Killing God Island

Chapter 2183: Part E 121 The team hidden in the dark is always ready to move!

Leaving the plain area of ​​this forest, it’s not going to be okay to walk back and forth here indiscriminately. The surrounding area is not only the fighting team on the bright side, but also some hidden corner teams and already arranged. The trap is waiting for someone to enter this kind of team, in fact, this kind of team is like the protagonist who sits and waits. Although Ye Minyu has used it before, they don't have the wisdom of Ye Minyu.

Sometimes the same tricks used by different people will show different effects and endings. The people who ambush these people will not be strong at first sight. Now the really powerful people are basically fighting other teams. Now Basically, it's not the time to evade. Whoever can complete the task first and who leaves here is the point.

You should know that people are dying everywhere now. In the end, it may take a long time to find a team. In addition, there are time constraints. If the time is up and the task is not completed, the result will be even worse. After all, four The big family controls this killer island, and all life and death and game rules are set by them.

So in this situation, if the task is really not completed within three days, then this team will definitely be dealt with. Don’t ask what method is used, this team will all die anyway. The four big families do not follow the rules. The one that will be eliminated directly, so this is the reason that the capable people are currently fighting for the opportunity to leave here.

Only some teams that know their strength is not as good as these people will hide and play some small tricks, and want to take the opportunity to do some shameless things, this kind of team can survive in the previous area, and they are very It may also have its own uniqueness, or it is impossible to become a Fengshen team.

But in this e-zone, this kind of team seems to be a little helper. They are not bad at playing with their heads, but playing with their heads also requires their own team to have a certain strength, that is, the so-called comprehensive strength must be strong.

The overall strength of the team in this e-zone is not good. Even if you have a higher IQ than Ye Minyu and Zhuo’s brothers and sisters, but there is no competent person to help you, then it will only be in vain and finally fall to the point of failure. This is this e The area is different from other areas, and if your strength really reaches the point where any layout can't help you, then there is no need for layout nor any layout.

Just like Kuangqi, he is not afraid of anyone's layout, because his strength is enough to deal with any layout. Basically, he can solve anything so-called by himself. This is the ability to break a thousand troops with one force. If it has not reached At this level, you must find a way to deal with any threat that is stronger than yourself.

That's why in addition to intuitive battles, there will be so many brain-calculating teams, but the Chen Tian team is an excellent team in all aspects. The team members not only have combat talents in all aspects, but also after joining forces with the Zhuo brothers and sisters. The Zhuo brothers and sisters kept the front safety, while Ye Minyu and Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng were in charge of the back safety.

The rest of the people all go to the center of the team, so that you can ensure that the entire team is in constant gear. Whether it is a trap set in the front or a change in the rear, it will be resolved as soon as possible. After all, there are brothers and sisters in front of Zhuo and Chen behind. Tian and Ye Minyu, even if they were ambushing them from the middle, Angelina and the man in the trench coat would not be hit hard immediately. So Chen Tian and their team are not only attackable and defensive, but in this case they can pick any team to actively attack, but they have now completed the task. There is no need to attack other teams, as long as other teams don't take the initiative to provoke Chen Tian and them, they don't intend to provoke any team.

Even if all the members of this team are seriously injured and dying, they will almost make up for it. For Chen Tian and the others, there is no temptation to "confused", for them now they find the electronic door to leave here, open the huge steel gate and leave here immediately. , After all, every moment here makes them absolutely uncomfortable.

Even if they belong to the victorious side, as long as they don’t completely leave here, they can’t relax. After all, in such a place, it’s not completely certain to leave here. It’s hard to predict what will happen in the next second, so everyone’s nerves are always there. Tightened, after all, there are still many teams around here staring at Chen Tian and the others.

Although they are hiding in the grass, they certainly know that these people know where they are, but they don’t want to attack Chen Tian and the others. Chen Tian and the others can clearly sense that there is something around here. How many teams are hiding, how many teams are fighting each other, this place is impacting each other due to the energy of too many strong people.

As a result, although Zhuo Wenxin has a strong practice in the subtle realm, she cannot shield her surroundings under so many energy fields of different frequencies, so Zhuo Wenxin is not shielded but unable to shield, so Zhuo Wenxin in front of her Only when He Zhuoyan chooses his brothers and sisters will they be more careful. Their care is not just to use their wisdom to discern where to go and leave.

It’s a series of trivial things, such as where no traps have been set up by others, where there are no enemies in ambush, where it’s safer to walk, and so on. They all need to move forward after careful consideration by their brothers and sisters, so follow here. Behind the brothers and sisters is it as safe as buying insurance.

Ye Minyu believes in these brothers and sisters, so they let them lead the way. If the road is not good, there will be casualties. This is the reason why walking around in chaos will lead to death, even which strength is very strong. The strong and ruthless people are the main reason why they are distracted to conduct large-scale exploration of their surroundings while fighting.

Moreover, in order to confirm whether my own probing is accurate, I will use my own abilities to test slightly, and then I will run away from the opponent to avoid some places or perform some physical recovery. When the rest is almost the same, I will fight. , Some people will set up some traps around and wait for the strong person of their team to introduce another strong person into this trap.

These tricks are the remaining tricks Chen Tian and the others play, but sometimes the traps are simple and easy to understand, but they can continue to succeed. It depends on who uses them, so in Ye Minyu and Zhuo’s Brothers and sisters, people with top-notch wisdom, look around and know if anyone has set a trap nearby, although they have not experienced professional detection of this knowledge.

But they will look at the surrounding terrain, and then think about it. If I lay out here, I don’t know where. Even if these people are not as smart as Ye Minyu and Zhuo’s brothers and sisters, they will first place the traps when they want to arrange them. As the starting point, if these people are not arranged in these places, where will they be arranged and then eliminated a little bit, if these places are not there, there must be no.

And even if they want to arrange traps, they will also arrange different types of traps. These will allow the Zhuo brothers and sisters to analyze their own ideas due to the difference in the surrounding terrain, so there is absolutely no problem in the way the Zhuo brothers and sisters lead. The brothers and sisters It is conceivable in terms of its own strength and wisdom to be able to live in this area with only two people.

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