Killing God Island

Chapter 1309: Heavenly Tribulation Wan Kai 276 Xu Shun VS Govist

Although Shirley and Gu Shouchuan belong to this kind of strong, but their physical physique does not allow them to play this kind of person, but Shirley is also much different from Gu Shouchuan's strength, although Shirley is a quasi-top ten, but Gu Morikawa really has the world's top ten super masters.

And Gu Shouchuan is a person who dares to single out against Kuangqi, and he does have the strength to fight hard with Kuangqi, and his strength is recognized by Kuangqi as a strong character, which can make Kuangqi It is not uncommon for people to speak the word strong in person.

However, no matter what level of master, there are periods of heyday and decline. Especially in this killing island, many people have been as glorious as Shirley, but some people have saved me the opportunity when they are brilliant, so This kind of person left the island and started working for the four big families, and Shirley hadn't lived this opportunity because she didn't have to feel that she was strong enough to be able to stop.

So she had to fight with Chang Yanxiao, one of the seven war mads. Because of her strong strength, Chang Yanxiao didn’t make a little difference and she couldn’t beat Shirley, although Chang Yanxiao never took the initiative to beat a woman. But this does not prove that he did not take a proper means to counterattack at the critical moment, but what Chang Yanxiao didn't expect was that he suddenly missed and directly sherry the way he is today.

Shirley belonged to the kind of people who lived, died, and succumbed. They clearly had a great future and could leave the island, but because of their strong struggle for a while, they were beaten by Chang Yanxiao and become the way they are now. Her injuries continued to increase. If she couldn't find a cure, Shirley would have to wait for death. In addition, Shirley forcibly protected her men at critical moments and used her own abilities to force herself into combat. It is even more serious for some internal injuries in the irreparable genetic system that was originally beaten.

So Shirley doesn’t fight easily, and Shirley is not in a wheelchair because her legs are disabled and she can’t walk. She really wants to save more physical energy in a wheelchair and is always in a wheelchair. On the way, she used the ability to constantly suppress the speed of her physique cell death, and try to activate and repair dead cells and physical skills everywhere, which is why she obviously was not a little girl’s posture but chose to use this girlish form. the reason.

And now Shirley is letting Yangliu push her wheelchair to the direction of the main battlefield, and as the distance keeps approaching, Shirley also raises her hand to signal Yangliu to stop here to watch the current situation around this place before deciding herself Did you do it, but according to Shirley's current observations, these people around you are trying to come and go with each other, and try to think about the other party's physical strength, no one really fights hard, but there is also a place The battle is the fiercest, and it can be seen that only the two people in this position have used each other's true strength in the hard fight.

Obviously, with these two fighting styles, it would be more than ten minutes to win and lose, and when Shirley looked over there, it was found that the two fighting fiercely over there were Xu Xuan. The two are Goviaiste. In fact, Goviaste and Xu Shun are really a type of shopping. Shirley can see that the two of them are playing like this, and they will soon be divided. Li's so-called victory or defeat is that one party killed the other.

At the beginning, Xu Shun relied on his own toughened war bones. As long as there are bones in the whole body, Xu Shun can all be used as a weapon to attack. In addition, his combat awareness is much stronger than Goviaste’s. The blade of the tailbone is really super strong in attack and also unbreakable in defense. Xu Shun's state of attack and defensiveness makes Goviaste's attack impossible. At the same time, he also needs to constantly guard the tail stretched out from behind his dike. blade.

After all, the sharpness of Xu Shun’s tail blade is definitely cutting iron, not to mention cutting it to people? Therefore, we must be careful that the embankment must not allow its tail blade to scratch its own edge, so he eventually became nonstop to avoid Xu Shun’s various attacks, and he had no longer the initiative to fight just now, and Xu Shun was completely Take control of the entire battle, even if you can't hit him in this attack situation, or if he forcibly let go, he will consume a lot of physical strength.

As long as he continues in this way, he will basically leak fatal flaws due to lack of physical strength in a short while, so Xu Shun also began to use the tail blade to attack with varying degrees according to the law of his let-off strength and avoidance, from Govias When the special defense began to appear, the chaotic pace that Xu Shun knew was not going to work soon, as long as I was increasing my frontal attack on him, he could break his defense.

In fact, as Xu Xuan had expected, he really couldn't do it anymore. He was almost unable to resist under Xu Xian's continuous tail-blade attack. After all, Xu Xuan's tail-blade's attack strength was very powerful. There was no way to catch his tail-blade attack, but Xu Shun never thought that this time he was attacked by Goviaist's friend, Jimus, and he punched directly in the back of the central nervous system. He vomited blood, with the strength of a master like Jimus, and a strengthened person who hit the fatal point. It should be killed instantly, but Xu Shun was not dead, but he vomited blood and did not even fall to the ground. This is enough to prove that Xu Shun’s spine has not been interrupted. After all, Xu Shun has a toughened bone guard. It is really difficult to break his bones, even if he takes the artifact level The weapons may have been cut constantly, and Xu Shun’s fighting method is not only flexible but also changing, and now he is slowly developing to the type of hegemonic fighting form. This point Chen Tian saw Xu Shun’s fighting mode, but Chen Tian did not know that this type of heavy fighting was called a domineering body.

However, Jimus was also a relatively unlucky person. He originally wanted to help his friend Goviaiste to kill Xu Shun, but he didn't expect that it was only to hurt Xu Shun, and he immediately encountered a man and a woman. To be precise, this man and a woman are sandwiched between him, and if this man and a woman are Steve Lanji’s reinforcements, the key is that this man and a woman are Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin. Brother and sister, that's why Jimus was really unlucky.

Originally, Jimus was really strong. Even the muscular women of the later women’s team could fight her five or five times. Finally, they lost because of the body injury that was kicked by Zhuo Wenxin when he was fighting with this sibling, but If Jimus didn't attack Xu Xian by sneak attack behind him, he wouldn't attract this pair of siblings to attack him. All of this was considered a fixed number. Of course, Xu Xun was losing his just attack because he was hit by the central nervous system.

It may be that a severe internal injury has just been hit, and Xu Shun’s internal bones are okay but the internal organs are damaged. It takes at least five minutes to recover, because this is not just a visceral injury, but the whole body was shocked. All damage is not as fast as a few individual repairs, and many parts are important organs. Failure to repair and improve will not only affect the state of combat, but in serious cases, will even endanger life.

So when Xu Shun stopped attacking Goviaste, Goviaste took advantage of this opportunity to launch a counterattack against Xu Shun, this guy had the same level of strength as Xu Shun, so after Xu Shun suffered an internal injury He has been constantly suppressed by Goviaiste. After all, he is almost the same as Xu instantaneous in strength, speed and combat level. He has just been able to suppress him so much, mainly due to the combination of combat consciousness and moves.

But now Xu Xuan has suffered serious internal injuries. If he wants to repair it as soon as possible, he must reduce his hard fight with Goviaste. After all, every hard fight will produce a large impact of power. This kind of shock is when Xu Xun has no internal injuries. No matter how violent it is, as long as it is not strong enough to shock him, there is no fear at all, but now Xu Shun is equal to that the damaged cells are being repaired. If you want to repair as soon as possible, you must let the cells divide and proliferate as soon as possible.

If there is a strong head-on battle with Goviaster during this period, it will only make the newly repaired injury split and become more serious, and even there will be a dark injury like his friend Jimus, so Xu Xiang now wants to To avoid the hard fight with Govist, but the current fighting state and way is completely reversed, just Govist has been continually avoiding, and even just thought that he will soon fight Stayed, if at a critical moment Jimmus helped him a lot from behind Xu Shun, and if Xu Shun was seriously injured, now Govist may have fallen to the ground and turned into a corpse.

But Goviaiste did have good luck. Just after Jimmus attacked Xu Xun one step later, he would definitely die in one attack. After all, he had just broken his defenses so that he could not withstand his own weapons, and it was Xu. When Instant was about to turn and throw out the deadliest tail blade, he was hit by Jimus in the central nervous area behind him. In addition to the momentary numbness of the whole body nerve for more than ten seconds, it was Xu Xun who was hit from behind after hitting this fatal blow. All the organs in the entire chest cavity were bleeding. Except that the heart was okay, on the whole, if the other people were replaced, they would have been killed by the trick of Jimus behind him.

Xu Shun was hit by him and only vomited blood but did not die, because Xu Shun had a toughened bone guard, which had helped him to block 50% of the impact, or it was not just a serious injury, if it was not toughened In addition to the two types of Chen Tian and Zhuo's brothers and sisters who are particularly special, the bones of the war bones are smashed. The internal organs are basically smashed. But fortunately, the bones of Xu Shun are relatively hard. Life is back!

Although Xu Shun was hard to die, then Goviaiste attacked him just like he just did. This time, the non-stop defender was replaced by Xu Shun. This is really 30 years of Hedong. For thirty years in Hexi, Xu Shun thought he was going to die. Unexpectedly, now it has become that he has to avoid the edge.

Even if Xu Shun's injury is not healed, it is not easy for Goviaste to kill Xu Shun. First of all, the toughened war bone of Xu Shun and the bone blade stretched out behind him are not so good proofs, even if they are injured now He only wanted to recover himself for five minutes wholeheartedly, so that the overall injury was better and he was fighting against him, so he has been avoiding his attacks from the beginning.

Although within a few tens of seconds Xu Xuan had just been seriously injured, the whole body was really unable to move. The severe pain in the whole body made him, maybe a little bit of movement would be as painful as playing acupuncture, but Xu Xuan and Chen Tian After mixing for so long, Xu Shun has been very good in all aspects of combat consciousness and wartime. Even if his body is in great pain and he can calmly analyze everything when he is fighting, it is enough to prove Xu Shun’s severe injury. After ten seconds, there is definitely the ability to fight hard with Govist.

It may be that Xu Xuan feels that the recovery of internal injuries is the most important thing at present, so he has not continued to fight hard with him, but Goviste does not intend to let Xu Xuan pass.

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