Killing God Island

Chapter 1517: Section 54: How easy is it to kill me?

Stark pressed hard against the heroes, unless Zhuo Wenxin was injured or restricted her movement range, otherwise this move could not hit Zhuo Wenxin at all, only Zhuo Wenxin could be forced to leave this distance, the power of this move was indeed good, so Basically, both Chen Tian and Zhuo Wenxin chose to avoid it.

It is not as hard as Xu Xuan. In fact, Xu Xian is also hard-wired to protect Chen Tian at that time, otherwise Xu Xuan will not choose to resist this move, which shows how strong the attack range and strength of this move is, but Zhuo Wenxin Although he avoided the powerful force that directly penetrated directly from below, but while this force was not completely dispersed, Zhuo Wenxin even cooperated with the direct hand knife at his very fast speed, and even directly without using any weapons. Split the strength of this area that has not completely dispersed.

The whole of this very powerful force is like cutting tofu, forcibly cutting directly from the way he ran, basically only in a moment, and even Stark has not responded and has already broken this, and in During the time period when Stark blinked, the objects and the surrounding energy field seemed to stop all at once. In fact, it was not the stop but Zhuo Wenxin was running too fast at this time, in his vision The dynamics centered on her seemed to stop, including Stark who was attacking her.

At this time, because Zhuo Wenxin's attack speed was too fast, all the scenes he saw in his eyes appeared as still at this moment, but at this moment, what he saw in Stark's eyes was another scene. Stark couldn't see Zhuo Wenxin at all, because her speed had exceeded his visual capture range, so after Zhuo Wenxin cut off all his body with a dagger.

Stark's face was full of doubts and panic, because his body was completely dismembered by Zhuo Wenxin in a moment, and his hands, legs and body were cut open without giving him a chance to respond. Now he has only one head left in the air by Zhuo Wenxin holding his hair with his hand.

Zhuo Wenxin knew that with his physical qualities, even if he only had a skull, he would not die instantly like the other fortified people, so Zhuo Wenxin grabbed his hair and sneered at him.

To be honest, Stark was also very panicked at this time, but what he said was also a person who experienced strong winds and waves. Naturally, even if there is only one head left now, the panic expression was instantly masked by his serious expression, and Zhuo Wen Xin laughed a few times and said, "Do you think that killing me by dismembering my body and limbs will kill me? This will only make each part of my body split and eventually become me more of myself."

Stark laughed endlessly after saying this, but it was indeed the same arm and his body that was cut off by Zhuo Wenxin, really, as he said, he was dividing his own cells at a very fast rate and growing up at a rapid rate. At this rate of recovery, seven Starks can appear in less than a minute. After all, his legs and feet are four together, his body is cut into two sections and two are added, this is six, plus The head will become one after recovering from here, and together, seven Starks are about to appear in front of Zhuo Wenxin.

If an ordinary person sees this happening, and faces the arrogant tone in his mouth, and the physique that does not kill for a while, no matter where he is attacked, Stark cannot kill the genetic physique. This is absolutely No matter who meets it, it will be quite tricky, and for a while, it will definitely fall into a daze.

No matter who meets one, **** will not kill, and the more you kill him, the more you will kill others, and each of the same self who has different thinking and the same ability will definitely feel for a time, meeting such a person and His odds are absolutely zero.

But at the same time Stark's unkillable ability and serious damage to dividing cells and the formation of a new independent self, Zhuo Wenxin showed a very calm, and a slight contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, this scene also let Stark, who was holding her hair by her right hand and raised her only head, had a very bad hunch, after all, she really felt that her strength was too unfathomable when she played with this girl.

Just like now, I don’t know how I was dismembered by him, so I changed it to the next moment in my mind, although before Zhuo Wenxin and Stark played, Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng were all three. The Stark was completely killed with their own fighting methods, but will Zhuo Wenxin solve them according to the fighting methods of the three people?

The answer is that Zhuo Wenxin did not use the three of them at all. Instead, he made Stark completely desperate in his own way. Now even if there is only one head left by Zhuo Wenxin, there is no reason for complete despair. He knew that his physique could be quickly regenerated and repaired, and he would start to grow several identical selves from different body parts of the cut mine.

Including him, his head is starting to grow rapidly from the neck. This speed does seem to be quite fast. If you don’t stop it, seven Starks may appear in a minute. If you generally strengthen people at this moment, you should take advantage of it. Stark's body has not fully recovered. It is only right to attack these fast-repairing Starks. After all, this is a normal reaction.

But even taking advantage of it, Stark’s body has not been completely repaired into several attacks on him before, which is also a complete cure. It belongs to Stark and has no impact on it. After all, no matter how the attack is ultimately Several of them will be formed, so even blocking is futile and useless, and blocking one of them will quickly become several others at the same time.

So Stark dared to compare with Chen Tian’s powerful undead ability, and it can even be said to be faster than Chen Tian’s repair ability, so he had to meet Chen Tian and their brothers and sisters without dying. Can kill him.

So in just over ten seconds, the head held by Zhuo Wenxin's hair has completely recovered, and the body below the entire head has been completely repaired. Although he does not seem to be wearing clothes, he is clearly staring very angry now. Zhuo Wenxin still holding his hair, seeing his angry expression at this time can see that he is now bursting out of anger.

But Zhuo Wenxin didn't show any fear at all, and even realized that the human head in his hand had completely repaired the body below the head and neck, but Zhuo Wenxin did not mean to let go, and she also used her own eyes. Examined the amputated limbs that had just been severed by myself. At this time, these amputated limbs also began to quickly classify regenerative cells from the roots, and had formed six Starks exactly like him.

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