Chapter 356


Tornado and the others passed through all the way and wiped out all the dozen super pets they encountered. King stood at the entrance of the manor and looked at the super pets who fell to the ground with heartache. These are all experiences, but the system is still asleep.

It’s already the third day!

After a while, Tornado and others gathered to the last warehouse group. This time the warehouse is unique. The gorgeous walls, exquisite layout, wide space, and closed design all show the difference of the residents in this place.

“It’s all useless little bugs, and they killed them with a wave of hands.” Tornado held his chest and raised his chin. “It’s just some cats and dogs, I said, I can kill them all by myself.”

“Sister Dragon Roll, don’t be careless, until now, the owner of the manor hasn’t appeared yet, and…” Tong Di’s small face is solemn, “The strength of those super pets is not right, their strength is too low, they are among the super pets who ran away before. There is a dragon disaster level. However, as the super pet base camp, there is no dragon disaster level super pet in the manor. It is really strange. I think the real threat is still hidden.”

“You mean these unique warehouses are actually built for those powerful super pets?” Genos frowned. “They are all super pets, and there are still different treatments.”


Tongdi can’t comment.

“Am I going to rush in?” The super alloy black light posed a pose, and his dark face was full of confidence.

Tornado whispered: “Hello, you have been discussing for a long time, haven’t you found a big problem?”

“What?” Tong Di frowned, did I miss something? He carefully observed the special warehouses in front, and it was strange that there was no other special place!

Tornado gloated and said, “Have you not noticed that King is not there?” Haha, the guy King really has a very low sense of existence. He has disappeared for so long, and no one notices it. It’s so funny.


Tong Di looked at each other, right, where about King?

Of course, they are not worried about the safety of the king, they are just strange about the whereabouts of the king.

“Look, King is at the gate of the manor.”

The tornado was high and far away, and after a while I found the king’s place. I saw king looking around at the entrance of the manor. I don’t know what she was doing. She was unhappy and said, “What? Hiding at the door and not coming in.”

Genos and Super Alloy Black Light also feel that King’s approach seems a bit excessive.

“No, I understand the meaning of king.” Tongdi’s small eyes showed a wise light, “Actually, I was careless before, and I didn’t consider it thoroughly. These super pets are all cultivated by animals and have a natural sense of danger. Once a danger is discovered, the birds will immediately scatter and escape, and King has seen through this point, so he will stand at the entrance of the manor, block the escape route of the super pet, and kill all the super pets in one go.”

“That’s it, King thought so far.” Superalloy Heiguang exclaimed.

Jenos nodded silently, approving Tong Di’s analysis.

Tornado waved his hand and hummed: “Forget it, since he keeps the goal so hard, I don’t care about him not participating in the battle.”

In fact, none of the super pets escaped, because the super pets all attacked Tornado and others under the control of Batis Qiao.

King didn’t know the situation on Tong Di’s side. He had been calling the system in his heart, hoping that his sincerity could move the system and make it wake up quickly.

Janos looked at the six warehouses in front of them, and there were only four of them. He frowned, “These warehouses…one for each?”

Tong Di suggested: “I think we act together…”

“Let’s stop talking, and make a quick decision.”

The tornado waved his hand, and just about to dive down, the creatures in one of the warehouses felt threatened, and a dark shadow burst through the warehouse and rose into the sky.

When Tong Di and the others looked at the sky, they saw a hornet the size of a heavy truck. The hornet was basically black with layers of yellow stripes in the middle. It quickly stirred its wings and stared indifferently at the tornado below with its compound eyes like glass windows. people.

“It’s just for me.”

Tornado saw that the other party was a flying super favorite, Tong Di and the others might not be able to catch it, so they took the initiative to take it down.


A green glow flashed on her body and rose to the sky.

call out!

After the giant hornet sensed the danger of the tornado, its thick tail bowed, and there was a long spear and thick tail needle on the tip of the tail. The dark tail needle was shining with strange light. The dark tail needle suddenly shot out like a bullet.


The tornado’s small eyebrows raised, and the petite body turned, avoiding the tail needles like a vine climbing a tree, hovering upwards.

call out!

The tail needles were cast unabated, shot down, and hit the grass with one shot. However, what was shocking was that after a while, the grass on that large patch of grass turned into a pool of black water.

“Fuck, poisonous!”

King looked at the effect of the wasp’s tail needle incredulously, and his whole body was agitated. He stared at the battle between the wasp and the tornado with widened eyes, because he was afraid that the tail needle would fly to him next time.

However, Tornado went to the sky wearing a skirt. He stared at it seriously, and immediately saw something that shouldn’t be seen.

“My eyes are bad, I can’t see clearly, it’s okay, it’s okay.”

He comforted himself so, and then took out a telescope from his backpack… It was a joke, it was actually a camera… It was also a joke, in fact it was just a tissue.

Tong Di continued to suggest: “Super Alloy Black Light, Jenos, the three of us together…”

“No, as a strong man, I want to solve the weird people independently. Okay, I’m going to fuck!”

After Super Alloy Black Light showed his muscles, he raised his head and walked toward one of the warehouses.

Tong Di looked helplessly at the super black gold and black light that was walking away, and suggested to Jenos: “Jenos, we two are together…”

Jenos walked to another warehouse and refused: “No, I’m in a hurry. I will help the teacher buy vegetables later, please make a quick decision!”


Tong Di looked at the maverick Tornado three with grievances on his small faces, and said, “A team with no spirit of cooperation at all!”

He looked back at the king who was guarding the door “with all his loyalty and dedication”, and couldn’t help sighing: “Of all the S-rank heroes, apart from me, I am afraid that only King knows the big picture the most. Others are used to being alone.”

He shook his head and licked the lollipop in his hand. After thinking about it, he carried a small schoolbag to other warehouses. In order not to cause a quarrel afterwards, he did not follow Janos and Super Alloy Black Light after all.

“The system system will wake up soon, the system system will wake up soon…”

On the one hand, King is always paying attention to the battle between the tornado and the giant hornet, and on the other hand, he mumbles to himself, hoping to wake up the system like a curse.

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