137. Revenge of Sicily Saten (1)

137. Sicilian Saten’s Revenge (1)

No matter how much the knights are in decline, the name is the knights.

As much as the fact that they escorted the emperor will not change, they must be perfectly prepared to invade.

For example…

Just like now.

“Tell me what you know about the Knights of the Raven.”

“Kek- I, I am retired… ! Why did you suddenly come and make a fuss… !! Who are you… !!”

A middle-aged man with his neck in my hand.

Is your name Pison or Barson?

Anyway, he was the vice-captain who belonged to the Sicilian Knights.

I said, relaxing the hand that was holding my neck.

“You don’t need to know my name. Just information about the Knights. If you tell me everything you know, your life will be spared.”

“Ji, I know what time it is… ? Kek… Ugh… What else is so strong… “


Bison spat on the floor and sat down on a chair spread nearby.

He stroked his neck once in pain and opened his mouth.

“… How did you know I was here?”

“A normal house in the capital. As well as the people who live around it. The kids around you told you that you live here.”

“Ai, did you give me bread for nothing? Why don’t you say something you don’t need?”

“Stop that nonsense and tell me what you know about the Knights.”

I glared at Bison to put pressure on him.

However, he only flinched slightly.

I didn’t feel any fear.

‘Did you notice that I wouldn’t kill you?’

Are you the quick-witted type?

Then you know how to come out to me.

As I expected, Pison nodded his head with an uneasy look in his eyes.

“… You really won’t kill me if I tell you the information, right?”

“According to the answer.”

“That’s too much, I barely retired from the trashy Knights. I guess it doesn’t matter since I came out as much as I had. Keep what I said a secret, okay?”

Pison got up from his chair and slowly approached me.

He looked like he was looking for a gap in me by rolling his eyes, but he soon realized that his thoughts were foolish and gave up.

Since he is a person who has risen to the position of vice-captain of knights in his own way, he shouldn’t show any gaps.

“Stop thinking nonsense and speak quickly.”

“Kheum, so what information do you want? If you just ask for information, how will I give it to you?”

“Write it down.”

I took a piece of paper from my pocket.

It was a map depicting the Sicilian family’s mansion.

I threw an ink pen at him.

“Write down the number of people deployed, time, movement, and rank based on the latest. I know some information, so if you do nonsense, I will kill you.”

Of course it’s a lie.

In fact, I don’t even know a single bit of information about personnel arrangements.

Originally, I was going to get information from the guy whose arm was cut off by the family head, but…

‘I didn’t expect to die suddenly… ‘

I had no choice but to ask the retired knight.

Bison, wanting to keep his life, quickly began writing down information on the map.

I asked him a few questions.

“By the way, why are you so desperate for your life?”

“Is there anyone desperate for life? How did I retire from that crappy knights… You can’t die in an evening raid like this, that’s for sure. And, you don’t intend to kill me if you tell the truth, do you? In that case, you have to act wisely.”

Be wise.

Isn’t it because I became the vice-captain of knights for no reason?

The sight of Pison rolling his head to keep him alive was quite impressive.

‘Still, I intend to kill you if you lie.’

The lives of the warrior party are also at stake in my plan, so I can’t forgive you if you uselessly fool around.

“Can you stop staring at me with those scary eyes? I’m scared, so I can’t move my hands.”

“… “

“Oh, okay. I don’t even know the joke. I’ll write it down quickly, so save me. I would have retired now. Because I want to live quietly.”

After saying that, Pison recalled his memories and wrote down the information.

I watched him and thought for a moment.

Pison retires after finishing all his work and lives quietly.

Why is he still alive even though he has finished all his work?

“… You don’t quite understand.”



I couldn’t understand his way of thinking.

I couldn’t go back already, I didn’t know if I had come too far.


Late dawn.

The time when crows are invisible in the dark and owls are active.

We finished all the preparations and gathered at the entrance.

“Are you ready?”

“Yeah, I’m done! There’s a sword here, and a holy sword in the heart! Shall I show you?”

“… No, you don’t have to.”

Luna is all ready.

“Hare and Saten… You guys don’t have to look.”

Hare has a meticulous personality from the beginning, and Saten must have waited for today. She

She couldn’t have prepared poorly.

Now, the last thing left is Estiya…

I called Estiya, whose head was shaking in the wind.


“N, Neue? Oh, oba… ?”

“… Are you ready?”

“Of course this… “

… You reply with such sleepy eyes.

I can’t believe it at all.

I approached Estiya and checked her belongings.

She had emergency holy water and healing tools in her arms.

And in her bag…

“A pillow?”

“I’m sleepy… I brought one just in case… “

“Throw this away and go.”

“Ugh, ugh… !”

I took the pillow out of my bag and threw it.

Estiya despaired, but it didn’t matter.

There is no moment to sleep anyway, so that was close to useless trash in the mansion.

“If I finish work today, I will let you sleep all day. Sleep later, Estiya.”

“Ummm… Since it’s my brother’s words, I’ll do it specially… Ha ha… Let’s go. I’m sleepy… “


I carried Estiya on my back to move quickly.

It was because in that state, it seemed that they would arrive after sunrise.

“… “

“Preferential… Yes… “

Although Luna and Hare had expressions full of displeasure.

I didn’t even have time to ask, so I quickly decided to head for the Sicilian mansion.

Before morning comes.

We had to finish everything.


On the way to the Sicilian family’s mansion.

Saten suddenly called me.

Are you nervous as the moment of revenge approaches?

“Why is that, Saten?”

“What I hoped for is coming true soon. It’s a strange feeling.”

My heart races, my body heats up, and I feel like I’m floating in the air.

However, Saten’s expression didn’t look good.

“By the way. I feel insecure.”

“Anxiety? Which part are you anxious about? The plan must have been perfect-“

“No, the plan is not insecure. I am anxious.”

Saten let out a sigh, quickening her feet.

Rather than being nervous, there seemed to be something going on.

I opened her mouth to free her saten.

“Saten, it’s okay. Your magic skills have also improved a lot, and the magic you’ve been studying will come to fruition. Don’t worry.”

“… Thank you for the words However, my heart is still heavy.”

Isn’t it also a matter of skill?

I couldn’t quite understand what Saten was thinking right now.

She’s on her way to the mansion to get her long-awaited revenge.

Why is Saten making such a face?

She couldn’t understand at all.

“Wait, everyone, stop. Estiya, you come down from the back too.”

From noble mtl dot com

“… Eh?”

“Wipe your saliva, Estiya. And, come down quickly from the uncle’s back.”


Beware Hare… I don’t like it, but I let Estiya off my back.

Leaning my back against the wall leading to the mansion.

I checked the number of knights at the front door.

‘Total 4 people.’

As written on the paper.

Vice-captain Bison gave us accurate information.

I’ve been with the Crow Knights for a long time, but it seems that my loyalty has been cut in the end to the point where I can easily hand over information.

I carefully looked away from the front door.

“Is there any point in not making Plan A because there shouldn’t be a disturbance at the front gate?”

A is a plan to enter carefully through the front door.

I guess I’ll have to change my plan.

But, Hare shook her head as if she couldn’t do that.

“Oh, no. Mister… I don’t think she needs to go back.”

“So, are you saying we’re going to break through head-on?”

“That’s not it, those knights look weak… So… I’ll take care of it… “


Hare pulled out her two daggers from her arms.

Hare’s two red eyes reflected in the dagger in the moonlight.

‘Confidence is good, but… The risk is great… ‘

Just like that, the moment I pondered whether to trust Hare or not.

Minerva’s helping hand stretched out before my eyes.

[Hare, a thief in the hero’s party. The actual battle of a thief who has grown over the past two years. Will Junwoo trust the thief?]

[1. Believe.]

[2. I don’t believe it.]

It is safe to say that the beginning determines the end.

What choice should I make in this situation?

‘The risk is great. Even when fighting the demon king, you have to use options, so you have to save them… ‘


It would be a good idea to check the answers on the trustworthy side.

‘No. 1.’

I decided to check the answer of I believe.


“My uncle trusted me… “

This is your chance to impress the old man.

Hare put on her hood and headed for her front door.

Lip – Limp –

I changed my gait in the middle and acted to look like an injured person.

“Uh, who’s coming over there?”

“It’s a woman. An injured woman.”

“… Shall I radio if I saw someone?”

The end of the Crow Knights.

The sailor on the sinking ship shook her head.

“How can that be? Let’s take off her hood and decide.”

“If you’re ugly, radio, if you’re pretty… “

“Don’t radio. We solve it ourselves.”

The Raven Knights have lost their dignity.

I didn’t get on a sinking ship for nothing.

Because they themselves were sunken people.

He was still alive as a sailor.

Hare limped slowly towards them.

And, when she got there, she muttered in a weak, pitiful voice:

“Hey, hey… I, please help me… Suh, I was attacked and my legs… “

“Your voice is nice-“

“No~ Ignore that guy! Please feel free to tell me right away! hahahaha!”

The end with a smile.

Hare responded pitifully to him, who pretended to be a good person as much as possible.

“I-I was on my way home late at night because I had something to do… I, the bad guys, attacked me… I hurt my leg… In this state, I can’t even go back home… ”

“… Did you have something to do late at night?”

“Yes, yes… My job is so… “

At Hare’s words, the terminal smiled meanly inwardly.

‘Injured woman working at night… I like this.’

The socially lower class.

That means that no matter what you do, there is nothing wrong with it.

The lower end, who was tricked by Hare, smiled and asked the last question.

“We’d like to help~ But since it’s the prestigious Knights of the Ravens, we think we’ll need to verify our identity~ By any chance, could you take off your hood and show your face?”

“… I understand.”

Hare naturally took off her hood that was covering her face.

Even on a dark night when faces could not be seen, the lower ranks could not help but be surprised.

‘… Senior. No, it’s superlative.’

A delicate appearance that stimulates protective instincts on white skin illuminated by moonlight.

The contrast is the dangerously glowing red eyes.

Did she ever remember seeing such a beautiful woman right in front of her?

The horses greeted Hare with a wide smile.

“Identification is complete and your leg is injured, so we will guide you inside! hahahaha!”

One of the corps escorted Hare and guided her inside.

In an instant, Hare was surrounded by 4 men.

The man who guided Ha-re in the first place couldn’t overcome his desire and tried to grab Ha-re’s waist slightly.


“… It’s disgusting.”

“Ah, ah… !!”

His hand, which was trying to grab Hare, rolled down to the floor.

An opportunity to bring 4 people together and gain access.

Hare acted while enduring their disgusting gazes for this moment.

“Up, up, radio-“

“No. No sound leaking out.”

This is the opportunity you gave me.

It’s a plan carefully prepared by the old man.

Everything has to go the way you want it to.

That’s the truth I know.

“I can’t let you guys stop that.”

Hare held his dagger backwards and dealt with them one by one.

A man with his hand cut off, a dagger to the heart.

A man going to radio has a dagger on his head.

The other dagger is on the head of the fleeing man.

Then, with his bare hand, he cut the man’s neck.


“Disgusting eyes… If it’s not you, I don’t need those eyes of desire… “

I didn’t mean to kill him.

You guys chose death.

Hare properly dispose of the corpses of the four people in a place where the uncle can’t see them.

“Because it’s a square on the inside… Daddy couldn’t see… ?”

And then, as if nothing had happened.

I smiled and approached the man who was waiting for the operation to end.

“Oh, mister. I’ve been dealing with everything. It’s okay to go in now. Lol… “

Hare said while hiding the bloody dagger behind his back.

Lee Jun-woo saw Ha-re’s correct answer again.

Unfortunately, the process of solving Hare in his eyes.

It was only a small part.

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