Killing God Island

Chapter 1360: Tiankai Wanqi 327 Ling Zifeng VS Drak

Of course, Chen Tian didn’t just use his sandbag as simple as this. Chen Tian also used him as an experiment. After all, this person can verify whether the detection function of entering the micro realm after promotion is more accurate, so this detection is necessary, see Now whether his perceptual perception is accurate or not.

And Chen Tian finally came to a conclusion that it could not be more accurate. After Chen Tian smashed all his internal organs and bones, he would be very accurate in the last few seconds, and Chen Tian was very accurate. Satisfaction, plus the anger just disappeared.

Of course, there are at least more than 20 people around here waiting for Chen Tian to help, so Chen Tian may not be able to support Steve. Lanji and Stanson for the time being. Chen Tian decided to solve this problem in the past. Anyway, the strength of the two is good. Although they have always been at a disadvantage, it should be no problem to insist on a little for seven or eight minutes. At the same time, Chen Tian also deliberately expanded into the largest realm of detection, and happened to be able to detect these people at the same time.

The result of the detection is that Chen Tian can solve all the non-cadre members who are still alive in the Quartet of these people in five minutes, so Chen Tian also spread his wings and flew to these people.

Of course, in addition to Chen Tian, ​​there are still three places where there are still battles. These are Steve Lanji and his second-hand leader Statham. The other one is Ling Zifeng and Drake. There are some fortified people hidden in the surroundings who still haven’t indicated that they are friends or enemies. The melee around here is over, leaving only corpses on the ground. However, except for some scenes destroyed by these people’s battles, this is full The corpse blood on the ground is really quite spectacular.

However, the fortified people who can come to this t zone are all people who have killed their hands without knowing how many people have come to this area. Basically, they are all people who have experienced big scenes, so all the men and women around the body are everywhere. Blood, fishy scenes, everyone has been surprised, and now Chen Tian and their team know Ling Zifeng's strength, so see Ling Zifeng now physical strength is not bad, did not go to help Ling Zifeng to bully less.

Instead, they started to adjust their own rates to repair their injuries, so that if these hidden people around attacked suddenly, they still had physical strength to deal with these people, so they did not help Ling Zifeng, but watched their own injuries while adjusting their injuries. Ling Zifeng's battle with the two, Drucker, after all, the two are not weak, and the battle is still very promising.

The battle between Ling Zifeng and Drake had been fighting for a long time before, and it was only after the emergence of Doranfos that the two had fought. In fact, the two had fought each other for at least two or three hundred rounds and had been five between each other. Wukai, although both of them are testing the strength of each other, they attack each other very smoothly in a step-by-step manner. After all, except for the two, there are no extra enemies. The two can freely fight with their hands and feet, no need to estimate Who will be attacking around, just focus on the other person with one heart.

Originally, the two also had their own strengths in the melee. They could not distinguish between top and bottom. If they forcibly attacked, they would only lose both sides. Of course, the two did not want to do this. The main reason is that the two are also watching each other. Which side is the final winner. Therefore, the two sides also belong to the same hard fight as the rest of the people. In short, the two of them did not put their minds on fighting, and more wanted to get away from the surrounding situation.

Of course, both of them think so. After all, they are about the same strength. If they are forced to fight against you, they must be defeated. If they consume each other’s strength and delay time, the situation will change a lot, so these two People will fight each other for so long, these two really want to go together, they both want to create better opportunities for themselves by delaying time.

But what the two did not expect was that the appearance of Doranfos disrupted their plans, and after the appearance of Doranfoss, whether it was Ling Zifeng or Drake, they regarded him as their partner. , So the two did not intend to use their full strength so quickly, but because of the sudden appearance of a person whose strength is obviously not weak, in order to prevent the two of them from attacking themselves suddenly, so immediately the two of the original strength All forced out in advance.

Later, the two talents discovered that the person of Doranfoss was originally a third-party force, that is, not with Chen Tian or the Quartet Alliance. His appearance was for other purposes, and he wanted to give Ling Zifeng and Dekra to him. It was all killed, so the battle between the three was also very interesting. When Doranfoss attacked Ling Zifeng at the beginning, Ling Zifeng mistakenly thought that the two of them were a gang, so the two men were short-lived to attack Ling Zifeng together, making Ling Zifeng Some of them couldn't hold back in an instant, and almost used their own exclusive weapons.

However, before waiting for Ling Zifeng to use his own exclusive weapon, he did not expect Dronfoss to directly attack him again on the occasion of the Drucker. Originally, Draco thought that the Dronfoss that appeared in front of him was his own, so for the time being Joining with him would be a precaution against him, which automatically attacked Ling Zifeng after attacking Drucker in turn, resulting in Drucker not responding in time, and the back stroke was directly injured, but this was not a heavy hit, but he let Germany Lak realized that this person was not his own.

So before he continued to attack himself, he immediately got up and fought with him. Ling Zifeng thought that these two people were infighting, and in turn, he and Drake joined forces to fight Drake and evaded back, and from time to time. The two men made a few moves. Just when Ling Zifeng was about to say thanks to this person, this person suddenly attacked Ling Zifeng again, and Ling Zifeng also understood that the kid was very wrong, so Ling Zifeng immediately killed him and prepared to be positive While giving him a fatal blow.

I didn’t expect Ling Zifeng to use the instant kill function, and the poison emitted by him could indeed make people poisoned by his poison gas even if he escaped his attack, but what Ling Zifeng did not expect was that this is Lang Langfo Sri Lanka's ability pattern shift is very beneficial.

Ling Zifeng not only did not have any effect on Doranfoss, but also was stabted into his heart by Doranfoss with a knife. If the body of Ling Zifeng was not a human, the location of the heart was also in a completely different position from the normal person. , So I just escaped, or even if Ling Zifeng is stronger than Doranfoss, I am afraid he will die under his exclusive ability.

Although this time did not cause fatal damage to Ling Zifeng, his real heart position was also in the downward direction near this, and just when his knife pierced the body, he also pierced a blood vessel linking the heart, causing Ling Zifeng to be physically capable It fell a lot in an instant, but fortunately, the knife he pierced into the heart was directly pulled out, and also gave Ling Zifeng the time to repair this broken blood vessel.

But seeing that this person is not easy to deal with, and thinking that they are not friends in each other's alliance, Ling Zifeng and Drake, the two of them who originally had a hostile relationship, began to join forces to prepare to kill Doranfoss first, and then we The two are fighting, so when Chen Tian is about to rush here, what Chen Tian sees at the top is that the two are joining forces to fight Doranfoss.

Of course, Duranfoss ability is too strong, so Chen Tian can’t subdue him. It can be said that his ability can easily kill many masters in the T zone, so Duranfoss is very arrogant with this ability. Therefore, after the war with Chen Tian, ​​they despised the two brothers and sisters of Zhuo Family who came to help Chen Tian. Zhuo Yanxuan didn't get started, and his sister Zhuo Wenxin killed him.

While Ling Zifeng was fighting with Drake, the two sides were still at war. The overall situation was at most fifty-five, and the defeat was not completely formed. Of course, in the middle of the two-person battle and the intervention of Doranfoss, these two people were injured, of course. Their injury was not that Melanchol was inferior to melee, but his exclusive ability died too far, and even Chen Tian had no choice but to have his unique ability, but also because Chen Tian came to support Ling Zifeng and stopped After Doranfoss attacked the two, the two again fought together again in a hostile relationship.

So the battle between the two is a twist and turns, and the two know how to adapt to the situation, but the two are destined to be the final opponents, and the current form is very unfavorable to Drake, after all, the Quartet Alliance It's basically cold now. Of course he can see that if he doesn't get away now, he will surely die here.

Of course, joining a large organization is of course for self-protection and gaining more benefits. To put it bluntly is to seek a backer. Most of them are joining with their own purposes. Once the backer is going to fall, of course, he does not hesitate. Withdrew and fled, of course, this is the idea of ​​Drake now, so from the fighting and wait-and-see attitude, it has now changed to the direct and unhesitating choice to escape from here.

But it’s not so easy to escape. Let’s not talk about whether Chen Tian now has control over it. Ling Zifeng is very difficult to deal with, and so many people watch the game, they don’t do it, but he doesn’t do it. If you want to run, it is estimated that so many people will not let him easily escape, so Drake's next end can be imagined, and of course he was forced by this invisible pressure to have to really fight seriously .

In fact, if it weren’t for the unprovoked intervention of Doranfoss before, Drucker had his own plan, and it is likely that this would not happen now, and if he wanted to escape at that time, Ling Zifeng should not desperately block it. After all, Ling Zifeng was fighting him. Because he and the masters had to work together to attack Chen Tian, ​​Ling Zifeng and the rest intercepted each other to solve the problem for Chen Tian, ​​and Ling Zifeng also knew that this man was very strong. If he struggled hard with him, he might lose both sides.

The initial purpose of Ling Zifeng was to help Chen Tian to siege and temporarily block the person in front of him, so Ling Zifeng did not intend to kill him from the beginning, and fighting him was only for self-preservation. If there was a chance to kill him, Ling Zifeng would definitely kill him If there is no chance, then he will consume it. Anyway, the situation is completely different from the previous one, so of course Ling Zifeng is not afraid to consume him.

If Drucker chooses to steal it at this time, Ling Zifeng will not chase it hard. He may have a completely different character from those of the women's team's bone sister and axe girl Benxi. If these two people are not willing to fight, they They will also pursue them on the premise of killing them, and Ling Zifeng is the kind of person who has his own ideas, and basically has a more sensible personality and is not so violent. Sometimes he will choose and use his mouth. Persuasive, never hands on, if he doesn't listen, he will choose to fight, and if he doesn't fight well, he will choose to kill.

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