Killing God Island

Chapter 1307: Heavenly Tribulation Wanqi 274

The four powerful men led by Jack Bi Kevin, Alsace, Jefferies, and Ola Douzt have formed a Quartet Alliance, if the members are not really true ability.

Even if the number of them is more than Chen Tian's group and the women's team these ruthless people, I am afraid that these thousands of people are not enough to kill these people. The reason why the support of these people was not completely defeated by the brothers and sisters of Zhuo's family at the beginning can prove this. The Quartet League is not comparable to ordinary reinforcements in the t-zone, from cadres to members, although Chen Tian’s weakest trio can kill so many people who are stronger than them.

That’s not because the strength of these three people is stronger than these people, but that these three people are born outside the island and are specialized in killing as a combat type occupation. Although in this case, these people are no matter what Stronger than them, but their powerful combat routines and various combat awareness that they do not have have led them to use various killing methods they have not seen, and use sneak attack traps to gather remotely to cooperate with melee and various introductions around The trap, plus the coordination of the eyes of the three people and the cover of the venue, made the three people kill so many enemies stronger than them, but the killing of the three people also suffered a lot of injuries, although they were not fatal. Injuries, but skin injuries are everywhere.

However, although the three of them suffered a lot of skin trauma, and also consumed a lot of physical strength, especially Lin Xue, whose body has not been strengthened, was originally a normal physique, plus it was still a young woman. High-frequency continuous combat is indeed a bit too much, but now it is a life-and-death battle. If you want to survive, then what if it hurts and bleeds?

After all, being able to live is the most important thing at present. Although the three of Yao Jun, Wu Yifan and Lin Xue are not in good condition, they are still alive, but Steve Lanji’s men are not so lucky. By the way, they don’t talk about cooperation, they feel that they are very strong, and the result of fighting hard with the other party is heavy casualties. After all, these other fortified people are not vegetarians. One by one can turn on the Heavenly Tribulation state to prove that they are still very aggressive. of.

Although their attacks may not have much effect on Chen Tian and Zhuo Yanxuan's reinforcements, they are fatal blows for them. The result of both sides' hard-coupling is both defeats, but Steve Lanji His team is indeed slightly more powerful than the ordinary elite members of the Quartet Alliance. Judging from the number of people fighting hard to die, the Quartet Alliance has a lot more deaths than Steve Lanji’s.

But the result of this hard fight is undoubtedly not the best policy. Even if the strength is stronger than the other party, it will inevitably exhaust your physical strength. In such a siege, once your physical strength reaches the upper line, when your physical strength can no longer support his high output, He will also be killed by the surrounded Quartet Alliance. Even Chen Tian’s fierce fortified person, who is much stronger than them, will have physical strength in the battle with many people in the Quartet Alliance. The situation of exhaustion, not to mention Steve Lanji's men?

However, these people are in a state of attack, just like a mad dog, they don’t want to know anything about killing these people in front and around, but often when the body’s initial warning of physical exhaustion appears, I think that I’m looking for a chance to retreat to kill this person. , But often this is the main reason why most of them die under siege, probably when he wants to kill a person in the end, surrounded by new enemies or many enemies, and then due to fatigue and number The difference was killed by group attack.

After all, these people who are mixed with Steve Lanji are reckless men with strong combat effectiveness. Most of them are people who are 80% wary in heart and have some violent tendencies. These people were before they entered the island. They were all born of thugs and later imprisoned in prison. Because of their combative personality, good fighting ability and good physical fitness, they were found by the four big families in various countries. A large part of these people were sent to the island. .

I have to say that this kind of strengthened person has extremely strong survivability, but these people are generally the kind of desperation and militant. The character of life is the kind of person who can’t persuade and improve with words, basically this It's impossible for the breeder Chen Tian to join him in the team. After all, this kind of person is basically irrational, and the Zhuo brothers and sisters choose to cooperate with this type of team. In addition to the strength of these people, another one The important factor is that they chose them because they were very irrational when they fought, or they could choose the rest of the large team to support Chen Tian with their strong wisdom and persuasion.

Even if the Quartet Alliance has formed a seemingly unified structure, if Zhuo’s brothers and sisters really like one of the teams, it is absolutely possible to break them apart in various contradictions, and eventually lead them to become a joint force. This pair of siblings is the tool of this battle. But the brothers and sisters did not choose any team of the Quartet Alliance, which shows that they are not very in line with some of the next plans for the brothers and sisters, and Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin Wanting to form an alliance and finally wanting the result is to let this partner lose both sides of the Quartet Alliance. This is why the brothers and sisters decided to choose this organization as the best candidate for alliance.

This step taken by the brothers and sisters of the Zhuo family, Ye Minyu, who is the smartest of the Chen Tian team, could not have guessed, so Ye Minyu took another strategy to let the brothers and sisters of the Zhuo family and the wheelchair **** the other side of the women’s team. , All in the plan she laid out the most perfect solution to all the problems she wanted to solve, the first Zhuo Brothers and Sisters this is to let Steve. Lan Jiqi's men and the Quartet Alliance to share the same routine, she is naturally strongly support And in order to make them fight more fiercely, he did not hesitate to play in person to help Chen Tianhe intensify the whole battle situation into the final high tide.

Of course, as a team, even the entire team of Chen Tian, ​​and the behind-the-scenes commander of the women’s team of the affiliated team, she shouldn’t have been in person. After all, who will be in charge of her overall command? Even the remaining three leaders of the Quartet Alliance knew that commanding overall operations was the most important event at this time. Why did Ye Minyu, who is the most mindful of the Chen Tian team, not know this, and had to help Chen Tian, ​​their favor? In fact, Chen Tian did not need Ye Minyu to personally help, after all, Ye Minyu's combat power did not play such a deterrent effect of changing the entire battle situation with one shot.

However, she changed Ye Minyu, who was originally very calm and had been sitting behind the scenes, conducting the overall command. This time, she personally confronted Angelina with an overall strong opponent. In fact, it was all for the girls in wheelchairs. Shirley saw that she did this for two reasons. The first point was that she thought they were only four people, but the girl in a wheelchair was very strong. Ye Minyu always wanted to force her to shoot and wanted to know her. To what extent does his strength reach, will it pose a threat to his team in the future, if the strength is too strong then it must be a threat in the future, after the end of this war, it is necessary to remove them as a future threat.

And now the current melee is just like Shirley has always wanted to find a place to avoid watching this battle. Ye Minyu also thinks that after this battle has reached this level, is there any help from the women’s team or the league? It’s too important. Ye Minyu’s character is the kind of person who crosses the river and demolishes the bridge. Because he and the team of Chen Tian have known each other for a long time and are very good at fighting each other, they don’t count their teammates, or even the team of Chen Tian will be in the interest. Those who drive to give up or betray, not to mention Shirley who formally form an alliance?

If Shirley and they can solve the leaders of the Quartet Alliance, it will be better, not only to help us understand the most critical enemies, but also indirectly consume their own combat power, after the battle is over It is easier to solve them all. After all, this group of people who have the strength to do this can not stay any way they want, unless they agree to join all of their teams, but Ye Minyu sees that Shirley should belong to that kind of self. She wants to form a very independent expert in the team, she should not agree to this proposal, so Ye Minyu deliberately set up this plan to test how strong this group of people really are.

So Ye Minyu is really not easy. She is counted and tried out all the time. At the beginning of joining the Chen Tian team, not only Chen Tian can say that everyone in the Chen Tian team was tried by her, and After understanding the strength and personality of each person, she slowly joined the team sincerely and began to do her own job for the team and her own goals.

However, a person’s character is difficult to change. You can change some of her views. However, a person’s character is a character. Basically, it’s already established in nature, and Ye Minyu is a very smart and very selfish person. Fortunately, she now regards the Chen Tian team as the core of her interests, so everyone except her team will be included in the calculations of her various strategies, including not currently joining the Chen Tian team, and having a relationship with Chen Tian. The two brothers and sisters of Zhuo.

Of course, the brothers and sisters of Zhuo's also know very well this Ye Minyu whose IQ is not under him, so their brothers and sisters did not choose to join the team of Chen Tian, ​​but the bigger reason is that this pair of brothers and sisters liked the world of the two. Including the strength of the siblings and the various factors of the civil and military, their siblings do not need to join any team at all, unless they encounter this special situation and special period.

However, encountering this kind of situation is not a completely unsolvable problem for the two brothers and sisters, as long as they set up a plan and join a certain force within their plans, and rely on the power and work of the two brothers and sisters Ability to join the forces is not a matter of fact, their brothers and sisters are talents that many people dream of, but this pair of brothers and sisters joining that force may create great benefits at the beginning, but in fact it is a bad luck in the later period. In the future, it is very likely that you will lose your life if you lose it.

Of course, this team of brothers and sisters joining and cooperating is not the end. Among them, Chen Tian's group is the only team that will not have this problem. The main reason is that Chen Tian and Zhuo Yanxuan respect each other and each other. I feel that the other party will be a good opponent in the future, and the temperament of the two people is very good. If they are not in the special environment on the island, these two people may become a life and death.

It is precisely because of this relationship that the brothers and sisters of the Zhuo family generally do not count them together with the Chen Tian team. Of course, even if they want to count, the Chen Tian team has an intellectual aspect that is not inferior to the pair of brothers and sisters Ye Minyu, of course. This pair of siblings is also the only team that has worked with the Chen Tian gang many times and has not been counted once. This is because the IQ of the siblings is very high, and Ye Minyu naturally dare not set up in front of them.

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