
Chapter 130 Doubt

Facing the scattered insect swarms, everyone can only act separately.

After a night's rest, the battlefield has moved from outside the province to within the province. In order to catch up with the swarm of insects, Hudson had to "bear bear" again.

According to the information provided by the griffin cavalry, they ran for eighty miles before intercepting a swarm of insects.

The trick was that the Insect King was not found inside. Bear Stearns was so angry that his eyes glowed red, and he activated the gravity field and kept running through the insect swarm.

No matter how hard Hudson tried to persuade him, it was of no use. He didn't give up until the insects dispersed.

Looking at the dead locusts, Hudson showed no mercy at all. It's fitting that they have short lives, yet they keep tossing around without sleep.

Wouldn't it be better to stay in Qiaomu County for the decisive battle?

Even if it was an attack that lasted all night, Hudson recognized it.

Anyway, if the bear persists, he won't give in.

At worst, you can just sleep on the bear's back. With the magical blessing of the earth's guardian, safety is still guaranteed.

Now the scattered insect swarms are flooding the southeastern province, and every team is far apart.

If they are close, they are several miles apart, and if they are far, they are hundreds of miles apart, which greatly increases the difficulty of hunting.

The most embarrassing thing was that after running for a hundred and eighty miles and catching up with the insect swarm, there was no sign of the insect king.

All the work was in vain, and the next step was to find the next swarm of insects.

Hudson was already mentally prepared for this situation. Yesterday, more than a dozen insect kings were captured and killed alive, and there were very few insect kings left.

Whether these intelligent creatures dare to enter the Southeast Province is unknown.

Even if there is a potion to lure locusts, the attraction to a being like the Insect King that has been promoted to a monster is no longer so fatal.

Otherwise, the Governor's Mansion doesn't need to bother, and can just put locust luring agents everywhere and lure them to their homes to die.

Merely attracting ordinary locusts will not help the overall situation and is not economically feasible.

After all, the range of influence of chemicals is limited, while the reproduction speed of locusts is infinite.

Under normal circumstances, a female locust lays dozens of eggs at a time, and they hatch in just about 20 days.

But once the insect king appears, this speed can be further catalyzed. Not only did the egg laying speed double, but the incubation time was also shortened to two days.

If the insect king is not killed, a hundred billion-level locust army can be created in a short time.

It is estimated that the speed of trapping and killing locusts may not be able to catch up with their reproduction speed.

After two whole days of busy work, I only harvested one Insect King. Such a speed was not only unacceptable to Bear Stearns, but also unbearable to Hudson.

Fortunately, it's not just them who can't stand it, the situation of other strong men is not much better either.

The highly exhausting battle failed to bring about the desired gains, and everyone's enthusiasm was greatly affected.

Seeing the locust plague spreading and affecting their own territory, everyone could no longer bear it!

After the first representative took his leave, the others followed suit.

The Insect King needs to be captured, but the top priority is to take care of yourself first.

If you find traces of the Insect King, you can call for help nearby. For the sake of generous rewards, no one will be stingy about taking action.

Hudson was no exception and decisively resigned from Governor Pierce.

As for the reward issue, in addition to cashing out the gold coins for the Insect King, others still need to be exchanged slowly in private.

There's no rush for this kind of thing. After the locust plague is extinguished, it will be too late to discuss things slowly.

All in all, this operation exceeded expectations. Capture eight insect kings alive, and the reward on the bright side is eight thousand gold coins.

The resources that can be exchanged secretly will only be more than this.

Especially the "capture alive" was the order of Caesar III. With his acting style, it is unlikely that everyone will be in vain.

The specific reward is unknown, but it will definitely pay off. Otherwise, Caesar III's reputation among the middle and lower aristocratic circles would not be as good as it is now.

As soon as he set foot in Wright County, Hudson noticed something was wrong. Obviously in the southernmost part of the province, the locust plague situation is actually more serious than in other areas.

The main force of the locust army was severely damaged by the masters of the Governor's Mansion organization, and the scattered insect swarms were hunted and killed by the noble lords' organizations along the way. Logically speaking, there would be fewer people entering the rear.

Without bothering to investigate the reason, one person and one bear accelerated their speed. As for the locusts along the way, they were naturally dealt with by Bear Stearns.

As a ambitious bear, Bear Stearns aspired to become a large rancher.

According to the plan, it plans to raise 10,000 sheep, 10,000 cows, and 10,000 hives, and then drink endless amounts of animal milk and honey and eat endless barbecues every day, and from then on it will reach the peak of its life.

Creatures like locusts are undoubtedly the enemy of ranchers and bears. If you saw it, you must have killed someone wrongly and not let him go.

Under the cover of the gravity field, not only the locusts along the way suffered, but other small insects also cooled down.

It would be even more perfect if some flowers and plants were not accidentally damaged. With the natural pest control bear, you no longer have to worry about the threat of pests.

Looking at the smoke rising along the way, Hudson breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously, the noble lords have not yet calmed down, which means that the situation has not completely collapsed.

Unharvested grain is basically cold. But as long as the locusts are exterminated in time, autumn farming can be preserved.

Even though there isn’t much harvest this season, it’s still better than nothing. Wait until next year's spring harvest, and you can resurrect with full health.

Of course, this is just an ideal situation. Anyone who has experienced the locust plague knows that this thing is "a disaster that lasts for ten years."

Even if the locusts are wiped out, the eggs scattered all over the earth can still be reborn in the coming year. It is almost impossible to kill them completely.

Even if the response is timely, a locust plague will be prevented. These grasshoppers, which are distributed all over the country, are also a threat to agricultural production.

If nothing else happens, starting from next year, everyone will learn to eat grasshoppers.

In the context of a large-scale reduction in grain production, it is necessary to take emergency measures.

After taking Bear Stearns on a tour of the territory and eliminating all large-scale locusts, Hudson returned to the lord's mansion.

"What's going on? Why is the disaster in the territory so severe?"

Frankly speaking, Hudson is satisfied with the territory's disaster prevention work. Although there were many problems, overall his deployment was completed.

In the context of locust plagues all over the place, it is a success that all crops are not fed to locusts.

"Master, I don't know why the locusts are pouring into Wright and Wyton counties like crazy. The mountain territory is remote, so the situation is pretty good.

Territories in plain areas were really severely affected. There were several unlucky lords whose crops in their territories were gnawed away by locusts.

Including Baron Cayo, although he organized a massive locust extermination operation, Luoye Town was still reduced to a wasteland in the end.

Not only were the crops eaten away, but even the vegetation was severely damaged. Even some wooden houses were attacked by locusts.

The strange thing is that the severely affected areas are all the territories of local nobles. On the contrary, the damage to the territories of a number of northern nobles was slightly less severe.

There are rumors in the outside world that this locust plague was caused by a group of northern nobles. There were even rumors that someone had put locust-attracting chemicals in the two counties.

A few days ago, our patrol team found someone sneaking around and found two vials containing medicine. It's a pity that someone ran away, otherwise..."

After listening to Tom's explanation, Hudson even doubted whether he was a child of luck. Someone came over to administer medicine, but not only was he encountered by the patrol, but he didn't even have time to break the medicine bottle.

Looking at the two medicine bottles in front of him, Hudson did not rush to open them. Instead, he patted the cub's head and motioned for Bells to go up and check.

There is no way, there are too many evil people in this world, and Hudson doesn't want to die young.

On the contrary, there are very few ways to defeat the bear of the earth, especially an alternative bear like Bear Stearns, which can be said to be invulnerable to the five poisons.

No matter what kind of messy food he has, he dares to put it in his mouth. Even during the locust eradication war, many locusts that were burned to a crisp got into this guy's belly.


If the Earth Bear was afraid of poison, Bear Stearns would not be alive today. After following Hudson for so long, I have never seen him suffer from a bad stomach.

The minor problems of headache and brain fever have never happened once. This anti-virus ability is definitely one of the best in the Aslant continent.

According to Bear Stearns, adult Earth Bears are immune to all toxins and negative energy, and minor bears are also immune to most.

I saw Bear Stearns opening the bottle cap and sniffing with his nose. Before it could give an answer, Hudson heard the buzzing of locusts.

Without any hesitation, Hudson immediately went up and closed the lid. Then I secretly thought about what to do with these two bottles of reagents.

Leave it to the Governor's Palace?

It seems that not much can be exchanged. Now everyone knows that someone has put out locust-attracting chemicals in the southeastern provinces. The identity of the person cannot be determined. Just two bottles of the medicine have no meaning.

Maybe with this thing, it will be easier to track down the mastermind behind the scenes, but what can be found must be the little person who pushed to the front.

The big force behind all this couldn't possibly leave such obvious traces stupidly. Even the person responsible for poisoning may be an unlucky guy hired temporarily.


It was also meaningless to Hudson. Although this thing could lure locusts to come and kill them, with Bear Stearns in charge, Hudson felt there was no need to be so fancy.

After finally setting up a big rancher's bear survival plan for his bear, Bear Stearns was at his most energetic at this moment, and there was no way he could leave alive if a large swarm of locusts dared to come over.

According to the agreement reached by both parties, Hudson will transfer 500 sheep, 200 cattle, and more than half of the beehives in the territory to Bear Stearns.

And it also needs to provide breeding technology, as well as supporting industry services such as herdsmen, forestry, and pasture leasing.

As for the money, of course I owe it first. The bounty of eight thousand gold coins is not enough to pay back the previous bad debts?

But this is not a problem. With its performance during this locust plague, the subsequent rewards will still be enough for Bear Stearns to pay off its debts.

Only a bear with money in his pocket can have the confidence to buy property. If you were as poor as before, how could you have the nerve to speak?

The bear who has an inheritance is now very protective of his calf. Never allow anyone or any insect to affect its food rations.

As for protecting Hudson's territory, that was just incidental. After all, locusts can fly and can easily spread if they are not prevented in advance.

"Luoye Town, the disaster is so serious, didn't Baron Cayo ask the family for help?"

Hudson asked confused.

A large-scale locust plague would cause astronomical losses to any lord.

This year's autumn grain losses have been heavy, and there is no hope for next year's autumn grain, or even the year after that will continue to suffer.

Many locusts have gathered into the territory. If the eggs are not eradicated, then you will be visited by "grasshoppers" every year!

Once it reaches a large scale, there will immediately be a new locust plague. It can be said that the wildfire cannot be burned out, and the "summer" wind blows again.

"It is said that they are asking for help, but the Dalton family is too busy taking care of themselves right now and has no time to pay attention to a town.

The information comes from hearsay and may not be accurate. When it comes to the Dalton family, we dare not insert intelligence personnel there. "

Andrea, who was in charge of intelligence, replied.

Leaving the intelligence organization to an outsider who had just defected was something that Hudson couldn't do.

It is not easy to build an intelligence organization when you have nothing.

Not to mention asking for secret information, just collecting some explicit information is very difficult.

Who keeps population mobility small?

The status of most territories is: no stranger will appear for ten days and a half.

Any stranger approaching will attract the attention of local residents. If you are not capable enough, someone will follow the clues and find you in minutes.

Hudson just wanted to get information, but was not prepared to make enemies with his neighbors. This kind of hatred-seeking thing should never be done.

Simply leave it to "outsiders" to do it. If it is really exposed, Mr. Hudson can still pretend that he doesn't know.

It was firmly established that someone had sent a spy here to sow discord among everyone.

If you don’t believe it, you can check it out. There is definitely something wrong with the origins of these guys.

No matter which force is traced, Master Hudson can be cleared of suspicion. Since everyone is a victim, it is natural that they should all target the guy who planted the spy together.

They are all experiences gained through bloody life lessons. When it comes to deflecting blame, Hudson is now very good at it.

As for the hidden dangers after the intelligence organization develops and grows, it is simply overthinking. Under the current conditions, it is simply not possible for Hudson's intelligence organization to develop.

The slaves used by the nobles have served the family for generations. Their descendants are all tied together, and outsiders cannot get in at all.

If you want to play the trick of selling yourself into slavery, then go ahead and be a slave for several generations! Without the efforts of several generations, it is impossible to gain the trust of the master.

Loyalty that has been dormant for decades is difficult to guarantee, let alone for generations. Such a test of human nature is simply ridiculous.

Even if there is no problem with loyalty, the protracted infiltration mode, before the spies get close to the core of power, Hudson suspects that grass will grow in his grave first.

Even spies can't get in, and it's even harder to bribe. It is estimated that as soon as the terms were negotiated on the front foot, someone reported on the back foot.

Decades or even hundreds of years of enslaving education cannot be shaken with just a few words. The interests of slaves have long been tied to the nobility.

Once the power declines, the slaves who follow will also be in trouble. Even if you want to betray, you must have a master who is willing to accept it.

The ultra-low population flow determines that organizations like Jinyiwei have no place to survive in the Aslant continent.

It is easier to bribe the nobles under your command than to bribe other people's trusted servants. Because of the convergence of interests, these people can also betray because of interests.

As long as the betrayal chips given are large enough, there is no need to worry about everyone not betraying.

It's a pity that if he could afford that price, Hudson himself would have become a noble man long ago. Just play the game directly, why do you need to engage in these unseemly tricks?

"Just stare from a distance, don't get too close. Pay attention to the situation in the two counties. I always feel that someone is deliberately provoking conflicts."

Hudson said meaningfully.

It's not that he is overly concerned, it's just that the rumored "poisoning by the nobles of the North" is too magical. This is a locust plague, nothing else.

Although the territories of the northern nobles were slightly damaged, it was only "slightly", and the actual losses were also not small.

One year's food harvest has failed, and the local nobles have starved to death, but for many people in the North, it has been a life-and-death test.

If not handled properly, people will starve to death. At that time, not only the property will be lost, but also the hearts and minds of the people in the territory.

For a group of northern nobles, triggering a locust plague is a typical "kill eight hundred enemies and lose three thousand to yourself".

In contrast, the local nobles had greater motivations for playing this way. As local snakes, we can completely bring down this group of outsiders by relying on our material advantages.

With this strength, there are only five or six local nobles who implement this plan.

Because of the relationship between the lord's personal ability and the family's investment, there are even fewer people who have the ambition and motivation to do this.

As one of the main suspects, Hudson can exclude himself, so the mastermind behind the scenes will most likely be another beneficiary.

If a large-scale food shortage really breaks out, there will be very few families in the entire southeastern province that can provide food to help everyone tide over the crisis.

It just so happens that the Dalton family behind Baron Cayo has this strength.

So many coincidences happened to happen to happen together, and it was hard not to make Hudson think about it.

It's just suspicion. It involves the Dalton family. Without sufficient evidence, Hudson will not take a stance easily.

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