
Chapter 114 Kayo Dalton

Winter has passed and spring has come, and the earth is once again full of vitality. The scars left by the war have faded from Wright and Wyton counties.

The joy of a good harvest is the most heart-warming thing. Spring grain has been put into storage, the lean days have come to an end, and the mountain leaders are also immersed in joy.

Mr. Hudson was in a good mood and even generously invited the residents to taste white bread. It once again raised the conscience of the lord world to a new level.

Even the hard-working slave finally enjoyed a lunch without eating dirt on this day.

It was all a group of northern nobles who had made a bad start. Originally, Mr. Hudson never added soil to his bread.

Ever since I learned the rumors that orcs can eat soil, the low-quality bread provided to these guys has been increased by 10% of the salt and soil.

The effect is very good, the territory's expenditure on salt alone has dropped by one-third. Expenditures on food rations have also been reduced a lot.

Incidentally, it also shocked people's hearts and greatly improved the progress of land reclamation. In particular, the few guarantees at the bottom of the progress are all working hard, fearing that they will have to live in the dust after being at the bottom.

After all, Mr. Hudson was kind and didn't let everyone just eat dirt.

However, the "guarantee" at the bottom of land reclamation is indeed having a hard time. The replacement of the security chief is a basic operation. The rations can only be received at the lowest share among the people, and various benefits must also be given later.

Also affected are the working groups with the slowest progress in the mining area. The elimination system at the end was obviously mastered by Mr. Hudson.

In the end, he ended up living as the person he hated the most.

After some fiddling, the effect is remarkable.

The production capacity of the mining area has been increasing steadily, and the monthly output value on the books has directly exceeded the 15,000 gold coin mark.

According to this output value, it is still far away from paying off the debt.

It was all caused by opening up new markets. Mr. Hudson, who was addicted to collecting advance payments, simply couldn't stop.

As a price for expanding production, the net profit of the product plummets. It is mainly the middleman channel that takes away part of the profits.

Everything was worth it, and the profit sharing directly led to the Mountain Territory becoming the largest iron products trading center in the southeastern province.

The endless flow of horse-drawn carriages every day seems to be a prosperous place. The booming business has greatly enhanced the confidence of creditors.

In order to provide better services to business travelers, Mr. Hudson even stopped the construction team of the Lord's Mansion and built hotels and taverns as quickly as possible...

Looking at the rising turnover, Hudson was not happy.

Paying price based on quantity is never a good business model.

Compared with the excess profits brought by the production of weapons and equipment, making these ordinary daily necessities is completely incomparable.

Even with the supporting service industry included, the territory's net income still dropped by 20% compared to its peak.

Fortunately, it is not a listed company and does not need to release financial reports, otherwise the stock price would have plummeted.

Prosperity can cover up all crises, and the busy scene allows Hudson to successfully create a character who is not short of money.

As for the debts owed, as long as they do not require real money to be paid, they can all be ignored.

Even if someone comes to collect the money, it is evidence that the business is booming. As long as the mine is not hollowed out, the scene can continue.

The crazy accumulation of money was finally reflected in the construction of the territory.

The slag road under continuous construction has currently completed 7 miles, and is still expanding at a rate of 3 miles per month.

There is no mechanical equipment and it is purely done manually. The speed is only possible because of the terrain.

Coupled with the restoration and widening of the original road, the total mileage of the avenue that can currently accommodate two carriages directly exceeds eighteen miles.

There are many more forking paths. Just because it did not meet Mr. Hudson's high requirements, it was not included in the statistics.

The results of land reclamation also exceeded expectations.

The result of the involution is remarkable. The original plan of 20,000 acres has been directly increased to 33,000 acres.

The data directly made Mr. Hudson abandon his uneasy conscience. Facts have proved that working hard is really undesirable.

Of course, the increase in labor force in the later period is also one of the reasons for exceeding expectations.

The only area where no results were seen was the swamp. After all, the development time was too short, and only a few hundred acres of land were successfully isolated.

In this regard, Hudson is the least anxious. The rows of ditches don’t lie. Once connected, they form a water network.

The raised land in the middle was perfect for growing rice, and even the seeds were bought by someone.

Although the Alpha Kingdom did not have the habit of eating rice, this did not affect Hudson's decision at all.

If you can't sell it, you can eat it at home, which is regarded as improving everyone's living habits. Anyway, judging from the situation in the mountainous areas, there will be no food to sell for a long time to come.

Behind the remarkable results, there must be a dark side.

The serfs were okay, although there was some loss, but counting those in the bellies of pregnant women, the population still increased slightly.

The loss of slaves was a bit high. Perhaps because they were inexperienced in managing slaves for the first time, they lost more than 500 people in less than two months.

The swamp swallowed up half of it.

Most of them are stupid. They were careless and sneaky when working, and they didn't take production safety seriously at all.

The supervisors were also very helpless about this situation.

The reminder "over and over again, again and again", but because of the language barrier, everyone just played the piano to cows, pigs, mice,...

Perhaps because he did not inherit his second senior brother's IQ, Pige's casualty rate directly topped the list.

If you want to make up for the loss, you only need to lock the males and females together and let them mate freely, and a new litter will be added in a few months.

There is no doubt that as an orthodox nobleman, Hudson would definitely not do this to expand the orc population.

There is nothing that can't be done, and the race that is the first to eat is obviously not the labor force that Mr. Hudson needs.

Survival of the fittest is a natural law.

There are a lot of these slave races in the Orc Empire, and they are far from the point where endangered species need to be protected.

The Mountain Territory is booming, and other nobles are not idle either.

Baron Kettle, who had been tricked many times by Hudson, finally caught his eye this time.

Benefiting from the increase in business travel to and from the mountainous territory, the business of casinos and entertainment venues in Maple Leaf Territory has also been boosted.

Although it is not a hit, it is finally profitable.

Especially the hot performances of interracial beauties can attract a lot of eyeballs every time.

It's a pity that Baron Kettle has a rule. These women usually only entertain nobles for overnight stays and do not accept business from merchants.

Only the monthly auction, where the highest bidder wins, can make an exception.

It’s a typical self-inflicted price increase, but everyone still likes it.

Originally, Baron Keterai could earn more, but unfortunately Baron Sith followed suit in Dadir City and stole a large number of noble customers.

Before Hudson could do anything, the conflict of interests worsened the relationship between the two.

This kind of money is destined to be short-lived. If nothing unexpected happens, many northern nobles will follow suit.

Even some jealous guys who are not qualified to follow the trend will directly sell interracial beauties.

These two are not the only northern nobles who have developed well. A side of water and soil has the characteristics of a side of water and soil.

Some clever nobles are already selling some specialties of the Northland locally. The business is not that great, but it is profitable after all.

If you can make money by doing business, why bother with killing?

The days of establishing authority are over, what is needed now is integration. Smart people adjust their mentality early.

If these peaceful days continue for a hundred and eighty years, it is estimated that the label of "Northern Nobles" will slowly fade from people's sight, leaving only a folk tale.

Unfortunately, reality is cruel. As soon as the spring plowing arrangements were made, Hudson received an unexpected letter.

Miss Melissa, who was studying in the royal capital, suddenly sent a letter telling him that Cayo Dalton had graduated early.

This familiar yet unfamiliar name quickly awakened Hudson's memory.

The lord of Fallen Leaf Town in Wyton County who has yet to arrive happens to be named exactly this.

If it were just this identity, it wouldn't be enough to move Hudson. He had long ignored this mere baron.

But the problem is this guy's last name - Dalton.

Hudson used his family connections to inquire and found out that this guy was the nephew of the contemporary head of the family, Earl Pierce, and the only biological nephew.

If he didn't have a big enough background, he wouldn't be able to name himself in the kingdom's mage group. After a few merits, he got a wealthy fiefdom.

Reincarnation is a technical job that you can't envy.

Although no one is here, the development of Luoye Town is not slow at all.

Even if he is just a steward in charge of the territory, with the name of the Dalton family, it will be smooth sailing.

With a strong background and development within his own sphere of influence, as long as Baron Cayo is not an idiot, there is basically no suspense about the position of county governor of Wyton County.

The nobles in Wyton County are far less active than the nobles in Wright County, and this is probably the reason.

Knowing that they can't compete, naturally no one will come forward easily and arouse the hostility of the future county governor.

Unlike Wright County, which started out as a group of heroes vying for the throne, now it is still a two-horse race.

Until the final result comes out, no one dares to say who will have the last laugh, Hudson or Sis.

From Hudson's point of view, he naturally hopes that this guy will spend a few more years in the capital.

In the absence of Baron Caillaux, Hudson was the brightest son among the local aristocrats.

The first few active representatives had long been taught by the nobles of the North during the previous struggles.

Losers have no right to speak.

The only one who had repeatedly opposed the nobles of the North and had not been severely beaten by society, Hudson naturally became the spiritual leader.

This identity does not have any substantial power, but it has great influence among the local nobles.

The smooth development of the mountain territory is closely related to this invisible influence.

Coupled with the military strength and financial resources of the Mountain Territory, even if you go outside, you can still get a high look.

It's a pity that all these combined are not as good as the surname "Dalton".

It cannot be said that all local nobles will be pulled over, but the diversion of Hudson's voice among the local nobles is bound to happen.

Even though he knew that his soft power would be weakened, Hudson could not do anything against the initiator.

In addition to replying a letter as quickly as possible, arranging a gift, and asking someone to bring it to express his gratitude, Hudson immediately threw himself into the response.

Although members of the Koslow family are widely distributed, most of them are concentrated in the lower levels of the aristocratic group, and their penetration into the middle and upper classes is too weak.

Logically speaking, with Kayo's status, he should be noticed by the family.

But about such important news as early graduation, it was Miss Melissa who first informed Hudson.

Are the family members in the imperial capital deliberately slacking off, or are they really powerless? Hudson prefers to believe it's the latter.

Stalking at the Magic Academy is obviously not something ordinary people can do. With the size of the Koslow family, it would be simply boring to get close to them.

If someone catches him, he will be a magic test subject +1.

Seemingly gentle and gentle mage masters, they are never merciless when it comes to tormenting others. Running up to people and wandering around furtively is just a sign of boredom.

Letters one after another kept flying out from the mountain leaders, as if parchment was free of charge.

As the letter spread, a bloody storm that was about to unfold around Wyton and Wright counties began to brew secretly.

In the royal capital, Baron Cayo, who had completed his graduation ceremony, was looking at the campus with nostalgia for the last time.

"Master, it's time to hit the road."

The butler's words pulled Kayo out of his memories.

"Well, let's go!"

After saying that, Baron Cayo turned around and left.

Rather than inheriting the territory, he would rather become a great magician and explore the true meaning of life, hoping to become a saint one day.

It's a pity that magician is a talent-reliant profession. The magic academy gathers magic elites from the entire kingdom, but in the end, only a few are qualified to delve into it in depth.

He is almost thirty years old and has not yet been able to become a high-level mage. Kayo's path as a magician has basically been declared dead.

Children of nobles can have ideals, but they are never allowed to deviate from reality.

After encountering a bottleneck and being unable to break through, Cayo had to change his path.

A magician is much more expensive than a knight's gold, but just being an intermediate magician is still dispensable to the Dalton family.

Unless he can become a mage, Kayo won't have much say.

Including the current title, there are many interested children in the family. If his uncle were not the head of the family, such a good job would never happen to him.

From the moment he entered the carriage, Cayo kept looking through the information. It not only contained the development of Luoye Town, but also clearly recorded everything that happened in Wyton and Wright counties.

The background of the big nobles is not comparable to that of the small nobles. Not long after Baron Cayo's motorcade left the royal capital, Sis received the exact news, and even the route they took was marked.

"From the information, this Baron Cayo is a magic madman. I really don't know what the Dalton family thinks about letting such a person be the lord of the Fallen Leaf Territory.

I think our Baron Hudson will have something in common with him, after all, they are both magicians! "

Sith said contemptuously.

It's not that he looks down on people on purpose. In fact, they are all magicians, and they are also divided into three, six or nine levels.

Wild mages like Hudson, who rely on luck, have always been the most despised.

Others have worked hard for decades, but finally become magicians with the guy who took advantage of the talent of World of Warcraft. Normal people will feel unbalanced.

Especially for a lucky guy like Hudson, who got the talent of the Earth Bear, it would be even more hateful.

With equal cultivation levels, there is a high probability that an orthodox mage who practices hard will not be able to defeat a wild mage who comes out of nowhere. Who wouldn't have a broken mentality?

This is especially exciting for students who have been dismissed from the magic academy due to lack of talent.

It just so happens that Cayo and Hudson are still competitors. If there is a little jealousy mixed with the interests, the scene will be even better.

Once the two got into trouble, the local aristocracy was divided. For the nobles of the North, that was a great thing.

"Master, this information may not be true. The Dalton family wants more than just a fallen leaf collar. Their appetite is much greater than that.

Wyton County seemed peaceful, but that was because the protagonist, Baron Cayo, was not around, and everyone deliberately restrained their thoughts of fighting.

Once this guy's performance falls short of expectations, I'm afraid it won't be so peaceful next time.

The competition is so fierce now that no matter how willful the Dalton family is, it is impossible for a pig to be promoted to the position of county governor. "

Butler Feren's words made the Sith Baron's face darken.

In a time of great strife, all families continue to allocate resources to the best children.

If left in peacetime, an illegitimate child like him would be incompetent. If he really wanted to achieve extraordinary abilities, that would be the way to die.

Now, illegitimate children can all receive part of the resources because of their abilities, which is enough to prove that it is a precursor to the coming storm.

In this context, it is obviously illogical for the Dalton family to invest precious resources on a waste.

“You’re right, you really shouldn’t look down on anyone.

Although on the surface, the Hudson guy will be affected by Cayo's arrival, after all, the two are not in the same county, and the probability of a conflict breaking out in a short time is low.

On the contrary, because of Kayo's arrival, some nobles who were originally suppressed by us will become active again.

It just so happens that Kayo also needs to establish his prestige, so he might take advantage of the situation and point the finger at my descendants from Northern Xinjiang.

The northern nobles in Wyton County were affected, and it was difficult for Dadir City to survive alone. Once the storm escalates, I'm afraid I will have to face it in the end. "

Sith said with a frown.

Facts have once again proved that it is not easy to be the boss. Even though he doesn't have much to do with him, he still has to stand up for his younger brothers.

"Master, I'm afraid this is not a 'maybe', but a 'definitely will' happen.

When he first arrived, the Baron of Cayo only had the surname of Dalton, and it was difficult to suppress the mountain baron in terms of prestige.

Pretending to provoke internal disputes will not only disappoint a group of nobles who want revenge, but will also push many originally neutral local nobles to oppose him.

Unless Baron Caillot can give up the leadership struggle among the local nobles, even if he doesn't want to fall out with us, he may be unable to help himself. "

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