Killing God Island

Chapter 803: Chen Tianpian. Can you do me a favor?

Some necessary tacit understanding can be understood even by the average person, not to mention Han Li, a woman with a sperm type, so she immediately understood that Miss Qianda meant to let me seal them from this wall with her own ability. Backward, she then wiped them all out in tandem with a frontal attack.

So Han Li made an ok gesture to Qianda and then jumped backwards by the elasticity of the branch, directly bouncing her body and walking upright on the floor directly up and down with her ability.

While Qianda held a long knife and kicked directly from the front door, she walked in. After kicking, she waved her knife and cut her body horizontally. The two people in front were directly cut into two by her cruelty from the waist. Very fierce and fast, even if normal people are cut in half, they will not die directly, let alone strengthened people, so these two people have not died directly after being cut in half, but Qian Da does not care. The two of them walked directly inside, because it was cut to this extent that basically it was only a matter of time before they died.

Due to the fighting and fighting outside, these people in the house have also heard. Now the house belongs to the state of alert, and the people who can be in the house are all cadres who are stronger than the outside or those who are quite good at the thug level. However, it is a pity that no matter whether these people are thugs or cadres, the strength comparison with Qianda is too far away. There is no resistance at all in front of her. Basically killing them is no different from killing these people outside, so No one can stop Qian Da's pace. Except for the woman inside she doesn't kill, basically all men have been killed, whether they are real members or slaves who have been arrested. The slash of the knife in Qianda's hand.

Until Qian Da walked to the last door house, there were six people in this house, one of them was **** and was not wearing any clothes, and the long-haired man sitting on the sofa was obviously the big dog here. Daz, and the other four are his left and right hands and two cadre members.

I saw the dog Daz saw Qian Da very calmly raised the tea cup and said: "You are a very powerful woman, even killing so many brothers in five minutes, I think you are tired of living." He directly Toss in the hand, the distance and the accuracy of his throwing are definitely the head of Qian Da, but Qian Da did not avoid the light and shattered the cup in front of her gas field. At the same time, the dog was removed in this room. Four people outside Daz attacked Qianda at the same time.

And the direction of the attack is still different, but it is a pity that Qian Da turned around and cut the two at the same time, and turned around and kicked the other person directly into the wall, and by the strength of this foot, he turned his hands in the air. Hold the knife back, and cut the person's body instantly.

With the two halves of this person's body, blood splattered out while intestines and internal organs were scattered at the same time, this scene also completely scared the dog Daz's expression tight, and at the same time, Qian Da did not choose to kill the dog Daz first, but instead A knife cut off the *** hanging in the house. Then the woman was loosely tied, and at the same time the dog Daz also broke through the window while trying to save people and wanted to escape.

Unexpectedly, Han Li, who was standing on the straight wall outside the window, had been waiting for him for a long time. As soon as the dog Daz broke out of the window, a big tail behind Han Li directly penetrated his body and died directly in the hands of Han Li. After Qianda untied the rope tied to this woman, the woman who was untied suddenly stretched out a knife in her palm and stabbed directly into Qianda's chest, accompanied by her strange smile, even more Stabbed in with a forceful knife until pierced Qian Da's body directly, and blood also flowed from the tip of Qian Da's body.

This scene was also beyond the expectation of Han Li outside the window. Han Li entered the window directly. Seeing this scene was also stunned. She was considering whether to shoot this woman directly at this time.

However, Han Li did not expect that Qian Da would be so easily pierced into her body. With her knowledge of Miss Qian Da, her strength was quite scary. How could she be pierced by such a humble ***? However, the scene in front of her had to make Han Li accept the reality. At this time, what appeared to her was Qianda's body pierced by the woman.

Han Li was surprised for a moment and immediately took a combat posture. Han Li also knew that the woman stabbed Qianda through a sneak attack. I saw that she was very proud and said: "The one you just killed was only my subordinates, I am The ruler here, the old man is called Daz. I can have the same fighting power as this person by touching other people's bodies. Of course, I can also become this person. Although I am a man, I can use my ability to make I became a woman in thirty minutes.

In other words, I can have the same fighting power and the same ability as him by touching the body of another person, and my hand can also be turned into a sharp blade at will. There is no strength on this island. Who can sit in the boss position? What?

Dog Daz’s very proud hand was pulled out of Qianda’s body and turned into a finger in the form of a knife. At the same time, her female body gradually began to change, changing back to the original form of a man. Before killing Qian Da and Han Li, you should enjoy yourself with the same sly expression.

Just when he was smug, Qianda, who was pierced into the body, directly raised her head and grabbed Daz’s head with both hands, and said in a low voice: "Since you want to attack me, why not choose my head?" It’s impossible to hurt me by piercing my body. You have to do this to kill me!" Qian Da said this, pulling her hands upwards, pulling the head of Daz directly from him just like pulling a big radish. Pulled **** his neck.

Candid’s ability to tell the truth is really strong, and he also has the ability of Qian Da within 30 minutes after he touches Qian Da, so once he fights with him, it will be very difficult, but kill his own He still knows the way. Qianda’s head is fatal, and the rest of her body, including the heart, is attacked. It will not die as long as the head is not destroyed.

Therefore, Qianda directly killed the very arrogant dog Daz in a single stroke. This counter-killing made Han Li also unexpected. Of course, Han Li knew that this person was not his opponent, but he also had to take a few rounds. Unexpectedly, he was killed by a thousand strokes without waiting for him. This is really beyond Han Li’s expectations, and Qian Da’s body has just been pierced, there is nothing left, and the repair ability is also quite good, Qian Da solved it Dog Daz later said to Han Li: "You go around to see if there are any people who have cleaned, and then rescue these women, let them go together with them!"

Han Li nodded and said, "I don't know why you are wasting your time on these useless things. Even if you save these women, they still can't survive here. The only way to die in the end is to pass this form. In order to survive, if you want to change their destiny, you need to make them stronger, but we have no time to control them."

Although Han Li complained while walking, she still had to obey Qian Da's orders, otherwise she would anger the consequences of Qian Da. Han Li certainly knew that she might not be able to survive, so she did not dare to offend Qian Da easily.

In this way, the two men saved nearly sixty women here, half of them were tortured like well-behaved little sheep, but Qianda certainly knew that what Han Li just said was actually right, even if they were saved, they It is also very difficult to survive on this island, because Qian Da's eye-catching, after reading these oppressed women, one by one does not have any strength, and has been tuned. Some of them are not like people, even if such people save They still can't get rid of the nature of relying on men in their bones to survive.

So after Qian Da rescued these women, she and Han Li left, and the two of them came to this direction in the direction of Chen Tian and the two women, and these two women prefer to catch the night because they The personal skills are very good, and I want to pass their site unconsciously by many laughing organizations, so they often choose to rest during the day and rush off at night.

Moreover, the two men's running speed is quite fast, and they can reach Chen Tian's position within two hours at the running speed of these two men, and at this time, Chen Tian is slamming with Angelina and continued. For four hours, Chen Tian suddenly stopped moving as if he had a cramp, and Angelina said blushing, "How is this time? Is it a lot better?"

Chen Tian sweated and said: "It feels that everything in a room has become more beautiful, it seems that this trick really makes me feel calm."

Angelina said very happyly after hearing: "Then you are settled down and settled down?"

Chen Tian rolled over and said breathlessly: "no! no! no! It is already very stable."

Angelina turned over and said, "No, I want you to be completely stable. I don't think you are stable enough!" At this moment, Chen Tian's expression changed suddenly and said directly to Angelina: "Get up, I think something is wrong. Someone is coming here very quickly."

Angelina also said: "How can I not feel, my ability can be felt within 50 meters of any wind and grass, you do not want to deceive me, but I am on the rise , How could it be possible to let you go, even now whoever comes is not good!"

As soon as Angelina said this, she suddenly heard a sentence behind her: "Don't you use it?" The person who spoke was not someone else, it was Han Li, and Chen Tian also said awkwardly: "For a long time I don’t see. Can you put us on clothes?"

Qian Da dismissed and said to Han Li: "If they didn't know you, I would have killed the couple of dogs and men. I was doing this in the wilderness, and I'm not afraid of mosquitoes stinging you? Let's go! "

As soon as Qianda turned around, she heard Chen Tian say: "Why wait so quickly?"

Qianda turned around and pulled a knife around Chen Tian's neck and asked, "Why do you want me? You can tell me if you miss!"

Chen Tian is still wearing clothes very fast. I saw Chen Tianyi said seriously: "You should just follow, the woman next to the man with super strong appearance and super handsome man? We are considered to have several reasons, since Why can't you go so anxiously when you meet here?" Chen Tian kept his expression sincerely, but Qianda didn't buy it and continued to turn around to go.

At this moment, Han Li said to Chen Tian: "You have something to say directly, there is no need to turn around, I have some friendship with you and Angelina, so you don’t need to talk nonsense and focus on what you want to say. ."

Chen Tian smiled awkwardly and said, "Can I beg you to do me a favor?"

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