Chapter 335: True Hero (Part 2)

“This guy Saitama…”

King stared at Saitama silently downstairs and smiled. This is him, a true hero.

“However, from whom did he strip this police uniform?”


Director Xiong also fixedly looked at the shocked reporter heroes. Saitama’s behavior completely gave the police station master the initiative, and at least he would not be criticized by the reporters.

“This guy is really a hero!”

Saitama completely gave up the chance of becoming famous, and gave the credit to the police station, doing heroic things in obscurity, which is even more moving.

Director Xiong cast his gaze on King, “It seems…this guy also claims to be a hero, right?”

In the lobby of the police station, several intact police officers are simply cleaning up the messy lobby. In addition to the police officers, there are also a group of people with the stomach bags of cows. After being destroyed by the weird noise, the cows and others who were in a coma finally regained consciousness.

And the cross button and the mourning sling were looking at each other with a swollen nose and a awkward face. They claimed to be able to solve the A-level reward offenders, but they were cleaned up with a fist by the weirdo, which was simply vulnerable.

This is too shameful for them who are ambitious.

“Police Department?”

Niuniu shook his head and glanced around suspiciously. It looked like it was a police station, but what was it like it was being beaten by someone? Did he enter the fake police station? Are the moviemakers setting up the scenes around?

“be honest!”

Police officers passing by saw Niuniu looking around, and suddenly yelled.

“Heh, although I don’t know why the police station became like this, it should be the police station. I didn’t expect that I would be arrested into the police station. However, these incompetent police officers looked down on me too much, but I’m Class A reward criminal…”

Niuniu grinned, his dignified Class A reward criminal was unguarded, only simple handcuffs were locked, and he wanted to control him just like that.


His arm muscles bulged, and his whole body was energized. Suddenly, with the creaking sound, he abruptly tore off the handcuffs.

“Ohhhhh, trash fish police, your trouble is here.”

He grinned, and when the police officers hadn’t reacted, he suddenly rushed over. Unprepared, several police officers were knocked out by a few punches.

“Miscellaneous fish!”

He smiled disdainfully, and ran straight to the window, ready to jump out of the window to escape. As for his companions… I’m sorry, he has no desire to save. The guy knocked down is not worthy of being his accomplice, what? You said he was knocked down too? It was just an accident, he was only caught by a little problem with his body at the time.

“Hey, who do you mean by miscellaneous fish? What you said makes people very uncomfortable!”

“Hmph, with us here, you can never run away. We can defeat you once, and we can defeat you a second time.”

The cross keys and the mourning sling lay in front of the cow and cow, sweeping away the decadent aura before, and they became rejuvenated again. They stared at the cow and cow ill-intentionally. It was great. The experience boy sent it to the door. This time, it can be well in front of everyone. Playing a majestic.

We can’t beat the weirdo, but it’s trivial to clean up an A-level bounty offender.

“Great, there are cross keys and a mourning sling, so the cow can’t escape.”

“Look at how arrogant you are?”

“Don’t repent, give him some color later.”

The other police officers who heard the sound saw the cross key and the mourning sling stop Niuniu. They immediately breathed a sigh of relief. They subconsciously thought that they could defeat Niuniu once before, and they would definitely be able to defeat Niuniu twice, so they were very relaxed. Check the physical condition of several of your companions.


boom! boom!

The muffled sound of two fists hitting the flesh sounded.


After a while, there was another muffled sound of two heavy objects falling to the ground.

Looking at the past again, the cross key and the mourning sling had fallen to the ground, and there was a fiery fist mark on their faces, which was exactly the same as the surprise attack on Mei, and the two were knocked down with two punches.

“Hey, messy fish in the way.”

Niuniu didn’t even look at them, and slammed his head towards the window.

“Oops, Niuniu wants to jump out of the window and escape.”

“Stop him!”

“Don’t move, we will shoot again.”

At this time, the police officers watched in a panic as Niuniu rushed past, and hurriedly took out their guns.

“Goodbye, miscellaneous fishes.”

Niuniu laughed, and after the popping sound, he smashed the window directly…


The police officers watched weakly what was about to happen.

“Huh? What’s the situation?”

“Niu Niu…I came back?”

“Hey, he doesn’t touch the ground? Did he float back?”

The next moment, they who were about to pursue the chase were astonished to find that Niuniu was stiff and his face “returned” from the broken window in horror.

“Damn it, what kind of magic did you use for me? Why can’t my body move?” Niuniu still yelled, “You gangsters, have the ability to let go of my upright fight!”


The police officers looked at each other, confused.

“Next time, you have to take care of the gangsters!”

An understatement came from behind them, and they turned their heads in amazement, only to see King stretched out his hand at the cow, and as his palm moved, the cow moved with it.


King slammed the palm of his hand, and Newton was slammed against the wall with a loud bang, and he himself passed out again.

Director Xiong witnessed the whole process from the side, looking at King with complicated eyes. Suddenly he remembered that when witnesses said that the cross key and the mourning sling beat Niuniu, Niu Niu did not resist, as if scared and stupefied. At the moment, he saw the cross key and the mourning sling. It’s not the enemy of Niuniu at all, and there must be an inside story afterwards.

He fixedly looked at King and whispered: “I guess you are the real person who defeated Niuniu before!”

He saw that King was able to control Niuniu, and he had speculated that the situation at the robbery was similar. It must be King who controlled Niuniu so that the cross key and the mourning sling could easily defeat Niuniu.

“Director, reporters outside strongly requested to know the situation of this weird invasion. I hope we can send a representative to explain the process to them…”

“Huh? I got it.”

Director Xiong nodded and quickly assigned tasks to the officers.

King pulled Saitama and whispered: “Saitama, let’s run!” You can’t let the reporter know that he is at the police station, otherwise it will be very troublesome. Saitama’s kindness to the police station may be lost.

“Huh? What’s the matter? Are you going home?” Saitama said, “Then I will say hello to them.”

“Don’t, I accidentally broke their walls just now, I guess I will lose money.”

“Losing money?”

After a daze, Saitama whispered, “Let’s go quietly.”

After a while, Chief Xiong asked about the whereabouts of King and Saitama, however, the police officers suddenly found that the two had long disappeared.

“Minister, the blood test on Saitama’s arm has yielded results. The blood is some kind of animal blood, not human blood.” A police officer came over with a report and frowned: “What are the two of them? Looks very suspicious, especially the Saitama, who has no permanent job and lives in a place where gangsters gather in no man’s land…”

“Are they?”

Director Xiong was thoughtful, thinking of his preaching to them inexplicably. He once said that the police took the protection of citizens as a matter of course. He also said that this kind of responsibility is not understood by the heroes of the Heroes Association.

But take a look at the behavior of King and Saitama. One defeated the A-level reward offender, and remained silent, giving the credit to the cross key and the mourning sling. The other eliminated the weirdo and gave the credit to it without any regrets. The police station only repays the ridiculous favor of a pork chop with rice.

The two of them are not heroes just to be famous!

He looked out the window and yelled to interview the reporters who eliminated the weird police officer, and smiled slightly:

“They… are true heroes!”

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