.”

Saten couldn’t bear her mental pain.

To alleviate her pain, Saten cut her own body with a knife.

Her wrists were always bandaged, so she never got caught by her uncle.

“Haa, I can breathe a little…” When will the uncle come back like before? No… It could be that you have been quiet from the beginning.”

Maybe it was me who moved backwards.

Saten exhaled her stifled breath.

“There is nothing good about the pain of the past… Why does the uncle have that pain? I want to erase all the bad memories of the past if I get a chance. Is this the ‘difference in position’ that was mentioned in the book?”

I want to go back to the old days.

To those times when the old man paid attention.

To that time when there is no indifference.

Saten made a small wish, and she lay down on the bed and closed her eyes.

In this state, she couldn’t even read a book, so she tried to escape into a dream.

“… How can I get her attention back? Also, it would be quicker to ask directly… ?”

Saten asked himself questions and slowly entered the dream.

Her blood flowed from her wrist and covered her palm.

Saten gave her own red hand to hold her uncle.

She was clearly feeling the loneliness of the empty seat.

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