Chapter 342 Seventeen Ten Thousand Years Adult Cicada (Part 2)

“After busying for three days and three nights, I finally completed this project.”

“Five-star hotel tonight, I will treat you.”

“Long live the manager.”

In an office building, those white-collar workers who are busy with their daily lives are gathering together, laughing relaxedly, and talking freely.

Suddenly, one of them stared straight out the French window.

“Hey, why are you in a daze? Are you busy with work?”

The colleague next to him stabbed the man and smiled playfully.

“No…no, no, look at it!!”

The man pointed out the French window suddenly and yelled in horror.

“What are you doing?”

The colleagues who were talking about it were startled. After a low curse, they looked out the window subconsciously, and panic appeared on everyone’s faces.


Outside the floor-to-ceiling window, an airplane-like cicada rushed toward the office building. This cicada was huge, with a human face, and covered with the original big eyes of two cicadas. It had three pairs of claws, which looked like claws. The hook shone with a sharp light, and its two wings were crystal clear and transparent. Under the sunlight, it exuded a faint rainbow color.


More than a dozen screams suddenly sounded, and the entire office building was shaken. After the white-collar workers hurriedly confirmed the accuracy of the information, they immediately fled in panic. The stairs and elevators were completely blocked by the crowd, and the cries continued to flow.

However, how can ordinary people’s legs run past the wings of a cicada insect?

Rumble! !

An explosion sounded as expected, and the cicadas passed by the office building, and their sharp claws pierced the building directly, squeezing it to pieces like an egg, and the entire office building shattered and collapsed in an instant.


After a while, the former bustling office building was in ruins, and only a few weak and miserable howls loomed in the debris.


After this huge cicada completed a proud blow, its almost transparent wings flicked, spreading its wings swiftly, and quickly disappeared from the eyes of the astonished passers-by. The next second, another rumbling sound sounded, and a cluster of curls appeared in the distance. The rising black smoke proved that another high-rise building suffered.

In a short period of time, in City Z, a wave of black smoke that looked like wolf smoke rose up, spreading to the sky and rising, seeming to send a signal to the world to fight.

“Emergency disaster alert, emergency disaster alert. Residents of City Z, please be aware that there has been a huge destructive cicada in the city. The level disaster is a ghost. Please keep away from the building and evacuate as soon as possible…”

The sirens in the city center of Z city sounded sternly, notifying the citizens who had not yet known about the weird disaster.

No one in the street.

After seeing the disaster news, Saitama immediately stood up, kicked the slippers under his feet, and hurriedly put on the combat uniform. After a short while, he squeezed his fist, raised his cloak, and solemnly said: “Jenos, let’s go… execute justice!”

Janos was holding a pair of red boots, and said concerned: “Teacher, put on your shoes, the floor is cool, and it’s easy to get rid of your feet when you go out.”

“Oh oh, put it on quickly.”

W city, in a takoyaki shop.

“Dr. Kenos, this is the blood of the hero called ‘Saitama’. We have fulfilled your request. I don’t know our request… can you do it?”

A guy in a suit and leather shoes, wearing black sunglasses indoors during the day, for fear that others would not know that he was the villain, handed Dr. Kenos a test tube filled with blood.

“Saitama… Saitama’s blood!?”

Kenos’ pupils shrank, and he stared at the man in black with rapid breathing, his expression faintly excited, he took the test tube with trembling hands and stroked it carefully, as if touching the most precious baby in the world, for a moment, His expression was crazy, excited, and his face flushed with excitement.

“I have been in my dream for a long time, I have finally got my hands on it, my new human plan…definitely, it will succeed!!”

The man in black calmly said, “Dr. Kenos, haven’t you answered me yet?”

“Your request? Come with me.”

Kenos held the test tube cautiously, and stood up slowly like a pilgrimage, for fear that he accidentally dropped the test tube.

At this time, after the TV flickered for a while, the latest disaster news appeared.


An explosion sounded like a thunder.


Kenos shivered with fright, shaking his hand, and the test tube he was holding was like a kite with a broken wire…flew.

“I’m going to kill it!!!”



This cicada worm was the 17th Ten Thousand Years cicada worm that escaped from the super pet manor. It didn’t know what it was stimulated. After entering the city of Z, it immediately destroyed it, as if it had received special instructions.


After destroying another building, the seventeen Ten Thousand Years adult cicada vibrated its wings and rushed to the nearest building.

“Finally waiting for you!!”

However, on the building, there have been several heroes who have been ambushing for a long time. They accepted the commission of the association to encircle and suppress the adult cicadas. However, the adult cicadas have been hovering in the air and never landed, making people helpless.

After thinking about it, they felt that they could only kill the adult cicadas only on the building, so they took a chance to choose a building, and a few people hid their bodies and secretly waited anxiously for the adult cicadas to come. , Huangtian paid off, and finally let them wait.

“Lock sickle!!”

The Scythe Toad was against the frog’s headgear, his arm shook, and the Scythe connected by the iron chain flew out immediately, and it accurately hooked the paws of the Seventeen Ten Thousand Years adult cicada.

“Come here!”

He was overjoyed, and he slammed on the floor with his feet, his body immediately leaned back, the muscles of his arms bulged, urged with strength, and he gripped the chain tightly and pulled back. Because of excessive force, the green veins in his palm bulged. , Savage and domineering.

“Joint shot!!”

A tough guy dressed as a cowboy moved his hands, and the two dark pistols immediately turned in his palms. He squeezed firmly, grabbed the pistol, and pressed it on the trigger. The wind lightly raised his hand, and the two tongues of flame continued to spray. Golden bullets shot out.

“Arrow Rain!!”

The bullet in the hands of the B-class hero Shinsō was still flying in the air, and the other was wearing a tights, with his hair combed, a short arrow stuck to the tip of his hair, and a quiver full of arrows behind him, he drank low. With a sound, the arrow shot out, and a dozen arrows were shot in a very short period of time, forming a wave of miniature arrows.

boom! boom!

At this time, Shinsō’s bullet finally passed through the air and hit the claw joints of the seventeen Ten Thousand Years adult cicada with precision and accuracy.


The 17th Ten Thousand Years adult cicada recovered from the attack. With a flap of its wings, its figure suddenly raised, and the huge force brought by it was transmitted from the iron chain to the lock of the sickle toad.

what! !

The Scythe Toad screamed in pain, and the iron chain in his hand was forcibly pulled away by the adult cicada. The friction of the iron chain caused his palm to lose a layer of flesh and blood instantly, and the severe pain made his palm loose, and the iron chain flew immediately. Go, being thrown off the street by an adult cicada in the air.

Ding Ding Ding!

At the same time, the arrows shot by the B-class hero archer arrived as scheduled. After drawing a parabola, they fell on the adult cicada like raindrops. However, what changed their expressions was that those arrows fell on the cicada shell. , Made a faint sound of impact, and immediately slid from the air, falling feebly to the ground.

These arrows do not break the defense at all! !


The 17th Ten Thousand Years adult cicada screamed loudly. The distorted face stared at a few people with a sickle toad. Its body flew forward like a flash of lightning. When the person blinked, it had already swept over the building, strong and sharp. With a hook of its paw, it instantly grabbed the building, its wings fluttered, and it flew forward without stopping.


This building was torn apart by it abruptly, rubble splashed, wreckage fell, and another tall building was reimbursed.

Ahhh! !

Three screams sounded, and a few people from the lock sickle toad fell along with the wreckage of the tall building, waving their hands and feet helplessly, trying to catch a little bit of leverage. However, even if they danced, they only caught the air in one hand.

Bang bang!

Coincidentally at this time, there was a roar of artillery fire not far away. The wreckage of the building in the sky was destroyed by fierce artillery fire. A figure rushed past. The ape arms gleaming with metal light opened, each of their hands hugged a person, a hook on the foot, and then It was to hook one person. After being so normal, the rocket launch on his back took the three people rescued and quickly left the rocky sky.

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