Killing God Island

Chapter 2158: E District Chapter 96 Xu Shun's big move is to open the state of the catastrophe

Even if several people attacked Zhuo Yanxuan together, they couldn't control his offense. They could only temporarily keep his opponent from being killed instantly, and these people were more resistant to beating, if ordinary people couldn't hold Zhuo Yanxuan at all. This kind of high-intensity attack, and even several people surrounded Zhuo Yanxuan to attack Zhuo Yanxuan.

He couldn’t completely control him. As long as Zhuo Yanxuan wanted to get rid of them, he could easily escape as long as he used the ghost mode. However, Zhuo Yanxuan did not use it. He always used the domineering body to forcefully suppress these people, after all, deal with these people It seems that you don't need to use ghost mode to get it done.

These people naturally have their own abilities, and for Zhuo Yanxuan with different abilities, although it cannot be said that they completely ignore their attacks, at least hitting Zhuo Yanxuan is not painful, after all, his tyrant The body is too strong, and some people can't really hurt Zhuo Yanxuan at all due to its own muscle density and epidermal hardness.

Although Zhuo Yanxuan couldn't completely escape the attacks of these people, what if he was attacked?

What can these people do like Zhuo Yanxuan?

Even weapons such as daggers cannot penetrate his skin as long as they do not reach the level of the artifact's hardness, and Zhuo Yanxuan can easily dodge his deadly position, and being too close to him is equivalent to looking for death, so At this time, Zhuo Yanxuan was unable to defeat him in the eyes of these people.

So when half of the fifteen people realized this, it was too late for them to escape. Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Ling Zifeng had completely blocked these people. Chen Tian's blood control ability was used once. , These people were even more panicked, because these people discovered that Chen Tian's body could change into various forms at will to attack.

And what makes them even more desperate is that Chen Tian's form cannot be killed at all, and they don't even know how to crack it. In addition to Chen Tian's reluctance to attack Yao Jun, it is a fighting method they have never seen before. And Xu Shun's attack method is not only special, especially the triangular bones behind him like a tail.

This bone is Xu Shun’s tailbone. It is a bone that extends from the end of the spine. You must know that human bones are relatively hard, especially Xu Shun’s bones are even harder to the level of an artifact. After all, he used it at the beginning. It is the best of the built-in weapons, that is, weapons of the legendary artifact level. The situation of this kind of weapon is not just superficial.

What kind of weapon is actually a little bit similar to Chen Tian’s blood control ability, except that he can’t change his whole body shape at will, like Chen Tian, ​​but Xu Shun can control his own bones to make changes. It was impossible to achieve Chen Tian's complete change, but the degree of change in his entire body almost deviated from the basic human form.

In particular, Xu Shun awakened the form of Heavenly Tribulation. Many people clearly awakened the form of Heavenly Tribulation but did not intend to use it. It can even be said that although the power is great, the weakness of use is greater than the advantages of fighting. It is better not to use the Fang Aiming at the result, and some are too large and not very smart to use, or some forms of Heavenly Tribulation are non-human and ugly.

For example, Angelina of Chen Tian’s team’s catastrophe status is non-human Xingtian, a giant spider that looks very huge. Its surface hardness and attack are naturally improved, but it is basically when Angelina is fighting with the regiment. It is seldom used, except after being used several times in a helpless situation before the earliest.

Until now, I haven’t used it, because Angelina thinks this form is ugly, and it’s not very useful. Now this kind of battle of the strong is not about how much advantage you can get when you are bigger, but more agile attack skills. It highlights the combat advantages, and Angelina can also use spider silk in normal form.

Therefore, it is not necessary to use the form of Tribulation. Instead, you have more advantages in your own battles, and you are more agile and can better cooperate with the team. If you use the form of Tribulation, you will be wrong, especially now that Angelina has hidden real strength. , It was not her so-called state of tribulation, but the biochemical right arm of her left arm.

How powerful is the right arm of Gai Tiao Biochemical? At present, Angelina has not fully demonstrated the full power of this arm, and Ling Zifeng's body is not in the state of the tribulation, but his body is comparable to the state of the tribulation. A more powerful combat form, but because it is too ugly, he doesn't want to use it, but his strength after use is really quite powerful.

It is precisely because of the disadvantages of this series of celestial calamity forms that the common celestial calamity state in many areas in the front appears to be used less and less as the advanced areas are used. The power of Heavenly Tribulation that can be shown by the overlap of their genes, but they feel that this fighting method is not very practical between master fights.

That’s why it evolved into an exclusive ability that is more commonly used among masters. Instead, the tribulation state has almost disappeared, which is generally difficult to see, but Xu Shun’s tribulation state is different from the aforementioned tribulations. His tribulation state can strengthen the "sex" of his own divine weapon toughened battle bones, and the tribulation state can enhance the hardness of his outer skin and the additional layer of his own strength, especially his eyes have heat-sensing ability.

Xu Shun’s pupils can see the opponent’s fatal weakness. Of course, in addition to the head, heart and neck, which can kill the opponent with one blow, in fact, there are many weaknesses in the battle for different levels of strengtheners. Point, if you can't detect this weakness, it should be very difficult to easily injure the opponent in the battle, after all, a random strengthening person in this area is not weak and weak.

Especially when competing with more powerful masters, everyone pays attention to their own defense, and when attacking the opponent, they basically use the hardest part of their body to attack, or use various weapons to attack, so If you want to launch a fatal counterattack against an enemy who is attacking you, you must know when he attacks yourself, where is the weakest place around his body except the fatal point.

Of course, in this weak place, the other party may not even know that this part of themselves is their own weak spot, so they tend to focus only on the fatal points such as their own head and heart, and it is easy to not pay attention to their other weak points. On, if at this time attack on his weak point.

That will give the opponent a blow that does not grant a fatal blow. Even if it cannot be killed instantly, the opponent will immediately "expose" more deadly flaws. Therefore, Xu Shun is very strong in fighting in the state of the catastrophe, but Xu Shun does not use this trick because it is not necessary for some level of reinforcement. ,

Moreover, using this trick is currently a high-strength combat method for Xu Shun, so unless he meets a very difficult master, it is basically impossible to use this trick. Now Xu Shun basically starts the catastrophe. Even his current big move.

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