Chapter 332

“The pork chop rice bowl was delivered, how can I get to the Criminal Division?”

In the lobby of the police station, a rough man dressed as a chef asked for directions with a lunch box in his hand.

“Pork chop with rice again? Well, turn left in front is the Criminal Division.”


The chef walked to the Criminal Division with a lunch box, and the police officers inside were busy analyzing the case and sorting out the case.

A police officer stopped the chef and asked, “Is there anything wrong with you?”

The chef said gruffly: “I’m here to deliver pork chops with rice.”

“Pork chop rice bowl? Didn’t it deliver it just now?” The police officer glanced at the chef suspiciously, and then asked, “Hey, who of you has some takeaway?”

“Takeaway? I don’t have one.”

“Only the Secretary ordered the takeout, but the pork chop rice bowl has been delivered.”

“Did you make a mistake and give it more?”

The police officers of the Criminal Division looked at each other, and none of them admitted that they had placed the order.

“What is the name of the person who ordered the takeout?”

The chef said coarsely: “A surprise attack on Mei.”

The police officer was surprised, and said, “A surprise attack on Mei? What a strange name. Sorry, we don’t have this person in the Criminal Division.”

The chef nodded, “I know.”

The police officer was surprised: “You know?”

“Yes, I know that there is no one named Qi Ximei in your criminal department, and I also know that no one here orders takeaways, because I am Qi Ximei, and takeaway…”

The chef raised his head slightly and said with a grinning smile: “I made a special order for you… a feast of killing!”

As soon as his voice fell, his body swelled like a balloon, and his white chef’s white coat was abruptly shattered, his muscles were twisted and changed, and his complexion was strange, like an angular stone. He took off the hat on his head and revealed his true face. Much like the head of Marvel’s Red Skull, bald and extremely ugly.

“This guy is… weirdo!?”

The police officers of the Criminal Division were taken aback, but instead of screaming and fleeing like ordinary people, they subconsciously took out the steel fork used to maintain law and order and said loudly: “Quickly, arrest it!”

“What the hero can accomplish, our police can also accomplish.”

“It’s also our police’s duty to eliminate weird people!”

Several police officers rushed up with steel forks in their hands and slammed in at Qi Ximei.


Which Surprising Mei stomped his feet, and his body suddenly shot to the ceiling like a spring under his feet. Its large palm grabbed the ceiling with its backhand and looked down at the terrified police officer below, laughing wildly: “Once I was in possession of illegal drugs. , Being arrested by you damn policemen caused me to lose my job, and even to let my wives go away and my family to die. I have never forgotten all of this. The hatred engraved in my heart made me upgraded to a superman with vengeance, you owe me, I want you to pay with blood. Today, I want to dye the police station red…”

He supported the ceiling with his hands and feet, and his heavy body suddenly fell like a mountain on the top, knocking down a police officer who could not dodge, and even smashed the floor abruptly. Without thinking about it, the police officer would be seriously injured even if he didn’t die.

“Look at the murderer’s drawings. This guy is… the serial murderer we investigated recently.”

“Is it the guy who keeps attacking our patrolling police?”

“The real murderer turned out to be a weirdo?”

The police officers shed cold sweat and instinctively drew their guns at Qi Ximei.

“The identity of the murderer has been confirmed, and it is still a weird person, so don’t worry about it anymore and shoot it to death!”

“Yes, shoot, shoot!”

Bang bang!

The sound of bullet shooting continued to sound.

Puff puff!

Numerous bullets accurately hit Qi Ximei, punching pits on Qi Ximei’s body, as if shooting on the dough.

“Hehe, the bullet that once made me deadly, to me now, is just like being bitten by an ant. As a weirdo, I have grown to a certain level and can completely defeat your group of police officers!”

The unrecognizable Qi Xi Mei yin and yang spoke strangely, the scene was terrible.

Ding Dong Ding Dong!

His muscles bounced, the bullet tickled and fell to the floor, making a clear sound, hitting the police officers’ hearts directly, leaving them dumbfounded.

“It’s my turn!”

Qi Ximei’s mouth slammed, and then she vomited suddenly, and a fruit core shot out like a bullet.


The police officers panicked and avoided the core of the fruit. However, the core did not hurt anyone. After touching the ground, it immediately rebounded and continued to eject, like a bouncing ball, continuously ejecting in a narrow space, as if Teasing the police officers.

“I have never seen a good guy like him. He is clearly at stake and still cares about the safety of others,” Director Xiong said sadly. “Do you know why that guy works so enthusiastically? Because he always dreams of becoming a hero. He believes that heroes should serve the people with enthusiasm, but…”

He glanced at King and Saitama, “Is the hero he dreams of like yours?”

There was obviously a look of disappointment and regret in his eyes, as if his own children admired the young and Dangerous.


King’s mouth twitched, what happened to us? We haven’t done anything bad from beginning to end? Obviously you have misunderstood me, but discriminated against us, which is totally unreasonable.

Bang bang!

At this time, there was a lively gunshot outside.

Director Xiong’s expression changed, and he asked loudly, “What happened outside?”


The door of the investigation room was violently pushed open, and a police officer shouted in shock, “Chief, a weird person has invaded the police station, you go to evacuate…”


King everyone was stunned. They were talking about weird people just now, but they didn’t expect to turn their heads and weird people came to the door.

Director Xiong’s expression changed, and he said, “Go out and see what’s going on.” He said to King and Saitama: “You two stay here for the time being, and wait until we solve the weird people before we deal with your affairs.”

King said, “Hey, we are heroes, maybe we can help…”

“Yes, it is our hero’s duty to eliminate weird people.” Saitama agreed.


Director Xiong looked at the unreliable two and shook his head, “We can solve it by ourselves.”

He hurriedly led the police to the Criminal Division.


King and Saitama were speechless.

“Is there a weirdo? Ha, I’m afraid that ignorant weirdo didn’t know that the cross key and mourning sling that had just wiped out the Class A bounty were in the police station? Otherwise, it would definitely not dare to attack the police station.”

“Yes, it’s time for us to show our skills again.”

Suddenly, confident words of the cross keys and the mourning sling came from outside.

King looked weird and whispered, “I hope the weirdo who attacked the police station is not strong.”

“King, what did you say?”

“I mean, we should go out and see.”

King spread his hands, daring to attack the weird people of the police station, I am afraid that it is by no means as simple as a wolf-level weird, at least a tiger-level weird or above, if the cross key and the mourning sling can do it, I am afraid it will be very unlucky.

After all, the A-level reward offender is not actually solved by him.

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