147. Saint Estiya and the Order (1)

147. Saint Estiya and the church (1)

A large church seen through the carriage window.

When I arrived here again, memories of the past flooded my mind.

“At that time, I jumped down from the top floor to rescue Estiya… “

“Eh? It’s a kidnapping, uncle. Isn’t that a beautification of the past?”

“… Be still, Luna. Hurry up and put on your Shinto uniform.”

“Yeah, I understand!”

Past beautification.

To convert bad memories of the past into good memories at will.

‘Did I really try to beautify the past like Luna said?’

After thinking to myself about my worries for a while, I turned her gaze to check Luna.

Luna was neatly dressed in her white priestly uniform.

“How is it, Mister! Does it suit me well?”

“It’s like a crazy god, so it suits you well.”

“That’s not a compliment, it’s a curse!”

“… And, it’s not the past beautification. It is true that I saved Estiya.”



I blew a beetle on Luna’s forehead.

To make you worry for nothing and eat up your time.

Luna puffed out her cheeks and started shouting, as if she felt sorry for her beating her up.

“Oh, that hurts! You are a child abuser!”

“You are not a child, Luna.”

“Well then! I’m a juvenile abuser!! Hurry up and surrender to the Knights!”

“Noisy. More than that, everyone must have changed into their Shinto uniforms, right?”

“I’m not done talking yet!”


Ignore Luna’s words for the time being.

I ignored Luna’s loud words and looked around her wagon.

Hare, Saten, Estiya.

They all sat still with their robes covered.

For some reason, the eyes of Hare and Saten were more solemn than those of Estiya.

I looked at the two and talked to them to ease the tension.

“Hare, Saten. Are you both nervous? Your expression is hard.”

“Oh, no… I wasn’t nervous… I’m rather confident… !”


Hare tightly gripped the daggers in her hands.

It hasn’t even started yet, but it looks like it’s full of energy.

“First, put the dagger in your pocket. The fight is later.”

“… Yes.”

Should I say that I am full of motivation?

Anyway, Hare wasn’t particularly nervous.

Next is Saten.

Saten was staring out of her window without saying anything.

I don’t know what she was thinking, but she muttered in a very low voice, a thin smile on her lips.

“Whoop, whoop… My victory is right in front of my eyes.”

“… “

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

I gave up on understanding.

Still, Hare and Saten show a high degree of concentration in the operation…

‘Even if it’s strange now, I’ll do well later.’

Thinking of that, I finally moved my gaze towards Estiya, the main character of today’s performance.

At the same time, the coachman informed us that we had arrived at the church.

It’s time to get off the wagon.

I approached Estiya and said as I held her hand.



“Are you ready?”

“Ummm… !”

Estiya pressed her temples with her two fingers, wondering if she was ready.

It didn’t take long to get a reply.

“Ready! Let’s go!”


I took Estiya’s hand and headed out of the carriage.

With the feeling of a huge church looking down on us.

Wearing a white priestly uniform, he hid among the narrow-eyed followers.

“Holy Water… Can I get it today… ?”

“Ah, ah… holy water… “

They all seemed to want something as they headed toward the church carrying a large bag.

Something very unhealthy.

Me and the warrior party followed them.

There was no hesitation at all.


The followers headed in the same direction like zombies who lost their reason.

Where the sound is loudest.

A place where people’s voices resonate loudly.

We were able to get there while hiding our identities with hoods.

“Mister! There are so many people! Why are these people gathered here?!”

Luna talking to me in an acting tone.

She talked to me even though she knew why people were gathering.

It was just because I was bored.

“… I’m sure you said it’s not good to make noise, Luna.”

“That’s the hardest! I want to talk to you!”

“Be patient with me, I’ll let you talk as much as you want after this.”

“Ummm… all right! I will bear it!”

Luna said she didn’t like it, but she said she’d try her best.

Surely, will Luna be able to pass this tedious prayer time?

That was what I was most worried about.

“… Don’t let me sit down Everyone please sit here.”


Luna, Saten, and Estiya immediately took their seats in the auditorium.

“Ah, you have to sit down first…” ! This rude-“

“… You should also sit down quickly, Hare.”

“Yes, yes… !”


Hare sat down on the chair as if nothing had happened.

Although countless gazes from her warrior party fell on her.

Hare stared straight ahead as if there was no blow.

“Ah, mister… ! There are people coming out… ! It’s shiny… !”

“A paladin. Estiya, there must be a familiar face over there, right?”

“Yes! It’s a familiar face! I don’t know the name because I’m not familiar with it! But only one knows! That Eric is the captain!”


The face and name in memory.

He was an adult, but he harbored filthy feelings for Estiya.

And the guy who is active in underground experiments.

I didn’t mean to let him go easily today.

“The other side is already working on it. We’ll wait here.”

“You mean while listening to that boring prayer? It would have been better to bring a book.”

Saten whispered, wiggling her fingers nonchalantly.

Did our whispers sound loud to others?

The wide-eyed woman in the seat next to her looked at us and shouted.

“A paladin who was more brilliant than anyone else showed up… You, why are you talking… ?”

“I wish I could keep my mouth shut… ? Oh, why are you talking… ?”

“Oh, mister.”

Saten said with a frown.

“Those shallow people will talk to me. Would it be okay if I scolded you?”

“Be patient, Saten. Now I can’t make unnecessary noises.”

From noble mtl dot com

“Hmm, that’s really unfortunate. It smelled like something I don’t like, so I wanted to wake up… “

Are you referring to the smell of holy water?


The smell of ordinary believers was terrible.

Estiya’s holy water doesn’t sting the nose.

For some reason, the current holy water seemed to stink.

“Is it a transformed holy water? The material… I don’t know.”

“You’d better not imagine the material. Better not to know. There is such a thing in the world, Mister.”

“I said I wish I could keep my mouth shut… ? Why, why don’t you listen to the Holy Knight… ?”

“More than that, mister. What are these people going to do? They are addicted people.”

A person who is addicted.

Should we punish those who were poisoned by holy water?

Saten was asking with that meaning in mind.

“… Still, if I do well, I can at least purify it. Some people become addicts because they want to, but there are also people who don’t.”

“Hmm, that’s right.”

“… He told me not to talk, but he is talking more.”

Luna bowed her head in a pout.

Still, she couldn’t help it.

‘It’s okay to talk a lot, but I can’t help it with a loud voice… ‘

In terms of voice volume, Hare and Saten are the right line.

If Luna and Estiya start talking, they will surely draw attention.

I comforted her by patting Luna on her back.

“I’ll make you talk a lot when you get home.”

“Is it okay if I talk until morning!?”

“… “

That’s a bit.

Is it because Luna’s voice was annoying?

Eric, speaking in the center of the auditorium, turned his attention to us.

“Keuheum, I would never have thought that faith would still be like that. It seems that the grace of the goddess has not reached the believer.”

“If you are ungrateful, you deserve death! Holy Knight, please die!!”

“Quiet. It is a time of sacred prayer. Everyone, lower your voice.”

“… “

The atmosphere has completely changed to cool and quiet.

As long as time has passed.

Eric seemed to have grown up as well.

Mainly, how to govern Shinto.

Eric whispered and shouted to the paladins around him.

“Okay then, before going into prayer. For the daily bread of believers. Let’s show our sincerity to the Goddess. Now, applause!”

Clap clap clap-

The followers tapped their palms in bizarrely identical rhythms.

“… These people are so annoying, mister.”

“… So do I.”

It is uncomfortable to be here.

However, the most uncomfortable person out of all of them must be Estiya.

I decided not to open my mouth.

‘Daniel. When is that crazy guy going to finish his job… ?’

It’s too late.

At this rate, I will listen to all your prayers.

As I was thinking that, the paladins moved in a line and started walking towards the seats in the auditorium.

Every time they approached, followers threw their bags and shouted.

“My sincerity… !! Send it to Goddess… !!”

“Please show me your sincerity… !!”

Fellows fed up with madness.

The paladin extorted the bags of the followers as if it were natural.

Eric smiled as if he was satisfied and responded to the sincerity of the followers.

“Today’s prayer will surely reach the goddess… ! Unconditionally reach… !! So, today! Our church will also show our gratitude to you!!”


A loud roar.

Hare and Saten covered their ears as if they were noisy.

And at that moment, just like Eric feeding the animals at the zoo.

I threw the bag towards the sky.

The followers all jumped out of their chairs and ran towards the bag.

It was like a hyena that starved for a week.

‘… Does it contain holy water?’

As long as your eyes roll like that.

The degree of poisoning must be severe.

I wonder if Estiya’s teacher Daniel’s work is over as I quietly watch them with that thought in mind.


All the lights in the auditorium went out, and nothing was seen around.

“Everyone, wake up. Prayer time is over.”

Now is our time.

Time to destroy the Church.

Estiya didn’t have the heart of revenge.

I intended to take revenge on her today’s church on her behalf.

In case I’m not there, they’d be better off dead.

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