159. Start (1)

159. Start (1)


I got out of bed as usual.

“Is it morning already?”

Time goes by so fast.

I don’t want to, but I can’t help it.

Because I knew the value of time, I thought it would be nice if this time passed slowly.

However, I did not have the fraudulent ability to manipulate time.

“I don’t know if it’s a goddess… “

While whispering, I made the bedding and headed out the door.

Although it was a bit early in the morning, Aina opened the door for her to lie on her bed to wake me up.


“… Aina?”

Aina was not in the room.

Aina should be lying in bed at this time.

She disappeared, and a letter from her was placed on the bed as if to replace her.

At that moment, my heart and head became hot and beat violently.

“No way… “

It’s not what I’m imagining, is it?

I imagined the worst case, isn’t that the case?

I opened the letter with trembling hands and checked the contents inside.

There were many parts where the letters were smeared due to being wet, but it did not take long to read and understand.

-Actually, my life is over after today. Don’t look for me I don’t want to show the unsightly side of my master to my pupils. Sorry for cheating really. I’m really sorry for cheating. Promise me you’ll never find me.

The handwriting of the letter smeared with tears.

I could tell.

How many emotions did Aina hold back to write these small letters.

She could tell that Aina, who usually blows her handwriting, tried her hardest to write as neatly as possible.

“Your forebodings aren’t wrong after all.”

I was guessing, but the truth I tried to avoid.

“… It must have made sense to you not to tell me the truth, Minerva. I will not hold grudges.”

I put the letter in my arms, got out of bed, and headed out.

Aina wouldn’t have gone far if she was in her physical condition.

If you search around here with all your might, we will meet again.

‘The moment Aina loses her life. I’ll have to follow her.’

An answer that was decided from the beginning.

I was just following the answer I had decided on.

Now, there are no regrets left in life.

From noble mtl dot com

… Maybe.


“I’m gone.”

“… I know.”

Luna and Hare looked out the window and murmured.

Outside the window, an old man was running hard toward the front.

Like that, I got farther and farther away, and I gradually lost sight of the house.

Luna and Hare opened their mouths as they faced each other.

“It’s gone after all, mister.”

“… I know.”

“Don’t do that, say something else! There is nothing else to say!”

“… “

Hare shut her mouth.

Actually, she didn’t have anything to say other than ‘so’.

It was because the words of Aina, who woke them up early in the morning, were embedded in her mind.

‘Because I originally didn’t want to run away? But i have to run away Take good care of Junwoo, okay?’

‘… What are you talking about all of a sudden?’

‘Leaving here. So, I’ll ask Junwoo. Regardless of time and place, think of Junwoo. Then… You guys will be able to get through the crisis too.’

What did that mean?

To think of you regardless of time and place.

She still does that, but what did she want to convey to me?

‘Remember. That’s the only answer that can lead you to ‘happiness’.’

Recalling the words of that child, Hare tousled her messy hair.

At some point, her hair reached her waist.

“What, what are you doing! Hare!”

“… Because her head is complicated. What about Saten and Estiya?”

“Estiya said he was sleepy and went back to sleep! I think he heard something too, but he just slept without saying a word.”

“… Then what about Saten?”

“Studying magic. She told her sister what she got!”

“… I see.”

Hare listened to Luna’s explanation and she closed her mouth again.

Seeing that, Luna gave off a frustrated look and she yelled something from the side, but she didn’t pay any attention.

Her mind only reached out to the uncle.

‘… Uncle, are you okay? Then, why am I so anxious?’

Kidduk- Kkadeuk-

Hare bit her fingernails in her anxiety.

Even though he had no fingernails to bite off, he habitually bit off the skin on her fingers.

“… Luna, didn’t she tell you not to come after me?”

“Yes, no matter what! She said never to come after me!”

“Then, let’s go after it.”

“What?! I told you never to come after me!”

“… Anxious I think something is going to happen. Pack up right now Let’s go alone, just the two of us.”

Hare moved her body and headed for her room.

Luna was dumbfounded, but she left for her room to pack her things.

‘Why is he like that? Is it because I didn’t eat breakfast?’

Luna thought Hare was strange, but her actions were already following Hare.

Most of the time, in situations like this, she followed Hare’s words and she never suffered a loss.

‘Well, it’s okay to trust Hare’s words! Because absolutes don’t exist in this world!’

It was more likely to trust Hare’s intuition.

And Luna trusted her intuition.

She did not expect that today she would have a heartbreaking experience.

– Weigh. Carry the weight, warrior.

Her holy sword whispered in Luna’s ear as she left after her uncle.


Her heart skipped a beat.

When she didn’t have Aina, who had to lie in bed in the morning, and there was a letter instead.

Again, her feelings that she was gone shocked her.

“Damn… “

I thought I’d find her in no time.

I wonder where the hell did she run to and can’t see her?

I looked up and checked.

“I’ve been looking for it since morning… Why can’t I see… ?”

The hour hand on the clock tower pointed to five o’clock.

The sky was gradually turning yellow and gradually turning black.

That fact tightened my heart even more and made my heart rush.

“I need to find… I need to find… I have to say my final goodbyes… “

Damn it.

If I lose Aina this time, will it be not once but twice?

I looked around, biting my lip until it bled.

Then, I grabbed a passer-by by the shoulder and asked.

“… Have you ever seen a person?”

“Yes, yes? Wh-what kind of person-“

“A woman with red hair and gray eyes.”

“That, I’ve never seen that-“

“… If you don’t have it sorry.”

Of course there is no Ali.

What am I doing?

The head lacks oxygen and does not function properly.

I feel like I’m about to collapse right now.

[…] Fool, don’t fall down in the middle of the city. I’ll give you a chance, Junwoo. Choose Where is Aina?]

[1. House.]

[2. Another house.]

“… Opportunity. Thanks Minerva.”

I just wandered around the city stupidly.

There was the house we lived in, and I can’t think of it.

I thanked Minerva for spending time with Minerva.

Then, I ran towards the house where I lived for the first time with a party of warriors.

“Please, don’t be late… “

Don’t repeat mistakes.

Spitting out words that sounded like an obsession, I ran away.

The night was getting deeper and Aina’s time was reaching its end.


“It’s late. Could it be that you can’t come here?”

No way.

Have you completely forgotten about this place and are somewhere else?

I saw it in the future that Minerva showed me, but the darker the sky, the more anxious Aina became.

‘… I want to say goodbye properly at the end.’

Obviously, I did what the future told me to do.

Junwoo will definitely come here, right?

Please join your hands like that and pray for a disciple to come.

The moment the moon rose in the sky.

Aina heard the voice of her long-awaited disciple.

“… Aina.”

“Welcome, Junwoo. It’s late. Didn’t it take too long?”

“… It’s too late to find another place. The letter is-“

“It’s true. I’m dying soon As I said in the letter, I used too much life force to maintain the sealing stone.”

As if that were true.

I stretched out her hand and showed it to Lee Jun-woo.

Her body was becoming transparent.

“Loss of magical power. Exhaustion of vitality. I will go back to nature You are a wizard.”

“… How do I share my life force?”

“Our bodies are different in nature. So no.”

“… “

Lee Jun-woo is a human from another world.

Even though they share life force through extreme efforts.

There was a high probability that the result would not be good because the temperament was wrong.

Aina looked at Lee Jun-woo, who grabbed the last straw, and approached him with pity.

“What are you so depressed about? Not like my disciple. As a teacher, I always told you to be full of confidence.”

“… You can’t do that in the current situation. The person I always looked for is dying.”

“Is dying really that strange?”

I hid her trembling hands behind her back, and she walked around the house.

The house was dirty because it had not been maintained since the last move, but the more I walked, the more memories of her came into my eyes.

She cooks in the kitchen, eats at the table together, lies on the sofa together in the evening, and when the time comes, she goes back to her room and sleeps.

Repeat such daily life, realize each other’s characteristics and habits, and consider sensitive parts.

Memories of a master and a disciple that only the two of them know in this world that no one else knows.

And memories of women and men.

“Wait, shall we go for a walk outside?”

I thought I was going to get sadder, so she headed for the door.

Lee Jun-woo quietly put me in her eyes and nodded her head when she lightly touched her.

The two wanted the place of memories not to become a place of parting.


“… “

“… “

They walked for a long time without saying anything.

I knew it even if I didn’t say it, and I couldn’t say it even if I wanted to say it.

Lee Jun-woo and Aina left the house and climbed the hill around them.

It was a place where you could look down on the city and there were few people.

A child who recalled the contents of her book in such a situation, I closed her eyes, gathered up the courage, and opened her mouth first.


“… Uh.”

“Make me a promise. This is my last request.”

“… “

Lee Jun-woo closed his eyes and was silent.

Aina knew what would happen after this.

‘Right now, it’s going to be a bad future… still… ‘

I still have to do it.

If you do that, Junwoo can be happy.

Even if it’s not now, you can be happy later.

Aina tightened her neck to hide her trembling voice, she said.

“If there is no answer, I’ll take it as a promise.”

“… “

“You will die if I disappear, right?”

“… No.”


However, Aina went on with her words even though she knew she was lying.

“Then, will you live well without me? Are you going to continue living with the warrior party?”

“… Of course.”

“Really? Aren’t you lying?”

“… Uh.”

“Then, look me in the eyes and promise me.”

I approached Lee Jun-woo and she looked up at him.

I could see him with trembling lips and holding back tears.

She desperately turned away and faced Lee Jun-woo’s black eyes.

“Don’t die. Live in the world instead of me can you?”

“… Uh.”

“No, not my disciple Lee Jun-woo, but the male Lee Jun-woo.”

The disciple lies to the master.

Lee Jun-woo does not lie as a man.

Since she knew that, child, she did not avert his eyes and put her promise into her mouth.

“Answer me sincerely, Junwoo Lee. Do not die. Live it up This can be happen?”

“… “

As expected.

From noble mtl dot com

“You don’t promise, Lee Jun-woo. That’s how I like you. I want to protect myself.”


I can’t leave without greed.

Ai, I raised her disappearing hand and placed it on Lee Jun-woo’s cheek.

“… Lee Jun-woo.”

Ai, she said a final goodbye that was a little different from the future in the book.

“Even if you don’t remember me later, please know this one thing now.”

“… “

“I used to love you a lot.”

A last greeting of courage.

Aina smiled brightly with those words, and she became magical and scattered into the air.

Her laughter was an effort to erase her sadness.

“… Aina.”

Lee Jun-woo stood still for a long time at the place where Aina disappeared with a hopeless expression.

It was the first and the last time my heart went through.

They couldn’t touch each other.

So, Lee Jun-woo lost the reason to live.

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