Chapter 351: A Novel Discovery


King glanced at Chuuxue speechlessly, eldest sister, don’t bark, for nothing, Tornado and I are innocent.

I don’t know which guy passed the rumors that he had a leg with Tornado, and your sister, Tornado shouted and screamed every time he saw him, and even got kicked when he had one leg!

“Ahem, misunderstanding.”

Chuuxue chuckled and blushed suddenly, because she remembered that King had specially given him a trophy of the God of Cooking, which she still keeps at home.

In other words, king is the strongest man. If he becomes his wife, he will be the wife of the strongest man, or the first lady for short?

First! ?

Jenos saw Chuuxue in shock, and calmly said: “Ms. Saitama doesn’t team up with anyone, and doesn’t pay attention to the hero rankings at all, but he can always attract all kinds of strong people to come close, because he… is very powerful!! ”

“Oh oh.”

Chuuxue was absent-mindedly perfunctory.

At this time, the king and Saitama have happily turned black, mainly because the king brought Saitama, the rookie, to the top.

“Saitama refused to join the Fubuki group, and said that he didn’t want to team up with anyone…” Fubuki glanced at Saitama and King, “It turned out to be related to King, too. Oh, when you team up with King, Raising the hero ranking is simply too easy. No wonder Saitama can soar from a C-rank rookie to a B-rank hero at No. 7 in a short period of time. It’s really cool under the big tree! Speaking of…”

“I really want to join too!”

She glanced at the king who was serious about playing the game, “Maybe only with the help of King’s strength can I defeat my sister!”

“But, will King help me? After all, it is rumored that he and his sister are lovers… so annoying!”

During the tangled time of Fuxue, several things happened outside.

“Then it is so decided. Jenos’s hero name is-Devil Transformed Man, and Saitama’s hero name is based on his appearance-Bald Cape Man!!”

In the conference hall of the Heroes Association headquarters, the senior leaders of the Association discussed with relish about the hero names of Janos and Saitama. The names that should have been given to the two were long ago, and they repeated themselves because of a series of unexpected events. The postponement, today, after everyone’s discussion, is finally determined.

“Damn it, it is obvious that the disaster countermeasures meeting spent more than an hour discussing the name of the hero who is insignificant…”

Xiqi looked at the talking and laughing high-levels with dissatisfaction, “‘Human weirdos’ are continuing to hunt heroes, and the super pets run away wave after wave. More reliable information says that there are many faint shadows of weird activities. This group of people He didn’t pay much attention to it, but instead focused on discussing the name of the hero. It was almost irrelevant.”

“However, the words are taken back again. The third silver fang of the S-rank hero recommended himself to destroy the human weirdo. It should be no problem? After all, the strength of the old man is very terrifying, and the hungry wolf is a human after all. The catastrophe predicted by Xibabawa.”

He glanced at the talkative high-levels, snorted, and thought to himself: “The super pet problem needs to be solved urgently. The Z city branch analyzed the flight trajectory of the giant cicada insect, and after field investigation, it was concluded that the super pet manor is extremely useful. It may be located on the outskirts of City Z. In this way, as long as the Super Pet Manor is eliminated, the ongoing super pet runaway incidents will be calmed down. However, the Super Pet Manor cultivated by the super pet is amazing, I am afraid that it cannot be regarded as a leisurely evil organization. It seems that a few S-rank heroes are going to be gathered in a team, just in case.”

“There are also traces of weird activities reported by local branches. It is really strange. How can such weird traces pop up inexplicably? Is it a prank by someone else or is there really so many weird activities?”

He furrowed his brows tightly. There are a large group of high-level officials in the association who can’t do things practically. There is no way. As the Disaster Countermeasures Department, that is, the Director of the Operations Department, he can only work harder.

The disaster countermeasures meeting was slowly advancing in the midst of Xiqi’s sad thoughts and the cheerful discussions among the senior leaders…

And the hungry wolf in the city of Z is hunting the ninth vest vegetarian of the A-level hero.


The vegetarian in the vest got up from the ground, glaring at the hungry wolf, “What are you doing? Laozi is an A-level hero!”

“A-rank hero? Huh!”

The hungry wolf hung up a jealous smile, his fist rushed straight towards the vegetarian in the vest.

“Damn it!”

Vest vegetarians are not really vegetarian. He gritted his teeth and fisted out, “Fruit hit!!” His fists flew out like fruits, forming a ghost.

“Hey! Just to experiment with my new comprehension ability.”

The hungry wolf opened his fist and quickly leaned against the wrist of the vegetarian in the vest, pulling and pulling the other’s fist back.

Bang bang!

After the vegetarian in the vest made a few strokes with his own fist, he looked at the hungry wolf in amazement and exclaimed, “How is it possible!?”

“Yeah! How is it possible?”

The hungry wolf took a deep breath, “Although that guy is Damn it, his martial arts is indeed superior!”

However, admiration goes to admiration. If he encounters a mask next time, he will definitely interrupt the opponent’s third leg and avenge him.


Without feeling too much, he punched the vegetarian in the flying vest.

“Hey, I can’t arouse any desire to fight at all, it’s too weak!”

He clapped his hands and looked back at the vest vegetarian who was struggling to get up. “Sure enough, I need an S-rank hero to promote my growth.”

“Damn it, kid, you wait, fighting against the hero will never end…”

The vegetarian in the vest stared angrily at the back of the hungry wolf.

“I am looking forward!”

The hungry wolf did not turn his head, raised his hand and shook it as a response.

Saitama’s house on the other side.

“I was expelled from teacher Banggu. The original teacher Banggu was very gentle, like a grandfather. After thinking about it, I felt that something was wrong, so I wanted to discuss with you. After all, you and Teacher Banggu also have a deep friendship. .”

At dusk, Cha Lanzi came to Saitama’s house with a wounded body. At this time, King and Chuuxue had not left yet.

“Silver fangs?” Janos knelt on the floor with his legs close together, with his hands on the middle of his knees, and said to Cha Lanzi: “I think it should be related to the hungry wolves, the human weird who has been in the limelight recently. Well, after all, the hungry wolf is a former disciple of the silver fangs. The old man probably felt that he was responsible for destroying the hungry wolves he cultivated. The hungry wolf is a very cruel character. The old man is probably worried that you will come in, so he will You are expelled from the teacher’s door.”

“That’s it, Teacher Banggu…”

“However, in the eyes of Teacher Banggu, I turned out to be a cumbersome…” Cha Lanzi looked disappointed: “Is the hungry wolf so powerful? This is the first apprentice of Teacher Banggu. I’m too far behind. !”

“Hungry wolves? I have heard of it too.” Chuuxue asked Saitama enthusiastically, “Saitama, what do you think about hungry wolves?”

“Me?” Saitama thought for a while, staring at Cha Lanzi seriously, “One thing I care about…Who are you?”


King and others looked speechless.

Janos explained: “Teacher, he is the disciple of the old Mr. Silver Fang——Cha Lanzi!”

Saitama realized: “Oh, it’s Chalanzi!”

“…Am I so inexistent?” Cha Lanzi was even more shocked.

“King, what do you think about the hunting of heroes by hungry wolves?” Chuuxue asked King unwillingly.

“Eh…no idea.”

King has no idea about the hungry wolf, oh, to be precise, he can’t bear to watch it. After all, the lion burned into a white tiger. I think the hungry wolf must be full of suffering!

At this time, he is more concerned about the sitting posture of Janos, F*ck, isn’t this a typical Japanese action movie wife’s sitting posture? How did Janos learn this sitting posture?

What a novel discovery!

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